ANSI codes that COM: responds to. [ ] - contains optional parts of the command. 'n' and 'm' - always a decimal number, having one or more ASCII digits to express its value. Where there is '[n]' and 'n' is not used, it usually defaults to '1'. Backspace 08 Line Feed (down one line) 0A Up (up one line) 0B Form Feed (clear screen) 0C Carriage Return (move to first column) 0D Shift in (turn off 'Shift out') 0E Shift out (set MSB of each char before displaying) 0F (Control sequence introducer) 1B 5B or 9B Reset 1B 63 Insert n characters [n] 40 Cursor up n lines [n] 41 Cursor down n lines [n] 42 Cursor forward n lines [n] 43 Cursor backward n lines [n] 44 Cursor down n lines and to column 1 [n] 45 Cursor up n lines and to column 1 [n] 46 Cursor to row n column m [n] [3B m] 48 Erase to end of display 4A Erase to end of line 4B Insert line above current line 4C Delete current line 4D Delete n chars from under cursor forward [n] 50 Scroll display up n lines [n] 53 Scroll display down n lines [n] 54 Set mode (line feed -> line feed + carrage return) 32 30 68 Reset mode (line feed -> line feed) 32 30 6C Select graphic rendition s 3B 33 f 3B 34 b 6D Where: 's' (style) = 30 : plain text 31 : Bold-face 33 : Italic 34 : Underscore 37 : Inverse-video 'f' (text color) and 'b' (background color) = 30 : System color 0 34 : System color 4 31 : System color 1 35 : System color 5 32 : System color 2 36 : system color 6 33 : System color 3 37 : system color 7 Denne tekst er til farve synkronicering Stil dine farver paa din software Sadan her: Tekstfarver:  ESC Kode 30 Sort  ESC Kode 31 R0d  ESC Kode 32 Gr0n  ESC Kode 33 Gul  ESC Kode 34 Blaa  ESC Kode 35 Lilla  ESC Kode 36 Tyrkis (Cyan)  ESC Kode 37 Hvid Baggrunds farver:  ESC Kode 40 Sort  ESC Kode 41 R0d  ESC Kode 42 Gr0n  ESC Kode 43 Gul  ESC Kode 44 Blaa  ESC Kode 45 Lilla  ESC Kode 46 Tyrkis (Cyan)  ESC Kode 47 Hvid Brug en ansi terminal der kan tage alle farverne f.eks Access Aegis Diga kan for eksempel ikke vise mere end 4 farver The text below, describes all the ANSI-controlcodes. # = Numeric value ESC = Escape char. (27D = 1BH) ESC[#;#H Moves the cursor to the position specified by the parameters. ESC[#A Moves cursor UP one line, without changing column. ESC[#B Moves cursor DOWN one line, without changing column. ESC[#C Moves the cursor FORWARD one column, without changing line. ESC[#D Moves the cursor BACK one column, without changing line. ESC[#;#f Moves the cursor to the position, specified by the parameters. This function is the same as ESC[#;#H. ESC[6n The console driver will output a Cursor Position Report (CPR). ESC[#;#R Reports current cursor position through the standard input device. ESC[s Save cursor position. ESC[u Restore cursor position. ESC[2J Erases all of screen and the cursor goes to the home position. ESC[K Erases from the cursor to the end of the line. inc. cursor position. ANSI.TXT COLOURS ------- ESC[#;...;#m Parameters: ----------- 0 All attributes off 1 Bold on (high intensity) 4 Underscore on (monochrome disp) 5 Blink on 7 Reverse video on 8 Cancelled on (invisible) 30 Black foreground 31 Red foreground 32 Green foreground 33 Yellow foreground 34 Blue foreground 35 Magneta foreground 36 Cyan foreground 37 White foreground 40 Black background 41 Red background 42 Green background 43 Yellow background 44 Blue background 45 Magneta background 46 Cyan background 47 White background .