Some notes on programing for the Disney Sound Source. The Sound Source is a simple digital-to-analog sound device for the IBM PC type computers. It consists of two parts, a dongel that hang off the printer port and a 9 volt battery amplifier/speaker box. Since the SS is an output only device, I have to assume that you have a source of digital sounds to play back. Due to filtering on the SS, it works best with sounds sampled at less than 8Khz. This limits the sound output to around 4Khz, about as good as a very good phone connection. While Disney has been less than forthcoming about information about a software developers kit, writing sound output routines for the SS is fairly simple. You only have to be concerned with 3 routines. 1. SS on. 2. Write data to SS. 3. SS off. The output rate is controlled by your program, usually by the hardware timer. To turn on the SS do the following: Read PrinterPort + 2 ;ControlPort Clear Bit 3 Write ControlPort In ASM: SS_ON: MOV DX,37Ah ;Address of LPT1 control port IN AL,DX AND AL,11110111b ;Clear bit 3 OUT DX,AL ;Turn on SS Turning the SS off is almost the same: Read ControlPort Set Bit 3 Write ControlPort SS_OFF: MOV DX,37Ah IN AL,DX OR AL,00001000b ;Set bit 3 OUT DX,AL Send data like this: Write data to PrinterPort Pulse Bit 3 of ControlPort BYTE_OUT assumes AL has the data byte to be sent to the SS and that the SS is on. (Bit 3 of ControlPort is off) BYTE_OUT: MOV DX,378h ;PrinterPort OUT DX,AL ;Send data to SS PULSE: ADD DX,2 ;Set DX to ControlPort IN AL,DX OR AL,00001000b ;Bit 3 on OUT DX,AL JMP $+2 ;short delay to settle buss IN AL,DX AND AL,11110111b ;Bit 3 off OUT DX,AL I know that these routines are fairly simple and the could be improved on. A close examination of the SS electronics reveals the capacity to generate interrupts, (set bits 2 and 4 of ControlPort to possibily enable ints) but I haven't gotten that far yet. If you have any comments, critiques, ect. I am: Mark Phillips Cserve 73167,3216 Shameless Plug Time. Many thanks to Adrienne Cousins of VersaWare for her help with the above. Get, register, and enjoy Adrienne's SPUTTER Sound System. It handles Adlib, SoundBlaster, all Covox sound products, Disney SS, and the PC speaker. Easy to use and fun, it's the best !!! Search for SPUT115A, B, and C on your local BBS. mjp .