Rifts World Book: North Dakota By Sean Satterlee v1.00 CREDITS WRITER: Sean Satterlee CONTRIBUTING WRITERS: John Sekerka, Brian Iamar, Mike Best EDITOR: Sean Satterlee TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT....................4 INTRODUCTION................................4 LETTERS FROM ERIN TARN............5 LANDS.................................................6 CITIES..................................................8 MINOR CITIES....................................10 ARMS AND EQUIPMENT..................12 VEHICLES............................................20 MILITARY MIGHT...............................27 NEW SKILLS........................................28 RACES AND OCCUPATIONS............30 PSIONICS.............................................60 SURROUNDING AREAS.....................61 REACTIONS BY OTHER POWERS....62 NPC's.....................................................63 ADVENTURE IDEAS............................70 EXPERIENCE TABLES.........................71 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I like to personally thank PlayeR2000 for allowing me to reprint some of his characters in this book. Also I like to thank Capt MJB for allowing me to reprint some of his characters too. I like to thank John Sekerka for helping me create the Inuit R.C.C. Without him I wouldn't of been able to create it. And finally I like to thank you for downloading this World book. I hope you enjoy it, and it inspires you to create gaming materials for RIFTS. P.S. I almost forgot, even though we don't get along, I like to thank Rob Niermeyer for getting me involved in Rifts and role playing in general. If it wasn't for him I would never of found out about role playing or Rifts. INTRODUCTION Welcome all to the world of North Dakota. The land of excitement and danger. Where you are free to walk around as long as you have the biggest weapon. This land is full of mystery an intrigue. Technology runs rampant here, while psionics and magic take a back seat. This is where you can get out from under the Coalitions yoke of tyranny, an enjoy life. Granted it won't be an easy life, but it will be a fulfilled life. This is the land where things are a little different than the rest, where what appears to be a good guy or a good thing isn't. Depending on the success of this book I might come out with world books for Lazlo, the North Pole, and a revised edition of Mutants in Orbit. Here is just a little bit of what I have in store for Mutants in Orbit: Ants dominate Mars threaten the entire galaxy, further information and stats on McCoy, an more of ARCHIES latest developments. If you have any ideas and want a few suggestions, E-mail and I will be glad to help you in anyway I can. Also I would like to tell you that I could not put graphics in this version due to time. If I would have put graphics in this version you would be receiving this book around Christmas time. The only graphics in this book is a map, which is not inside this book but zipped up with it. Please excuse any errors you might find in this book, this is only my first version and book to be made so their is bound to be some mistakes that I missed. If you see any Major mistakes please E-mail if you can, and let me know what is the problem. SEAN (JSATT) Letters from Erin Tarn 101 P.A. circa Dear loyal Readers, As I was on my way to the western coast I stopped in a town called Lazarus. The reason I mention this is because most of the locals were D-Bee's! I had finally come upon a town that was ruled by D-Bee's, and the local humans totally accepted their rule. Upon entering the town I was greeted by a pair of Gromeks who escorted me to their king. The town was compact, it seemed the town was more worried about being functional and defensive capabilities, than cleanliness and beautification. In fact it looked like the town was under siege, everybody I saw carried some sort of weapon. Most people I passed gave me a nervous glance, if any at all, and quickened their pace a little to get away from me. I was shocked to see a beautiful clean marbled structure in front of me. It had gold trimming on everything. It was a weird sight to see this structure surrounded by a sea of filth and trash. I was not surprised to find out that this was the King's palace. Their king was an impressive specimen. I would guess him to be a very powerful fighter even in his own race. The Gromek king's name was Grog. Grog tried to be gracious and polite host but his rough demeanor kept slipping out. The Gromek seemed to be concerned about something, for they kept asking me weird questions about my loyalty and where I have been. I couldn't help but feel that through all their questioning that I felt like a Coalition prisoner right before they get set on torturing me, I wouldn't want to feel that way ever again. When I told them who I was their face seemed to lighten a little. The King asked me to stay for awhile, and document what I saw happening in his town. Even though I wanted to go to the western coast, my old investigator inside me got the better of me and I agreed. My visits around town lead me to the conclusion that the Gromek view themselves as the savior of Earth, and that the Coalition is trying to destroy the Earth, an all life on it. The Gromek are a little over confident, they feel given enough time they could defeat the Coalition. Sadly I feel that the Gromek are a misguided lot. I tried to make them understand the vast resources the Coalition has, and that if the Coalition wanted to they could crush this town within a blink of an eye. They would hear none of it. I think most citizens realize this and are always looking over their shoulder waiting for the Coalition to appear just over the horizon, an end their security. I am told their is another town called Bismark about 150 miles west of here, and since it is on my way to the coast, I plan on stopping there. I can hardly wait, for it is said that Bismark is a beautiful city where humans and D-bee's get along peacefully too. Hello again, I am currently writing this letter in a luxurious 4 room suite located in Bismark's finest hotel, thanks to the city council. I know I shouldn't of accepted this room, but hey an old girl needs a vacation every now and then. The council has given me many guided tours throughout the city in the last week. Everything I see is clean, even the garbage is clean! I have seen many beautiful homes and shops this past week. It feels like the town has opened up its heart just for me, it feels like one long party. I can't help but get the feeling that something is missing from all this niceties, I don't know maybe its me, maybe I'm not used to people feeling good about themselves for once. I can't shake this feeling so I have decided to sneak out tomorrow morning and go on my own personal tour. Hello there, I finally figured out what was missing in this town. It was the poor downtrodden people that make a city complete. Every city has got them, but it seemed this one didn't. As I told you two days ago I planned to go on my own secret tour, and well I did. What I saw shocked me, it took me awhile to find it, I had found the bad part of town. This part of town was dirty and unkempt. Buildings were decaying and crumbling, there was litter and refuse scattered on all of the streets and sidewalks. It seemed these were the forgotten people, an indeed they were! When I asked the town council about these people they denied their existence! Here the people lived day to day hoping to find a meal in the refuse that littered the streets, and if finding food wasn't hard enough the people had to worry about gangs that wandered the streets beating and killing people for whatever meager possessions they had. My heart goes out to those people. Also their was another strange thing about this town, their was almost no magic whatsoever. The one magic shop I did manage to find was meager at best. It seems the citizens are afraid of magic, this could be the weak point in Bismark's armor. For if the Coalition ever decided to attack, Bismark would need all help they could get. Both Bismark and Lazarus have rather high technology level for such small towns, but they cannot compete against the Coalitions raw numbers. I fear that eventually when the Coalition gets around to it, these D-Bee sympathizers will be exterminated. Finally another thing that puzzles me, how could these two towns have such high levels of technology. Bismark has advanced medical treatment along with a very good communication network. Lazarus has advanced weapon technology. Nothing they did or said suggested that they developed or found this technology. When I asked Bismark's council I was told they got their weapons from Lazarus, and the medicine was always here. Later that day, one of the council members approached me. I remember seeing his face during the meeting but he never said anything, he just observed. He told me his name was Texder Worthington and that he was a Techno-Wizard! At last, finally somebody that was skilled in the art of magic. He made me promise never to tell anybody in Bismark what he was or what he was about to say. Of course I agreed to his deal. Texder told me that both towns are secretly being supplied by a man named McCoy. McCoy sets up a contact in a city and deliver his goods to that contact, who would then secretly release the goods to the open market. The funny thing is that both towns governments are unaware of any of this. They are told it was captured goods or found items. But in most cases they are told they are goods from a neighboring town. I tried to get him to explain more, but he would say no more. I can't help but get the feeling that he knows more than he is saying. I would've investigated for this McCoy person myself, but I had to get to the west coast before winter. Two things puzzle me about North Dakota, one who is this McCoy and how has he acquired this technology, and two there is something strange going on in the Badlands, I have heard too many tales of horror of this place, there has to be something there. Still people enter into the Badlands in search of gold, never to be seen again, while others come out but are in some ways dead already. I hope to investigate North Dakota further on my trip back. See you soon Erin Tarn Lands The Badlands From all outside appearances the badlands looks the same as it was in Pre-Rift time. It is still dry and desolate with little or no growth. The land was carved out from ancient rivers. Most people stay away from the Badlands, their are rumors that a clan of Faerie Folk have taken up residency in the carved out rocks. Recently a new rumor has been spreading across North Dakota, like a fire across a dry prairie. According to rumor an old miner from pre-rift days went into the Badlands in search of gold. After a couple of years the man found the mother load. Unfortunately all he had was a mule to carry out the gold, so he only carried out a small percentage. Before he could return to get the rest of the gold, he died of an illness. So to this day people are still trying to find the gold mine. At least 1,000 expeditions have gone into the badlands searching for gold. Most of the adventurers have not returned. The people that are able to return have a distant look in their eyes, and walk clumsily like they are not watching where they are going. Kind of like a person who saw something so horrific that they went into shock and still hasn't come out yet. Even though people don't comeback it hasn't stopped people from going into the badlands. People are willing to risk their lives just so it might be easier later on in life. *Truth about Badlands* There are indeed faerie folk living in the Badlands. They are delighted about all these new visitors, they are so much fun to play with. There are roughly 30,000 faerie folk living in the badlands. The rumor about the gold is somewhat false, there is indeed a gold mine out there somewhere, but a supernatural intelligence called Arpita started the rumors. It uses the gold to lure people into the badlands where it captures them an turns them into his minions. Currently Arpita has 10,000 minions. 90% of his minions are located in the Badlands while the rest are scattered throughout North America, one famous one is located in Lazlo where it sells trips into the Badlands. Right now Arpita is working in secrecy, it will not try to do anything that might reveal itself to the outside world, especially the Coalition. Another danger, unknown to the rest of the world that is in the Badlands is the Inuit. The Inuits are dead Indians who were buried on sacred ground and their graves were disturbed. They are doomed forever to eternal restlessness never leaving this plane of existence. Some of the Inuits take their revenge on anyone who happens to come by, while others try to help travelers avoid the Supernatural Intelligence, the faerie folk, and other dangers. Also their are some Inuits who pretend that they are helping but in reality are leading them to the Supernatural Intelligence. Also unknown to the outside is a group of ghosts who call themselves the Seventh Cavalry. They are lead by a general with long wavy blonde hair. They roam the Badlands forever patrolling, keeping out invaders (anyone inside the badlands is viewed as a invader), and fighting any Inuit they see. The two groups of ghosts are mortal enemies. They fight each other on sight. The Seventh Cavalry ride atop of black horse that skin appears to be rotting away. The Cavalry were tattered blue uniforms with a blue duster. They carry what looks like Pre-Rift rifles and pistols. Number of Faerie Folk 70% common Faerie 10% Brownie 5% Bogies 5% Night-elves 5% Silver Bells 5% Others Carimine Forest This Forest is a mysterious place. It is said that gigantic insects run amuck in this place. Even though these rumors are widespread, there is no actual evidence of this. The forest is not dangerous in fact it is relatively peaceful. The forest is almost totally void of supernatural monsters and D-bee's. The forest is sparsely populated by humans though, due to the near impossibility of farming in the forest have kept their numbers down too. For some strange reason the trees in the forest are mega-damage creatures. It is very expensive to cut the trees down and to make them into useful lumber. *Truth about Carimine Forest* The reason why their is an absence of supernatural life in the forest is because of the presence of the Xiticix in the town of Xaxxle. They have successfully managed to drive out most creatures. The reasons why the trees are mega-damage is unknown. Some say that a Millennium Tree grows somewhere inside the forest, and it has affect its neighboring trees. This reason is doubtful though, due to the lack of ley lines in the area. Others say that these trees aren't regular trees but instead are similar trees that originated from a similar dimension. Oak-450 M.D. Main Body A branch is Pine-300 M.D. Main Body about 10 M.D. Spruce-280 M.D. Main Body for all trees If the tree is cut down it loses its mega-damage properties, and it becomes regular wood (S.D.C.). River Plains This area is the cradle of civilization in North Dakota. It is here that McCoyville and Bismark rose from the ashes to become major players in North Dakota. The plains are the surrounding area around North Dakota's major river known simply as "The River". This area is very fertile due to the seasonal rains and flooding, the area is home to 75% of the former states agriculture. It is here where you will most often encounter an Agriculturist going about doing his business. The plains consist of both humanity and D-bee's. North Dakota Average Temperature Badlands River Plains Carimine degrees Fahrenheit January 4 22 2 April 45 60 58 June 104 75 80 September 93 64 60 December 10 28 24 North Dakota Average Precipitation Badlands River Plains Carimine inches January 3 5 5 April 2 10 6 June 1 8 12 September .5 4 30 December 2 5 7 North Dakota Major Cities Population of all of North Dakota- 2.3 million Humans 750,000 Elves 75,000 Gromek 1.2 million Others Major Cities Population- Bismark-400,000 Humans, 300,000 Elves, 40,000 D-bees Guardian-50,000 Humans, and 5,000 Dog-boys and Psi-Stalkers McCoyville-10,000 Humans, 1,000 Elves, 500 Gromek, and 5,000 D-Bees Lazarus-20,000 Humans, 1,000 Elves, 8,000 Gromek, and 100,000 D-bees Descriptions Bismark-This city is actually located 50 miles northeast of the original city. This city is a haven for humans and D-bees alike. The town is run by a group of elected officials called the Council, which is voted in every 3 years. The biggest building in the town is 10 stories high. Technology level is early 21st Century. While communication is good inside the town it is virtually impossible to send a message to someone outside of town without having to deliver it yourself, or use magic. The people of Bismark work hard to keep their city in good shape. Vandalizing carries a stiff fine with a possible two years in prison. Their main trading partner is Lazarus. Bismark trades medicine, foodstuff, and raw materials to Lazarus, in return Lazarus gives weapons, armor, and ammunition. These two cities have had a trade agreement for the last 10 years. Bismark specializes in medicine, on almost any block you will find some sort of medical treatment area. While they can perform cybernetic and bionic surgery, they don't do it often. It is frowned upon by the citizens, they prefer to remain natural and unaltered if they can help it. The citizens are unaware that the reason for their safety is McCoyville located 200 miles north of Bismark. When traveling through Bismark you will find many varieties of shops and restaurants, but their are virtually no magic shops located in Bismark you will have to look hard and long to find one and when you do find one it will be small with inexpensive trinkets. Located in Bismark is a poor section that is kept hidden to most people, in it contains almost anything money can buy. Gangs rule the area with little or no police force to protect the people. Guardian-This is a Coalition base put their after an assault on McCoyville. While they think that McCoyville has been destroyed, if they were ever to find out that it still exists they would send millions of troops into North Dakota to annihilate the town once and for all. Most Coalition soldiers view Guardian as a punishment due to the relative lack of any action compared to other bases. Indeed their have been no major skirmishes since the Battle of McCoyville 8 years ago. Emperor Prosek does have many plans to conquer North Dakota, he views that it is easier to attack the Xiticix from two fronts instead of one. But right now other matters currently occupies the military's time and men. Lazarus-This little town is extremely militaristic. It cannot support itself, it must trade with neighboring towns for supplies. The Gromek are the ruling class of Lazarus. The other races are subservient to the Gromek, including humans. The reason for this is that with the Coalition so close, D-bees and humans need security so they are willing to be ruled by the Gromek so that they will be safe. The Gromek have plans of attacking the Guardian outpost, but for now they are still preparing for this. Unfortunately the Gromek underestimate the power of the Coalition. The Guardian outpost could easily crush Lazarus if they wanted to, but currently their orders tell them to stay put. McCoyville-Once this town was a prosperous city with over a million inhabitants. The city was run by a body-fixer named Jim McCoy. At the time McCoy was unaware of the evils of the Coalition. McCoy entered into a trade agreement with Chi-Town. McCoy gave them medicine an advanced electronic equipment. The Coalition wanted more and more at lower prices, when McCoy tried to break off the trade agreement, Prosek threatened to attack McCoyville. McCoy was forced to keep the trade agreement. All was well for awhile, but something went wrong. Somebody tried to kill Prosek, they wrongly accused McCoy of sponsoring the attack. They declared war on McCoy. The Coalition sent two armored divisions to annihilate McCoyville. McCoy and the townspeople fought bravely, and were keeping the Coalition from taking over the city. McCoy knew that the Coalition would never give up, and that his own supplies were dwindling. The citizens slowly retreated to the center of the town where McCoy's main factory was. The Coalition had them pinned down inside the factory, soon they would have to surrender, victory was theirs. The first indication that something was wrong was when a huge power laser beam 300ft in diameter shot toward the sky, vaporizing anything in its path. This action confused the Coalitions commander, for they could not understand why McCoy didn't aim it at them. About 20 minutes later the citizens inside the factory stopped firing. The Coalition commander ordered the invasion of the factory to commence. That is when all hell broke loose, the factory exploded taking most of the Coalition troops and town with it. When reinforcements arrived there were only 20 soldiers left alive, and all of them badly injured. There were no signs of the citizens anywhere to be found. Coalition scientists found the area to be bathed in high level radiation and stated that the inhabitants if any left could not possibly survive for very long. Unknown to the Coalition was that for the last 25 years McCoy and his brothers had been building a space station. On the last day of the attack the station was capable of supporting life. It took all the nuclear power they had but they were able to fire the huge super laser into space to clear away a path through the debris and satellites. Using modified Behemoths with booster rockets, McCoy was able to launch his citizens into space. McCoys brother who is a Shifter was able to open a rift that opened into the station, which allowed even more people to get to the station. When all of the citizens were out of the factory McCoy ignited the salvaged nuclear bombs that McCoy found in an old ruined town called Omaha. The nuclear blast took out the upper levels of the factory, and most of the town. What the Coalition didn't know was that the majority of the factory was located deep underground, it was able to escape the blast relatively unharmed. McCoy returned to Earth and repaired the damage to the lower levels and reopened the factory. This time though, it was to be used to finish the space station. To this day the only people that live in McCoyville are located deep underground, and are only there to work in the factory. Recently in the last year McCoy began to reassert himself in North Dakota. He quietly started to sell weapons and equipment to towns and small cities that had enough money. McCoy does not plan on relocating back on Earth, the space station is his permanent home. Minor Cities in North Dakota Town population- Minot-2,000 humans and 200 D-bees Ft. Yates-4,000 humans and 1,000 D-bees Arena-3,000 D-bees, 100 humans, and 250 Gromek New Town-1,000 humans and 600 d-bees Xaxxle-500 Xiticix Fariton-600 humans and 300 D-bees? Descriptions Minot-This city survived the Rifts relatively intact, only to be destroyed by roving band of D-bees. Some former inhabitants decide to stay and rebuild their city. Minot is a farming town, they trade their crops for weapons from Lazarus. Minotens are weary of strangers, they distrust any D-bee, and will run them out of town. The only d-bees in town are slaves who work in the fields. Any d-bee who is captured or commits a crime (it is very easy for a d-bee to commit a crime in this town), will be sent to the fields to work for life. These people are not evil, they are just scared they will lose their homes again. They feel this is the only way to survive. Ft. Yates-This city also survived intact during the Rifts. This city is an aging military power in North Dakota. Right after the Rifts and about 150 years afterwards Ft. Yates controlled all of North Dakota. But they were slow in developing new technology, and passed in the arms race. Their empire slowly started to crumble until all they controlled was their own city. The citizens still view themselves as the rulers of North Dakota. Their military contains mostly upgraded B-52's and aged Glitter Boys(60% of armor gone). The city is also crumbling due to the years of neglect an infighting. The town is ruled by the Council of Generals who is lead by the Grand Marshal. 80% of the government officials are corrupt. When the Council makes laws they apply to all of North Dakota even though the rest of North Dakota might not be aware of this. Ft. Yates still has roving police still wandering the land handing out punishment and fines to all lawbreakers. Arena-This town started out a small outpost for the Gromek, but soon other D-bee's found out about the outpost and fled there, hoping to find security. The Gromek don't mind these people as long as they pay taxes, in return they protect the D-bees from outside dangers. The town is totally without any laws. It is survival of the fittest inside this town. As long as they don't bother the Gromek they can do whatever they want. The only humans in this town are slaves to the d-bees. Their is no organization in the planning of the town. Wherever you want to build you can, in fact you will see houses on top of older houses in some crowded areas. Even the houses don't look similar, each one is different and varied depending on the persons race. New Town-This town was first settled by Ft. Yates back in the height of its power. Since then though they have grown fiercely independent. They work hard to be totally independent of everyone else. If asked to join any group or federation of cities they will not accept under any condition. Even if faced with certain death if they don't join, they would still do it alone. The town is largely an agriculture society not much in the way of industry or trade. The weapons they use are handed down from father to son to son and so on. It is not uncommon for a person to use a 200 year old laser rifle. Xaxxle-This is the farthest west Xiticix has ever been. Currently no other city is aware of the Xiticix. If allowed to get a foothold in North Dakota, they might never be able to get them out. Luckily the colony is pretty small and does not contain a queen yet. The Xiticix will try to keep their location secret for as long as they can, meaning no prisoners whatsoever not even as slaves. Fariton-Their is a huge energy dome surrounding the entire town and surrounding fields. This dome is bluish clear, and can take up to 2,000 M.D. and can regenerate at 1D6*10 M.D.C. a round. Somehow the inhabitants can get out of the dome without shutting it off the dome. No outsider has ever been able to get inside the dome, or if they had they've never came out to talk about it. No one knows for sure who inhabits the town, most people think humans live inside the dome, along with a few d-bees. Arms and Equipment Note: The following prices are North Dakota price, that is if you want to buy a rifle in North Dakota use the listed price, but if you are outside of North Dakota the price will be doubled to quadrupled. The following McCoy Ind. weapons fall under different classifications, and they are as follows: # then letters-Means it is a rifle and the letter is the version Letter than #-It is a pistol and the # is version Letter, #, letter-It is a specialty weapon MC-this is a special interest weapon or novelty weapon HP-Weapon built for giants, robots, and Power Armors 25a Laser Rifle This was McCoy Ind. first attempt at a rifle. Rather big and bulky and a little outdated. But its reliability and payload help make up for it. Weight: 25lbs Mega-Damage: 4D6 Rate of Fire: Same as attacks, can only fire one round at a time Payload: 20 shot E-clip Range: 1,000 feet Cost: 2,000 credits A1 Laser Pistol This was there first attempt at an energy pistol, it too is a little outdated. Weight: 10lbs Mega-Damage: 2D4 Rate of Fire: Same as Attacks Payload: 6 shot E-clip Cost: 5,000 credits 25b Laser Rifle This is an updated version of the old rifle. Lighter, smaller, better, damage, and firing rate made this one of there biggest seller. Weight: 20lbs Mega-Damage: 4D6+6 Rate of Fire: Standard Range: 2,000 feet Cost: 3,000 credits 30a Laser Rifle This is a pirated version of the Wilk's 457 Weight: 9lbs Mega-Damage: 8D6 Rate of Fire: Standard Range: 2,000 feet Cost: 8,000 credits B2 Laser Pistol This pistol was an embarrassment for McCoy Ind. It came out the same year as the Triax pump pistol. It was expected to be a big seller for McCoy Ind. A million were made in anticipation but it was a flop. You will still see them around because they are so cheap to buy. Weight: 9lbs Mega-Damage: 2D6 Rate of Fire: Same as Attacks Range: 800 feet Payload: 8 shot E-clip Cost: 200 credits M1A Plasma Shell This rifle is more like a grenade launcher. If fires canisters of plasma exploding on impact. Weight: 23lbs fully loaded Mega-Damage: 6D6+3 Blast radius is 5 feet Rate of Fire: Can fire two in one attack Payload: 8 canisters Range: 500 feet Cost: 9,000 credits 200a Laser Rifle This is a major advancement for McCoy Ind. The technology used to make this is 5 years ahead of the rest. Rumor has it it was developed by a huge computer in Washington, or from an unknown space station. Weight: 7lbs Mega-Damage: 1D8*10 Rate of Fire: Standard Range: 8,000 feet, +2 to strike Payload: 40 shot E-clip Cost: 25,000 credits C1 Pulse Pistol This pistol was made in response to the people of North Dakota's rising concerns of the Coalitions increasing military actions in North Dakota. The main advantages is it is cheap and reliable. Weight: 6lbs Mega-Damage: 3D6 Rate of Fire: Standard Range: 900 feet Payload: 12 shot E-clip Cost: 950 credits C5 Pulse Pistol After many modifications an upgrades this is the best "C" version pistol available. Slightly more expensive than the rest though. Weight: 5lbs Mega-Damage: 4D6+2 Rate of Fire: Standard Range: 1,200 feet Payload: 10 shot E-clip Cost: 1,100 credits 100a Laser Rifle This rifle was made after the 200a came out. It does not take advantage of the advanced technology. Weight: 18lbs Mega-Damage: 5D6 Rate of Fire: Standard Range: 2,300 feet Payload: 20 shot E-clip Cost: 9,000 credits MC-1 "Pacifier" This was made in an attempt to disable enemies peacefully. It fires sonic waves in the attempt to knock opponent unconscious. Only problem is that sound filters negate this weapon. Weight: 12lbs Damage: Victim roll vs. coma/death if fails they are knocked unconscious for 1D4 melees, if they pass they only receive -3 to parry, dodge, strike, and int. Rate of Fire: Same as attacks Range: 200 feet Payload: 10 shot that has to recharge once used for 2 rounds Cost: 2,000 credits HP-1 Gatling Gun This gun is meant for robots, PA, and planes. It works the same way as the Pre-Rifts version does. Weight: 200 lbs Mega-Damage: 1D6*10 a blast of 20 rounds. Each slug does 1D6 M.D. There is a 10% chance that a slug will penetrate armor. Rate of Fire: Bursts of 20 rounds per attack Range: 3,000 feet Payload: 300 rounds Cost: 20,000 credits HP-1 Laser Rifle This is basically a normal rifle only enlarged Weight: 75lbs Mega-Damage: 1D4*10+5 Rate of Fire: Standard Range: 2,000 feet Payload: 50 shot E-clip Cost: 15,000 credits M2A Anti-Air This is like a rocket launcher. The weapon can shoot down planes at high altitudes with effective accuracy due to its advanced targeting system. Weight: 25lbs Mega-Damage: 2D6*10+10 Rate of Fire: 1 every two attacks Range: 35,000 feet, +3 to strike Payload: 1, the missile is an advanced mini-missile made only by McCoy Ind. Can fire normal mini-missile but range and damage is normal. Cost: 15,000 credits Missile Cost: 800 credits per missile MC-2 "Bugger" This weapon was developed when an insect were plaguing North Dakota, causing widespread famine and disease. It was found that all insects share a common gene. McCoy Ind. developed a mist that mutates this gene killing the insect in the process. Weight: 15lbs Damage: None, if human is shot without armor it will irritate the skin causing a rash. Mist Radius-20 feet Rate of Fire: Standard Range: 75 feet Payload: 10 canisters Cost: 6,000 credits NOTE: While it is known to kill insects, it is not known what effect this would have on insectoid D-bees like the Xiticix. M2A "Plopper" This is a grenade launcher shotgun. It fires special made grenades made by McCoy Ind. It got its nickname from the sound it makes when fired. Weight: 12lbs Mega-Damage: 4D6 for Frag grenade 5ft. radius or 6D6 for plasma grenade 3ft. rad Rate of Fire: Same as attacks Range: 400 feet Payload: Single load or a speed loader-3 shot Cost: 10,000 credits Speed loader cost 3,000 credits and grenades cost 300 credits MC-3 "Splasher" This is not a gun but instead a specially made bullet. The bullet is hollowed out and then filled with water. On impact the casing shatters releasing the water. The advantages of this is better range and velocity than a squirt gun, and can be used in S.D.C. automatic weapons. The disadvantage is if it is hot outside the water will evaporate. Works best in automatic weapons one bullet will not kill a Vampire, it will just make it madder. Weight: 8 ounces Damage to Vampires: 2D6 hit points per bullet S.D.C. Damage: Varies. Bullets come in various sizes to fit different guns. Cost: 20 credits per bullet or 100 credits per clip of 15 or 800 credits for a belt of 500 rounds D2 Pulse Pistol This pistol is basically a "C" version pistol except it takes advantage of McCoy Ind. advanced technology. Weight: 3lbs Mega-Damage: 7D6+6 Rate of Fire: Standard Range: 1,200 feet +2 to strike Payload: 15 shot E-clip Cost: 20,000 credits MC-4 Jave This is a vibrospear. Main advantages is it is quieter than a gun an in skilled hands can be thrown with great accuracy. Weight: 7lbs Mega-Damage: 3D6+2 Range: When thrown 300 feet. Spear is 6ft. long. If PC has W.P. spear is +2 to strike. Cost: 2,000 credits MC-5 Laser Scalpel This laser scalpel is the size of a pen. It has many varying settings below one S.D.C., but with a push of a small button the laser scalpel flares up to an M.D.C. laser knife. At this setting the energy cell can last for 2 attacks before it dies out. This weapon is good for assassins or espionage agents. The knife setting does 4D6 M.D. Maximum Range for all settings is 6 inches HP-3 "Rail Splitter" This is McCoy Ind. only attempt at a rail gun to date. Weight: 250lbs Mega-Damage: burst of 50 rounds does 1D6*10, one round does 1D4 M.D. Range: 4,250 feet Payload: 400 round drum Cost: 50,000 credits HP-4 "Flechette" The flechette is a dart that planes release at high altitude, these darts can actually teat a man apart. They were used in WWI for awhile, now in Rifts time McCoy Ind. has brought them back but with a new twist, they now are vibrodarts. The darts are housed in an 8' by 4' box holding 200 darts that effect a 1,000 square feet. These can be used instead of bombs. Weight: 12 ounces per dart Mega-Damage: 1D6 each dart. Roll a d20 and that is how many hit you. Only way to dodge is to get out of the area before they hit the ground. The darts are to small to be shot at with accuracy, shooting wild may hit a couple though. Payload: 200 darts per casing Cost: 5,000 credits per casing HP-5 Cluster Missile This is a good anti-infantry weapon, also it is good against armored vehicles, grounded planes, runways, and infrastructure. The missile is unguided it cannot dodge or make turns. As it is flying by it discharges disc shaped grenades. It can be used by anything that can fire short range missiles. Mega-Damage: 1D4 M.D. per disc, will do 3D4*10 to a 50ft. radius, the missile does have a warhead that does 1D4*10 M.D. to a 20ft. radius once all the discs have been ejected the warhead will explode sending shrapnel hurtling to the ground. Total blast diameter is 400 feet. M.D.C.: 5 Range: 500 feet Cost: 1,000 credits per missile MC-6 "Boomer" This actually a vibroboomerang. This can be deadly in the hands of a expert, it can also be deadly to a untrained thrower. Weight: 2lbs Mega-Damage: 3D6 Range: 300 feet Cost: 1,000 credits If have W.P. Boomerang than have +2 to strike MC-7 Cane Gun This gun is popular with old people, it gives them security at all times. Also assassins and espionage agents favor this gun too. The gun is lightweight with the outside made of wood, the barrel located inside the cane is made of a light plastic compound. The rounds and firing mechanism is located in the handle. To reload you simply take the handle off and replace it with another handle. The cane is custom made to the size of the owner. Weight: 5lbs Mega-Damage: 1D6 per bullet Rate of Fire: Same as attacks Range: 100 feet Payload: 5 bullets Cost: 12,000 credits MC-8 Vibropick This vibroblade is not meant to be a weapon. It is thinner than a toothpick and about the same length. It is used to slice locks off doors, vaults, and so on. Mega-Damage: 1D4 Cost: 2,000 credits ARMOR McCoy Ind. armors names are based on the old state names. As of now there are 20 different types of body armor. The following are the most popular selections All armor is full environmental suits and comes with everything listed in the Rifts RPG under the armor section The Illinois This is the best protection McCoy Ind. has to offer. The armor is lightweight using secret metal technology. It also takes advantage of an exoskeleton that lightens the weight the user has to endure. M.D.C.: 80 Weight user feels: 10lbs Excellent Mobility-No penalties, also PC can lift 1.5 times their PS and can run two times longer than normal. Cost: 50,000 credits Weapon Systems 1. Mini-Missile Launcher-There is a mini missile placed on each side of the helmet. While this may be a little scary for a user it serves two purposes. 1. It allows your head to aim and guide the missile kind of like a TOW missile but without the cable. +2 to strike 2. If character is hit in the head which will probably result in death, the missiles will explode, destroying the armor. Thus not allowing others to study the Armor. Can use any missile type. The Rhode Island This is a lightly armored inexpensive model. It has two searchlights mounted on the helmet instead of missiles. M.D.C.: 40 Weight: 12lbs Good Mobility: -5% to prowl Cost: 20,000 credits The Texas This armor looks slightly like a bull. It has what looks like to be two 2 foot tall horns jutting out of the helmet. In actuality these horns are sensor antennas. This armor comes with radar, infrared and ultraviolet optics, and thermo-imaging. It also has a radio. You can use all these features through a HUD put located in the visor. The antennas have 100 M.D.C. each M.D.C.: 50 Weight: 18lbs Poor Mobility: -15% to prowl Cost: 28,000 credits The Arkansas This armor is a close second to the Illinois in protection. instead of missiles though it has two head mounted laser, 2D6 M.D. each. +2 to strike. M.D.C.: 70 Weight: 18lbs Excellent Mobility: -2% to prowl Cost: 45,000 credits It also has a retractable vibroclaw located in the right arm. The Florida This is a medium armored suit. It can be used in space, on land, or in the water thanks largely to the tiny strategically placed thrusters. In space it can fly at 45 mph, in water 15 mph, and on land it doubles your speed, and you can run twice as far. The thrusters are powered by a nuclear battery located in the lower back area. The only problem is that the thrusters have to be cleaned at least once a week or the thrusters get clogged causing a malfunction. There is a 1-10% per week that the thrusters will explode causing 1D6 M.D. to the occupant if the thrusters are not cleaned. If it doesn't explode than it just doesn't function till cleaned. M.D.C.: 55 Weight: 19lbs Excellent Mobility: No penalties Cost: 35,000 credits The Michigan This armor is probably the most heavily armed armor McCoy Ind. has to offer. The only drawback is that to keep the weight down they had to sacrifice armor. They even put an exoskeleton to lighten the load (no bonuses). But don't underestimate this armor, it may be small but it packs a punch. M.D.C.: 35 Weight user feels: 40lbs Poor Mobility: -15% to prowl Cost: 60,000 credits Weapon Systems 1. Mini-Missiles: same as the Illinois 2. Retractable vibroclaws on each arm 3. High-intensity laser: This is located on top of the helmet, 3D6 M.D. Range: 600 feet 4. Grenade Launcher: Located on the sidearm of the right arm. Holds 6 grenades 5D6 M.D. Range: 500 feet Equipment McCoy Ind. makes a wide variety of equipment that you can find in the Rifts RPG. Along with those items they also make these items: Flying Video Camera Camera is placed in an aerodynamically shaped container that resemble a very small helicopter(1 foot long). The camera can record for three hours, or it can relay what it sees instantly back to the operator who has to be within 100 miles If camera is in record mode it can fly 500 miles away and still return to user. One of the advantages of the relay mode is that the user can fly the camera himself, changing courses whenever he wants. In record mode it follows set directions loaded in before takeoff. This camera comes with a joystick and Foot Pedals. Maximum Speed: 120 mph 5 year nuclear battery Cost: 10,000 credits Lazer Bather This is an energy field that is no bigger than a door. You walk through the field and it cleans you. The scientific explanation is this: The field comes within a millionth of an inch of your skin, vaporizing anything it passes (even clothes if you forget to take them off). The Lazer Bather comes with special caps to wear to protect your hair. The only problem is that fiendish assassins have been known to tamper with the Bather, and when someone walks through they are vaporized. They also use it has a trap due to the almost invisible appearance of the field(1-10% chance of detecting in full light, or 1-40% chance of detecting in the dark. The Bather is usually installed in the bathroom. Cost: 20,000 credits NOTE: Doctors like to use these to sterilize themselves in an instant. Papersuits These suits are made of tough paper fibers. The suits are made for those PC's who are constantly in armor or power armor. It is not big and bulky, it is quick to get into an you don't have to worry about what to wear (nobody is going to notice what you wear when you are inside armor). The suit is not recommended for daily wear, for after all it is still paper, it also is unattractive. The suits are a one piece suit that comes in many different colors. Cost: pack of 20 is 200 credits Lancer Plane Name: McCoy Enterprises Lancer PF-1a Crew: 2(pilot and a gunner)both are Lancer pilots Passengers: none Cargo: only a small area where can store vital equipment(guns so forth). Wingspan: 80 feet Length: 60 feet Speed: Mach 2.3 is maximum speed, while Mach 1.2 is cruising speed Engines: Nuclear engine with life expectancy 5 years with continous being at 1 year. Range: Indefinetly, but usually no longer 20 hours in the sky. The pilot will probably become to tired after to safely pilot the plane. Altitude: Outer Atmospere Pilot Positions: The gunner sits right behind the nose, while the pilot is in the middle of plane. M.D.C. BY LOCATION GUNNERY COCKPIT-50 PILOT COCKPIT-75 WING(1)-300 MAIN ENGINES(4)-60 EACH SECONDARY ENGINES(5)-35 EACH FINS(4 TWO ON WING AND TWO ON MAIN BODY)-30 EACH MAIN BODY-500 SENSORS-45 MAIN GUN-50 MISSILE PODS(4)-20 EACH BOMB PODS(4)-5 EACH LANDING GEAR-10 WEAPON SYSTEMS: 1. Missile Pods(optional)-The fighter can install missile pods on special missions or if wanting extra firepower. Each pod can hold 16 mini-missiles, or 6 short range, or 2 medium range, or the entire plane can hold 2 long range missiles. 2. Bomb Pods(optional)-These can be on at the same time as the missile pods. You can use these for high altitude bombing or if you don't need precision bombing. Each pod holds 4 bombs that are released all that the same time. Bomb choices are: Conventional-1D4*10 each 20ft radius Napalm-1D4*10 each 30ft radius *Experimental-1D6*10+10 each 25ft radius* Cluster-1D4*10 each 50ft radius Nuclear-2D6*10 each 100ft radius can only hold one for each pod *Experimental bombs have not been fully tested so consquently there are still a few problems. If doing a complicated manuever or flying at high altitude roll a D20 and on a roll of 20 the bombs all ignite, do damage accordingly. When dropping the bombs roll a D10 and on a roll of 0, 1D4 bombs are a dud. Roll this for each pod. 3. Mini-missile Launchers(3)-these are enternally placed launchers. 2 are on the wing and 1 is placed directly beneath the cockpit. Pick three mini-missiles of choice. 4. High Intensity Lasers(2)-These are placed on the nose they can only fire directly ahead. The pilot has control of these guns. 1D4*10 each burst Range-3,000ft. Ammo-2000 shots total a burs contains 30 shots. If a pilot has enough skill(rank of Sergeant than he is capable of firing any amount of rounds from 1 to 30 in an attack. each roud is 1D4 M.D. 5. Gatling Gun-This is an updated version of the old gun. This placed internally underneath the gun. cockpit. It can only fire directly ahead. Pilot has control of this gun. 6D6 per single shot 2D6*10 per burst of 10 shots Ammo-1,000 rounds Range-3,500ft 6. Foil Flares-These are ejected out the back in order to confuse radars and missiles. Total of 30 flares on board. If releasing 1 flare there is a 25% chance. 2 flares-35% 3 flares-50% 4 flares-60% 5 flares-75% 6 flares-85% 7 flares-98% The flares stay effective for 1D4 rounds before they disperse 7. Sensor System Note: 1. ThermoImager 2. Enhanced Radar 3. Infrared and Ultraviolet optics 4. Advanced targeting system HTH Combat-Not possible Special Bonus-+1 to dodge at cruising speed +2 to dodge past Mach 1.5 McCoy RJ-2 Power Armor This armor is very simple in design, it was one of McCoy's first attempts. The RJ-2 major advantages is that it is light and fast, but it had to sacrifice armaments and armor to achieve this. Its major purpose was recon and espionage, it is quiet and efficient. The wings extend outwards from the engine, when not in flight mode the wings slide back into the engine like a phone antennae. The wings can open out in one attack, and pilot can fly during the same attack. The choice of colors are blue, black, and red. Model Type: RJ-2 Class: Light Reconnaissance and Espionage Crew: One, can seat no passengers. M.D.C. By Location Concealed Mini-Missile Launcher (1; back)-15 Arms-30 Legs-60 Head-9 Hands (2)-5 each Rear Jets-85 Wings (2)-40 Optics and Sensor Pod (head)-12 Main Body-100 Speed Runninng: Can run up to speeds of 70 mph, pilot usually last double his PE. Flying: Can fly at speeds up to 300 mph, range is about 70 miles before pilot has to let the engine cool for one hour. Maximum altitude is 700 feet. Statistical Data Height: 8 feet Width: 4 feet Weight: 1 tons Physical Strength: Equal to a PS 35 Cargo: can only carry his personal possessions. Power Source: Nuclear, average energy life five years. Black Market Source: 2 millions Weapon Systems 1. Rear Mini-Missile Launcher (1): Concealed on the top of the engine is three mini-missiles of choice. The pilot can fire one, two, or three missiles at a time. The pilot gets no bonuses to strike though. Pilot can fire in a 90 degree arc. 2. Can carry any hand held weapon. Usually equipped with the 200a. 3. Hand to Hand Combat: Rather than use a weapon. the pilot can engage in mega-damage hand to hand combat. The armors fully articulare hands can strike just like a human punch. Bonuses & Damage from RJ-2 Combat Training: Restrained Punch-1D6*10 S.D.C. Full Strength Punch-2D6 M.D. Power Punch-4D6 M.D. (counts as two attacks) Crush with Hands-1D6 M.D. Kick-3D6 M.D. Leap Kick-5D6 M.D. Body Flip/Throw-1D4 M.D. Body Block/Ram-1D8 M.D. +2 to strike +4 to parry and dodge +2 to roll with impact +2 to pull punch Three attacks per melee in addition to the pilots attacks. 5. Sensor System Note: The RJ-2 has full optical systems including laser targeting, telescopic, passive nightvision, thermo-imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization. Plus all features common to power armor. Sensor bonuses: +2 to strike and plus +2 to dodge. Coalition MX-34 Raider The Coalition built this power armor after their disastoruous victory at McCoyville. The raider is small for a power armor, but that is an advantage for this armor was built for urban combat. This armor easily walk down streets and alleys. Also the power armor can work effectively inside regular buildings, so the Coalition uses this armor for security also inside the Guarduan base. The armor only has three fixed weapons, there are areas where you can put other weapons on for a short period of time. Model Type: MX-34 Class: Light Combat and Security Crew: One, can seat no passengers M.D.C. by Location Mini-Missile Launcher (1; right shoulder)-10 Forearm Laser (1; left arm)-15 Concealed Vibrosword(1; right arm)-10 Arms(2)-30 Hands(2; fully articulate)-8 Legs(2)-65 Head-15 Optics(head)-10 Booster Jet(optional; back)-50 Main Body-120 Speed Running: Without booster pack can run 35 mph for over three hours before it has to cool down. If the booster jet is attached then armor can run 80 mph. but for only two hours before it has to cool off. In both cases cool off time is 45 minutes, if you don't cool off the engine then it will overheat and explode 20 minutes later causing 1D6*10 M.D. Flying: Not possible without booster jet. With the booster jet the armor has a limited flight capability. It can fly at 100 mph with a range of 500 feet before it touches ground again, it must leap off the ground each to continue flight. Armor can keep up this flight for three hours. Statistical Data Height: 7 feet Width: 3 feet Weight: 1,200 pounds Physical Strength: Equal to a PS 35 Cargo: Can only can carry pilots personal possessions Power Source: Nuclear, average lifespan two years Black Market Cost: 1 million credits, extremely hard to find. Most MX-34 are stationed at Guardian. Weapon Systems 1. Mini-Missile Launcher-Can hold up to eight mini-missiles of choice. Can fire up to three at a time. 2. Forearm Laser-This is an experimental Coalition design that has not been thoroughly tested yet. So their is a 10% chance of failure in which case the laser blows up causing 1D4*10 M.D. to a 5 feet area. Range: 1,000 feet Mega-Damage: 1D4*10 per shot, or 2D6*10 per multiple burst of five. Both count as one attack. Payload: E-clip of 50 shots 3. Concealed Vibrosword: This is located in the right arm, it is triggered by a push of a button located in the right hand of the armor. Mega-Damage-5D6 4. The armor has three additional hard points on which you can place weapons of virtually any type and design. The only drawback is that you will have to sacrifice speed to do this. 5. Also the armor can operate any hand held weapons of choice. 6. Hand to Hand Combat +1 to strike +4 to dodge and parry +5 to dodge in flight +1 to roll with impact +2 to pull punch Restrained Punch-8D6 S.D.C. Punch-1D6 M.D. Power punch-2D6 M.D. counts as two attacks Kick-2D6 M.D. Leap Kick-4D6 M.D. Ram-2D6 M.D. Flip/Throw-2D6 M.D. 5. Sensor Systems Note: The same as the RJ-2 McCoy JM-90 Shiva This power armor takes advantage of the futuristic technology that McCoy possess. It is light and fast with heavy armament and armor. This is his most versatile design yet. Shiva means destroyer in the Indian language. Model Type: JM-90 Class: Multi-Purpose weapon Crew: One, cannot hold passengers M.D.C. by location Concealed Mini-missile launcher(2; in both legs)-50 Power Laser(left shoulder)-75 Particle Beam(1; In palm of right hand)-10 Head Lasers(4)-5 each Head lights(2)-2 each Optics(back)-50 Arms(2)-75 Hands(2)-50 Legs(2)-180 Head-50 Main Body-400 Speed Running-Can run at 80 mph for over five hour before it has two cool of for a half hour. Flight-Not possible Leaping-Can leap into the air up to 75 feet Statistical Data Height-12 feet Width-5 feet Weight-3 tons Physical Strength: Equal to a PS 60 Power Source: Unknown, average lifespan 40 years Black Market Cost-20 million extremely hard to find. Weapon Systems 1. Concealed Mini-missile launcher(2)-Each leg can hold up to 15 mini-missile of choice. Can fire up to 4 missiles at a time in each leg. 2. Particle Beam: This beam is in the palm of the right hand. It can do lots of damage if given enough time. Range-2,000 feet Mega-Damage: 1D6 per shot. Or pilot can opt to let the particle beam energize in which case he can only fire the mini-missile or a hand held weapon. Letting it charge for an attack double the damage, letting it charge for two attacks allows it to do quadruple its power, and if you let it recharge for three rounds it can double 10 times the regular damage. After three rounds damage is still 10 times regular. Payload-Unlimited shots, hooked up to the engine. 3. Power Laser: This is mounted on the left shoulder it is capable of huge amounts of damage. Range: 5,000 Feet Mega-Damage: 7D6 per shot, or 2D6*10 per multiple burst of 5 shots. Payload: Unlimited, hooked up to the engine. 4. Head Laser(4): These four lasers fire as one. They have a firing arc of 180 degrees. Range: 1,000 feet Mega-Damage: Each laser does 1D4 M.D., combined laser damage is 4D6 Payload: Unlimited, hooked up to the engine. 5. Hand to Hand Combat: With training has three attacks not including pilots attack. +4 to strike +5 to dodge and parry +6 to dodge while leaping +3 to roll with impact +4 to pull punch Restrained Punch-2D6 M.D. Punch-5D6 M.D. Power Punch-1D6*10 M.D. counts as two attacks Kick-7D6 M.D. Leap Kick-2D6*10 M.D. Body Flip/Throw-1D6 M.D. Body Block/Ram-5D6 M.D. 6. Sensor Systems Note-Same as RJ-2, Bonuses: +3 to strike and dodge Military might of the Cities Bismark: 15,000 soldiers *150 SAMAS 40 McCoy Combat Robots 30 UltiMax *5 Death Heads 2 Glitter Boys Lazarus: 30,000 soldiers *400 SAMAS 50 McCoy Combat Robots 35 X-500 Forager 20 X-535 Hunter *10 Death Head *6 Spider-Skull Walker 5 Glitter Boys Guardian: 50,000 soldiers 1,000 SAMAS 500 Sky Cycles 200 UAR-1 Enforcers 100 Death Heads 50 Spider-Skull Walkers 1,000 Combat Robots 2,000 Dog-Boys 3,000 Psi-Stalkers McCoyville: 2,500 Soldiers 5,000 McCoy Combat Robots 5 Ulti-Max +4 Modified Behemoth *UAR-1 Enforcer 1 Glitter Boy Ft. Yates 34 Glitter Boys 150 Modified B-52's 200 M1A1-Abrahams Main Battle Tanks 45 Apache Helicopters 10 B-2 Stealth Bombers * These item were stolen or captured by McCoy and then traded to towns, Coalition are not aware of this. + See Vehicle section New Skills Farming Category: Domestic This skill is the techniques used to farm properly. You know how to till your your land, when to leave it fallow. Also know rudimentary knowledge in herbicides, and fertilizer. You know which ones work but not why. Can estimate when it is going to rain and so on. Base Skill 30%+4% per level Urban Survival Category: Espionage This skill is like the Wilderness Survival except it is for cities, this skill differs from streetwise in the fact that you know more than the illegal parts of the city is, you know how to survive on minimal amounts of credits, know where the best restaurants, where cops are, how the city is run. Basically this skill is like if you live in the city all your life you know where things are, you know how people are going to react to you or how you look. Base Skill 35%+5% per level Camouflage Category: Espionage This is the skill of knowing how to camouflage yourself in all types of areas. You know how to mix into your surroundings very well. Base Skill 25%+4% per level Combat: Horseback Riding Category: Pilot Skills Required: Horsemanship This trains the character on how to charge properly while on top of a horse. How to shoot accurately with a gun and son. +2 to strike with an Ancient W.P. +1 to strike with Modern W.P. +2 to parry and dodge while on top of horse At 3rd level add 1 additional attack while on horse At 9th level add one attack while on horse Rural Medicine Category: Medicine The person who has this skill knows old wives tales on how to cure ailments, such things as to cure drunkenness is to drink coffee, and things like that. Most of the tales do nothing to help the patient sometimes making the condition worse, but sometimes they do work. LANCER COMBAT TRAINING: Category: Pilot +5 to dodge One additional attack One additional attack at rank of Captain One additional attack at rank of Rogue Major This skills allows the pilot to be able to perform well in combat, any pilot that tries to fly the Lancer in combat will be in for a real surprise. Lose one attack -6 to dodge Computer Keyboarding Category: Technical This skill allows the PC to type at a keyboard at a good speed. 5 times their I.Q. without making a mistake, can write a 6 times I.Q. at 80% mistake free. This skill is good for typing programs and transfer of data. Sign Language Category: Technical This is the skill of using your hands to communicate with others as long as they have the skill too. Knows the alphabet and has a very good understanding of the language. Base Skill 55%+5% per level Physics Category: Science Requirements: Advanced Mathematics and Literacy. A natural science covering matter, energy and their mutual relations Characters who have this has a good understanding of Nanotechnology. W.P. Spear W.P. Boomerang Races and O.C.C.'s Inuit R.C.C. Ghost Buffalo NPC Agriculturist R.C.C. Death Dragon R.C.C. Lancer Pilot O.C.C. Silver Ranger O.C.C. Rapid Flies NPC CyberRangers O.C.C. CyberWarrior O.C.C. Technocrat O.C.C. Lightning Dragon R.C.C. North Dakotan Cyberknight O.C.C. Brahmagupta Dragon R.C.C. Coalition Commando O.C.C. Seventh Cavalrymen R.C.C. Death Horse NPC Old Time Doctor O.C.C. Aiite Master NPC Aiite Worker R.C.C. Aiite Commandant R.C.C. Inuit R.C.C. IQ: 4D6 ME: 3D6+2 MA: 3D6 PS: 3D6+3 PP: 3D6 PE: 4D6 PB: 3D6 Spd: 3D6 Inuits are a American Indian nature spirits who were known to the native Americans, worshipped in some areas, feared in others. They dress in tribal outfits, with feathers and tattoos being a common sight. Inuits are highly conservation and environmentally oriented. Whenever they use their abilities their skin glows green (except for invisibility). See Seventh Calvary men for more details on death and dying. Natural Abilities 1. Drain-The character gains strength by draining other persons life force. It costs 10 ISP to use. Victim rolls against psionics an if fails loses up to 50 ISP and 5D6 S.D.C./M.D.C. depending on the creature. The Inuit gains what the victim loses, except that the S.D.C. turns into M.D.C. The Inuit can only use this power on one person at a time. He must be touching the victims skin. He can only use this power 10 times in a 24 hour period. 2. Invisibility at will-Same as the invisibility: Superior spell 3. Infection-This is the power that lets the Inuit create other Inuits. The Inuit bites the victims neck an if victims fails a save at 18 he will slowly transform into a Inuit. He will get all the Bonuses of the Inuit. Reroll ME, PS, and PE, the rest stay the same. Also victim becomes a M.D.C. creature. The Inuit can only do this during a full moon, and has to be on a Ley line or Nexus Point. 4. Flaming Tomahawk-1D6*10 MDC. This tomahawk is made of ectoplasm manipulated by the Inuit. It gets it flaming appearance due to its fiery red color and the fact that it feels like it burns your skin when it hits you. Inuit can throw it up to 300 feet and can still return to them. Only the Inuit can use the weapon, any one else who touches it will be inflicted with full damage. Any Inuit will know it cannot use the weapon and won't try to pick it up. M.D.C./Hit Points: 3D6*10 Alignment: Any ISP: 1D6*10 Shaman: 1D10*10 PPE: 2D4 O.C.C. Skills Wilderness Survival +20% Land Nav +15% Hunting +25% Track Animals +10% Skin and Prepare Animals +15% W.P. Archery W.P. Blunt W.P. Knife Cooking +20% Fishing +5% Sewing +5% Other Skills: None Secondary Skills-Select 3 skills from Domestic, Physical, and Wilderness category. Select 1 skill at level 4, 9, and 13. Combat Bonus: +35% to prowl, +2 to strike with ancient weapon, -3 to strike with modern weapon, +1 to parry and dodge, +1 to initiative. Psionic Powers Roll a D100, on a roll of 1 your character is a shaman-Knows 5 of the following Powers: BIO-REGENERATION, PSYCHIC SURGERY, PSYCHIC DIAGNOSIS, SIXTH SENSE, SENSE EVIL, SENSE MAGIC, INCREASED HEALING, RAIN, GROWTH, OR SEE THE INVISIBLE. On a roll other than 1, character is a minor psychic know 1D4 from physical category. Shaman learn 2 new powers at level 3, 7, 9, 11, 13, and 15, can choose from any category except super. +2D6 ISP per level for both. Spells-Neither know any Equipment-A long bow with 20 arrows, Hatchet-2D6 SDC, 2 ancient weapons of choice, set of Indian clothes, a pipe, backpack, 2 fur coats, and a bowie knife Money: None to start with Cybernetics and Bionics: Cannot receive either. Created by Mike Best Edited by Sean Satterlee CyberRangers 80 years ago the Cyberknights appeared. A mere 20 years ago the CyberRanger appeared. A sort of super wilderness scout, the rangers are the stealth and senses of the Cyber Trilogy. They are silent and can make normal Wilderness Scouts seem as natural as Chi-Town Training: The CyberRanger have probably the hardest training of any of the three Cybers. Their training begins at age 10, and continues until age 20. They must be taught by a CyberRanger of a at least 7th level. Word has it Lord Coake himself encourage this occupation and helped in its separation from the Cyberknights to form it's own branch. Psionic Powers Roll a d10, on a 1-8 the character has no psionics (with the exception of the choices provided later), only 1D6 ISP, and is considered a minor psionic. On a 9 or 10 the character may choose five powers from the following list at level 1, and 2 more at 3rd and 7th level. The character is considered a Major Psionic. BIO-REGENERATION, DEADEN PAIN, HEALING TOUCH, INCREASED HEALING, ALTER AURA, IMP. TO COLD, IMP. TO FIRE, IMP. TO POISON/TOXIN, RESIST FATIGUE, RESIST HUNGER, RESIST THIRST, SEE THE INVISIBLE, SENSE EVIL, SENSE MAGIC, OR SIXTH SENSE. Alignment: Any good or selfish Attribute Requirements: IQ:9 ME: 12 PS:10 PP:6 PE: 14 Spd: 7 Special Bonuses: add 2D6 to PE and Spd, add 2D4 to ME, 1D6 to PS and PP. Add 1 attack per melee. Add +3 to parry and dodge, and add 4D6 to S.D.C. PPE: 4D4 O.C.C. Skills Language: 3 of choice at 95% Literacy: Choose 1 from the above languages at 85% Cook +5% Fishing +15% Sewing +5% Detect Ambush +20% Detect Concealment + 20% Intelligence +15% Tracking +20% Wilderness Survival +30* First Aid +10% Holistic Medicine +15% Athletics: General Climbing +20% Prowl +25% Horsemanship +15% Math: Basic +10% Lore: Demons and Monsters W.P. Choose 3 ancients of choice W.P. Choose 2 modern of choice Hunting Identify Plants and Fruits +30% Track Animals +20% HTH: Expert (Can be upped to Martial Arts at the cost of 2 Other Skills) Other Skills: Choose 5 from the following list. Select 1 more at level 4, 5, 7, 9, 12, and 15. Communication: Only Radio:Basic +5% Domestic: Any Espionage: Any +10% Military: Any Physical: Any +10% Pilot: Any but Robots and PA, tanks, and APC's Pilot Related: Any Rogue: Any but Hacking Science: Biology or Botany +10% Technical: Any except Comp Op and Comp Pr +10% W.P.: Any Wilderness: Any +15% Secondary Skills: Choose 4 from the above list without bonuses though. Equipment: One set of light or medium armor. One energy rifle with 3 E-clips. Vibroknife, combat fatigues and boots. Blue jeans and T-shirt, backpack, canteen, 1 protein healing salve. Do not like vehicles and will try to avoid riding animals (they like animals and don't like forcing them to work). Money: 1D4*25 credits Cybernetics and Bionics: Cannot receive them whatsoever Code of Honor: Protect innocent animals and follow the Code listed Rifts RPG under the Cyberknight. Natural Abilities Choose two from the following five choices 1. Psi-Bow-A bow that shoots mega-damage arrows up to 500 feet away. This is like a Psi-Sword in that it can be used indefinitely and cost no ISP. It does 1D4 mega-damage at level one, add a d4 every other level. Effective range is 500 feet. If character chooses this he automatically receives W.P. Archery. 2. M.D.C. being!!! Character becomes a M.D.C. creature with 3D6+1 M.D.C. Add 1D4 M.D.C. at level 3, 5, 8, and 12. Drop any S.D.C. bonuses. 3. Enhanced Senses-Character automatically has night vision at 200 feet, see the invisible, sense magic, sense evil, sixth sense, see aura, and has heightened hearing and can see as well as a Crazy. 4. Super Stealth-The PC can, 3 times a day with each time lasting 2 hours, become totally invisible to all methods of detection. This means not even See the Invisible will detect. The PC cannot be heard (unless he wants to), and cannot be smelled. The PC can still be felt and still retains his weight. 5. Enhanced Abilities-Add 2D6 to PE, 2D4 to PS, 1D6 to PP, 1D4*10 to Spd, 1D4 to ME and IQ, 1D6 to Hit Points, 1D4*10 to S.D.C. (These latter two become +2d6 to M.D.C. if PC chooses Ability two). Saving Bonuses for all CyberRangers +2 save vs. poisons +1 save vs. insanity, psionics, and magic +5 save vs. horror factor Created by Mike Best Edited by Sean Satterlee CyberWarrior About 60 years ago the Cyberwarriors were created as an offshoot to the Cyberknights. The CyberWarriors were similar to the Cyberknights, but were more concerned with raw combat. They were also mostly unprincipled. Their numbers remained few up until five years ago. Their numbers since have tripled, and are still growing. The CyberWarrior are all good, a good comparison between the CyberWarriors and the Cyberknight would be the Knights of Camelot and the Rival Cavaliers. The CyberWarriors are a rowdy bunch who love a good scrap and never back down. They are nowhere near as civilized or intelligent as the Cyberknight Training: Unlike the Cyberknights, all CyberWarrior have to train with a high level CyberWarrior for at least two years. The teacher teaches them all they need to know. This warrior must be of at least 6th level. Psionic Powers Roll a d10, on a 1-9 the PC has no psionics powers but the Psi-Axe, an has only 1D4 ISP, and is considered a minor psionic. On a 10 the character gets the Psi-Axe and choose 1 power from each category except super. ISP is 1D4*10. +2 ISP per level, and the character is considered a major psionic. Alignment: Any but only .5% are evil, if evil the character loses the Psi-Axe. Attribute Requirements: PS: 12 PE: 11 Spd: 6 Special Bonuses: Add 1D^ to PS, PE, and Spd, add 1D4 to PP and ME. Add 2D4*10 to S.D.C. and 1D6 to Hit points. Add +1 to roll with punch and a +5 to damage. PPE: 4D6 NOTE: Cannot receive IQ bonus no matter what. O.C.C. Skills Language: 2 of choice at 80% Radio:Basic +10% Detect Ambush +15% Detect Concealment +10% Wilderness Survival +20% First Aid +10% Demolitions +15% Demolitions:Disposal +15% Body Building and Weight Lifting Boxing Climbing +15% Prowl +15% Wrestling Pilot: Choose 2 +10% W.P. Axe W.P. 2 ancient of choice W.P. 2 modern of choice Lore: Demons and Monsters +10% Land Nav +15% HTH Expert (can be changed to Martial Arts at the cost of one Other Skill) Other Skills: Choose 4 and an additional 2 at levels 3, 5, 7, 8, 12, and 14. Domestic: Any +5% Electrical: Only Basic Electronics Espionage: Any +5% Mechanical: Automotive only Physical: Any +10% Pilot: Any Pilot Related: Any Rogue: Any but Hacking Science: Only Math:Basic Technical: Any W.P.: Any Wilderness: Any +5% Secondary Skills-Choose 5 skills from the above list without bonuses. Equipment: One set of heavy armor. One energy rifle with 4 E-clips, a set of dress clothing, gas mask, tinted sunglasses, 2 quart canteen, 2 protein healing salves, combat fatigues and boots. Has no vehicle to start out with. Money: 1D4*100 credits Cybernetics: Starts with cyberarmor identical to the Cyberknights, and choose one type of cyber eyes. Code of Honor: Only obligation is to help innocent people. Powers Psi-Axe Similar to the Psi-sword. the Psi-Axe is more powerful. Starting M.D.C. is 2D6, add 1D6 at levels 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 13, and 15. Add a +1 to save vs. magic and horror factor. Heals 2 times normal human speed Role of the Cyberknights No one group is more honored, more loved than the Cyberknight. People view them as the saviors of humanity and protector of the downtrodden (d-bee's). Most communities will openly aid a Cyberknight anyway they can. When a Cyberknight rides into town, the people forget about their fears for a little while an enjoy life. In fact holovids glamorize the Cyberknights depicting them as the hero of the land, and defender of justice. In truth the reason for the Cyberknights fame is because of the Silver Rangers. Silver Rangers are the unsung hero's of North Dakota. They often travel alone, roaming the countryside, righting wrongs. They travel into town, solve the problem, then leave (sort of like the Lone Ranger). Because the Silver Rangers don't stick around for to long the people think they were Cyberknights, since they helped the town like a Cyberknight should.. The Cyberknights in North Dakota are a little different than the one's found roaming the land outside of Dakota. The knights are more aloof and more snobbish than normal. They view themselves as above the rest of the population, and that people will always need saving. They think the people couldn't live without the aid of the knight (for a better description think of Derek Crownguard from the Dragonlance novels transplanted to the Rifts Dimension). The main population of Cyberknights are located in the Gregor Monastery, this is not the famed Lord Coake monastery. Here the knights are trained in the ways of knighthood. The monastery is lead by an 11th level Cyberknight named J.T. Falcon. Currently Falcon is trying to assemble an army of Cyberknights . Right now he has 1,500 knights, and will have 4,000 more in the following year. As soon as Falcon has assembled enough men (roughly 10,000), he will wage war against evil Supernatural creatures and any evil kingdom. Unfortunately once these foes are dispatched in North Dakota Falcon will try to make North Dakota his kingdom. There are only humans in the Monastery, Falcon will not allow any non-humans to join the ranks of Cyberknights. Any outside Cyberknight will feel a little out of place around these Cyberknights. Outside Cyberknights will not try to stop Falcon until it is too late to do anything. The following is different about the North Dakota Cyberknight than the normal one found in the Rifts RPG. 1. To live- is the same 2. Fair play- Same unless you are non-human, then the Cyberknight will do the things he would normally not do 3. Nobility- Same as 2 4. Valor- Same as 2 5. Honor- Same as 2 6. Courtesy- Same as 2 7. Same as 2 Silver Ranger O.C.C. The Silver Rangers are an organization of men and women dedicated to helping people survive the terrible plots of fiendish characters. The Rangers are of sort of like the Cyberknights except the Rangers help a person or a small town, while the knights will help an area or a big city, usually ignoring the pleas of a single person or small town. The Rangers are usually very quiet, speaking only when needed to. The Rangers carry out their duty and leave often before they can be given thanks. Rangers are not in this business for glory or to make money, instead they do their jobs because if they didn't no one else would do it. They will not except money from people no matter what, instead they will accept food and lodging for the night. Attribute Requirement: IQ: 10 PS: 11, Permanent Base P.P.E.: Roll 4D6 O.C.C. Skills: Literacy +10% Language select two of choice at 98% Wilderness Survival +20% Lore: Demon +5% Horsemanship +5% Land Navigation +5% Pilot Select two Pilots +5% First Aid +10% Holistic Medicine +20% Prowl +10% Athletics W.P. Ancient select 2 W.P. Modern select 3 HTH: Martial Arts No such thing as an evil or selfish Silver Ranger O.C.C. Related Skills Select 8 other skills, at least two must be physical, one wilderness, and one domestic. Select two at level three, 1 at level nine, 2 at level thirteen, and 1 at level fifteen. Communications: Any Domestic: Any +10% Electrical: Basic only Espionage: only Detect Ambush and Concealment, and also Tracking Mechanical: None Medical: only Paramedic Military: Any Physical: Any +10% Pilot Skills: Any +5% Pilot Related: Any Rogue: only streetwise and concealment Science: only Math: Basic an Advanced Technical: Any except Comp Pr. W.P.: Any Wilderness: Any +15% Secondary Skills: Select 6 skills from the above list, but without bonuses. Equipment: Suit of Heavy Armor. 1 energy rifle with 3 extra E-clips, 2 energy pistol with 6 extra E-clips, and 1 S.D.C. handgun with 2 clips. Backpack, canteen, binoculars, 50ft of rope, collapsible tent and stakes, field radio, sunglasses, first aid kit, three week supply of rations, and one set of clothe Select a vehicle as long as it is under 40,000 credits, or can have bionic horse Money: 1D10 credits, that's right this guy is a pauper Cybernetics: None to start out with but can acquire some at a later date. Brahmagupta Dragon R.C.C. IQ: 2D6/3D6+1 Read description for more info ME: 2D6+5/3D6 MA: 3D6+5 PS: 4D6+5 *SUPERNATURAL STRENGTH PP: 4D6/5D6 PE: 5D6 PB: 2D6 Spd: 8D6 Running or 70 mph flying ISP: 1D6*10/1D6*10+20 PPE: 1D6*10 MDC/HIT POINTS: 1D3*100 Horror Factor: 14 Alignment: Any but usually anarchist or evil In every species there is always a sect of them that the rest of the species dislikes, i.e. the Gully Dwarves, Dark Elves, Nazi's, and so on. The dragons are no exception to this statement. Dragons look down upon the Brahmagupta due to their weak minds and physical abilities, but you should never judge a book by its cover. The Brahmagupta are arguably the most powerful dragon that have step foot on Earth. That wasn't always the case though, the Brahmaguptas were the weakest dragons. That all changed the day the a power hungry Shifter happen to come across their dimension. The Brahmagupta were dying off, they weren't able to adapt to their changing planet. The shifter enslaved the dragons with the promise of a new world and the power to be the strongest dragons known to the universe. The Shifter had come across an ancient spell believed to be created by the Old Ones, but the shifter doesn't know, or care. The spell creates an amulet that gives the shifter the powers of the wearer, and gives the wearer power too. Until now the Shifter couldn't find any willing dragons (since only dragon may wear the amulet), until he found the Brahmagupta. Once the dragon puts on the amulet he can't remove it unless it truly never intends to wear it again, in which case he will lose the powers given to it by the amulet (the powers are on the right side of slashes). Until now their were only 6 Brahmagupta's on Earth, but now their are over 700 Brahmagupta's that have the amulet. Due to the suddenness of attaining power some of the Brahmagupta have gone insane. These few (35) insane dragons have led people to believe that the entire race of Brahma's are insane monsters that love to kill. Most armies are instructed to kill Brahma's on sight. The other race's of dragons are disgusted and shocked that a dragon would actually use a humans device to gain power. Some dragons will actively hunt down Brahma's. Natural Abilities 1. Nightvision: 200 feet. Bio-regenerate: 1D4*10 Mega-damage every 5 minutes, with amulet it's 1D6*10 every minute. See the invisible, fire and cold resistant 2. Acid Breath: 3D6 M.D. 4. Metamorphis: Same as Great horned Dragon 5. Amulet: The amulet increases the wearers abilities (right side of slash), it increase speed by 15 mph (flying and running). Also increases PPE by 130 and ISP by 100. What the dragons don't know is that the shifter can exert his will over the dragon any time, forcing the dragon to do what he wants. What the shifter does not know is that with every amulet he makes a little part of himself goes into the amulet. So if he keeps making amulets he will eventually die, and with his death all the amulets will lose their power. Also dragon acquires a few of shifter's spells due to the Amulet. Pick 10 of the following spells: SENSE PPE, SENSE MAGIC, TURN DEAD, TRANCE, CHAMELEON, CONCEALMENT, SHADOW MELD, TIME SLIP, CALL LIGHTNING, CONSTRAIN BEINGS, SUMMON AND CONTROL CANINES, SUMMON LESSER BEINGS, FIREBALL, LIFE DRAIN, CLOSE RIFT, CALM STORM. R.C.C. Skills: At first level can select 5 skills, but is automatically literate in Dragonese (98%), and knows Basic: Math at 98%. Psionics: Considered a minor psionic and knows Mind Block, Telepathy, Sixth Sense, and See Aura. With the Amulet dragon becomes a Major Psionic, and knows the following: Telekinesis (super), Psi-Sword, Alter Aura, Empathy, Object Read, Death Trance, and Hydrokinesis. Spells: Knows no spells at 1st level other than the ones the amulet gives it. Can learn two new spells at every other level starting at 2nd level. Physical Description: 15 feet long 40 foot Wingspan 8 feet tall Scales are red in color, this dragon is absolutely hornless and clawless. Combat: Punch- 2D6/5D6 M.D. Tail- 4D6/1D6*10 M.D. Bite- 3D6/1D6*10 M.D. Body block- 1D6*10/2D6*10 M.D. Insanity: Roll a D20 if you get a 20 roll twice on psychosis table (p19 of Rifts RPG). Coalition Commando Attribute Requirement: IQ: 15, PS: 12, PP: 18 Attribute Bonuses: 1D4 to PS, PP, and PE Due to the disaster of the McCoy raid in which two divisions were wiped out, the Coalition hired a group of analyst to figure out what went wrong with the invasion. After many months they deduced that the enemy was given enough time to prepare for a large assault, if the Coalition had sent in a small group of specialized soldiers it would have been possible for the Coalition to of won that battle without that high of a casualty rate. Emperor Prosek agreed to this theory, an immediately set up a training program to created commandos. The soldiers were chosen from the finest available personnel, no matter how much political clout you had, if you weren't the best you weren't going to get in. The commandos go where no other could go without a 1,000 other soldiers backing him up. They are assigned the most dangerous task, and are often not given a lot of support in succeeding. Yet somehow they do, the commandos have the least casualties out of all the divisions. In their off time they often act immature or get into a lot of fights. To outsiders this appears to be that these people are just plain brutes, but that is not true. That is the only way they know how to let out some steam after a very dangerous mission. While on a mission they lose that immature attitude and become downright serious, not allowing mistakes to happen. O.C.C. Skills Sniper Tracking +10% Wilderness Survival +15% Urban Survival +15% Camouflage +5% Holistic Medicine +5% Math: Basic and Advanced +15% First Aid +5% Pick Locks +10% Cryptography +10% Radio: Basic +15% Radio: Scrambler +15% Surveillance +20% Literacy +25% Select two languages at 98% HTH Martial Arts or Assassin W.P. Select two Ancient W.P. Select four Modern Other Skills Select 15 skills, but 4 must be physical, 1 ancient W.P., and 3 pilots. Communications: Any +5% Domestic: Any Espionage: Any +10% Electrical: Only Basic Mechanical: only automotive mechanic Medical: only paramedic Military: Any +15% Physical: Any +10% Pilot: Any +10% Pilot Related: Any Rogue: Only Comp Hacking, Concealment, and Streetwise Science: None Technical: Only Comp Op and Lore: Demon W.P.: Any Secondary Skills: Select 8 skills from the above list but no bonuses Standard Equipment: 1 energy rifle with 2 E-clips, 2 energy pistols with 2 clips, and 3 ancient weapons. Any armor of choice. Signal flares, survival knife, pocket computer, air filter and gas mask, walkie-talkie, canteen, combat boots, camouflage fatigues. Equipment available upon assignment: Any rifle or pistol (M.D.C. or S.D.C.), extra E-clips, hover-cycle, some explosives, extra rations, and a compass. Will not be given any vehicle besides hover-cycle no matter what, commando is suppose to rely on his own merit not with the aid of technology, besides it harder to conceal an APC or Death Head, than it is a hover-cycle. Money: Salary is 4,000 credits a month. Captain or higher is 5,000 credits Cybernetics: None to start out with Seventh Calvary men R.C.C. IQ: 3D6 ME: 3D6+2 MA: 3D6+1 PS: 4D6 *Supernatural Strength PP: 4D6 PE: 5D6 PB: 2D6 Spd: 3D6 ISP: 1D6*10 +4 per level PPE: 1D6*10 permanent base MDC: 2D6*10 +10 per level Alignment: Any 90% are anarchist or evil Flesh looks like it is rotting away in some places, you can see bone in other places. They wear what appears to be late 19th century American military uniforms. The clothing looks tattered, but somehow it manages to stay on. The Calvary men were killed while fighting Indians, and buried by an Indian Shaman who had put a curse on them. When the rifts erupted, it triggered the curse, they are doomed to forever walk this land never dying, but always in pain. Forever doing their duty ridding Indians and guarding their land. Consequently they will attack Indians on sight and attack anyone in the Badlands besides another Calvary men. Both the Inuit and Calvary men have human emotions, and act pretty much like humans would. The Inuits live in tribes with a leader an a Shaman, while the Calvary men will in outpost lead by a Commander. Both races will venture out of the Badlands if they want to. Also both races cannot die but when their hit points are reduced to 0 they go into a stasis until they regenerate all their hit points, not before. When a Inuit or Calvary men loses double their hit points they die, but not in the same sense that a human would die. They are sucked into a different plane of existence where their is no substance, just endless darkness. The soul is in constant pain, but the character will never find the source of the pain. The character can still think and has thoughts but he can't move or use any powers, he is just their. If a character goes to this plane their is no way of coming back, pick new character. Natural Abilities 1. Flaming Saber: 2D6 M.D. plus 1D6 M.D. every other level. The saber when activated by the Calvary men (SC), flames up but oddly does not give off heat or light. Only the SC can handle or activate the saber. He can activate it at will. If someone else besides the SC handles the saber they are engulfed in flames inflicting 2D6 M.D. per round held 2. Nightvision 100ft. Bio-regenerate at 6D6 M.D. every 5 minutes. 3. Limited Invulnerability: Only laser and electricity do damage, and lasers do only half-damage. Nothing else will hurt the SC. Magic and Psionics do full damage. Spells: Knows none and cannot learn any. Psionics: Select two physical at level one, and select three from sensitive at level six. Height: Same as human. R.C.C. Skills: Horsemanship 98% Wilderness Survival 98% Select two domestics at 98% Select two wilderness at 98% Select one W.P. any of choice Language and Literacy: American 98% Equipment: A Death Horse, saddle, canteen, tent, bed roll, binoculars, select one S.D.C. side arm, and one S.D.C. rifle, and camping gear. Money: None to start out with. Cybernetics: Can never receive them. Old Time Doctor O.C.C. Attribute Requirement: IQ: 12 ME: 11 PE: 13 Attribute Bonus: IQ: +1 This doctor is similar to the ones you would see in the old west in the late 19th century. They can't do much in the way of healing, but they will make you feel comfortable. Most Old Time Doctors know rudimentary skills in stitches , pulling teeth, remedies for stomach aches, and stuff like that. Most Old Time Doctors don't stay in one place for to long, they often accompany caravans or travelers. In a way they are a like a soldier who knows some first aid skills. O.C.C. Skills First Aid +20% Holistic Medicine +5% Rural Medicine +15% Pilot: Hover +5% Radio: Basic +5% Wilderness Survival +10% Language: Select two languages +20% Literacy: Select one of the above choices at 98% Lore: Demon +5% W.P. Ancient Select one W.P. Modern Select two O.C.C. Related Skills Select 5 other skills. Select 2 at level three, one at level five, eight, ten, and thirteen. Communications: none Domestic: Any +5% Electrical: only Basic Espionage: only Detect Ambush and Detect Concealment Mechanical: none Medical: none Military: none Physical: Any Pilot Skills: Any Pilot Related Skills: Any Rogue: none Science: Any Technical: Any W.P.: Any Wilderness: Any Secondary Skills: Select six from the above categories but with no bonuses. Equipment: A medical kit, first aid kit, extra bandages, canteen, backpack, fold-up tent, hat, 2 sets of clothes, binoculars, and regular camping gear. Select one energy rifle with two E-clips, select two energy pistols with one E-clip each, and select two ancient weapons. Money: 1D6*100 credits Cybernetics: None to start out with. Agriculturist R.C.C. The Agriculturist is sort of like the African Rain Maker, he wanders around the countryside aiding farmers. He helps keep away drought and pestilence too. If a farmer see's or hears that a Agriculturist is near his farm, he will do anything to get him to visit his farm and help his crop. Most Agriculturists are kind and will do the services for a small fee, but still there are others that are selfish or evil and demand high sums of money or other valuables. The Agriculturist is the modern day Johnny Appleseed, spreading seeds inhospitable land. Nothing gives greater joy than watching a sapling grow for a Agriculturist. About 99% of the Agriculturist are vegetarians preferring not to eat meat, but the excess of plants. Consequently most Agriculturist are very passive not killing animals, and are always trying to solve a conflict without sorting to violence. This means that the Agriculturist will always be the last one to fire. Attribute Requirement: None, however a high I.Q. and M.E. is suggested. P.P.E. Permanent Base: 2D6 I.S.P.: 2D6*10 + M.E. Alignment: 75% are of good alignment, 15% of selfish, and 10% of evil alignment Skills: Can speak and write American adequately (80%), select one piloting skill and domestic skill. Also select 6 other skills from the categories physical, domestic, wilderness, pilot, and W.P with each having a 5% bonus. Select three secondary with no bonuses from the list from above. Character starts out a HTH Basic but can be changed to HTH Expert at the cost of two other skills. Standard Equipment: Assorted bag of seeds, canteen, sunglasses, any light armor, one energy rifle with two E-clips, various small farming tools, backpack, tent and stakes, bowie knife, and regular camping gear. Vehicle is limited to bionic horse or hovercraft. Money: 2D6*100 credits Cybernetics: None character dislikes cybernetics. Powers of the Agriculturist: At first level character knows: SIXTH SENSE, SEE AURA, MIND BLOCK, GROWTH, and ANIMAL EMPATHY. Also select a power from each category except Super. At second level select two from each category except Super. From third and above select two from any category except Super. Aiites (pronounced A-ites) Workers R.C.C. Horror Factor: 10 Alignment: Most are evil highest alignment is anarchist Attributes: IQ: 2D6+4, ME: 3D6, MA: 3D6, PS: 4D6, PP: 4D6, PE: 5D6, PB: 2D6, Spd: 5D6 Character is considered supernatural ISP: 1D4*10 PPE: 4D6 Hit Points: 2D6*10+20 add 20 hit points per level Natural Abilities 1. Nightvision- 150ft 2. Invulnerability- Weapons do no damage only Magic and Psionic do full damage. 3. Cannot be turned into a Vampire 4. Bio-regenerate- 1D4*10 hit points per melee 5. Create Rod- See description that follows after Aiite Master. Flaws 1. Gold does double damage on Aiite 2. Never can leave this dimension 3. Cannot operate complicated machinery, such as robots, vehicles, power armors, even if the character was a pilot before being turned into a Aiite. The Aiite workers are the worker bees in the colony. They do most tasks that are not serious enough for a Commandant or master. The workers are the ones most likely for a caravan or traveler to come across. They do possess somewhat of an intelligence, and are capable of making decisions and tactics. Arpita has total control over the workers, he can enforce his will whenever he wants and no matter how far away they are. Arpita knows what every worker knows and feels, Arpita can detect if the worker is trying to betray him. Arpita can force the worker to kill himself whenever he so chooses. All workers act differently, most keep their humans traits. Some workers try to return to normal life but they find that Arpita will enforce his will upon them, changing the way the act. Psionics: Select three from physical category. Skills: Select 8 skills from Communication, Domestic, Mechanical, Technical, Physical, Wilderness, and Piloting. Physical Description: Look completely human, only difference is that their eyes glow and eerie green. Human size in height. Combat: Look in Conversion Book for Damages Bonuses: +2 to strike, parry, and dodge. +1 to initiative, +3 to save vs. horror factor, magic, and psionics. Aiite Commandant R.C.C. Horror Factor: 10 Alignment: All are Evil IQ: 3D6, ME: 3D6, MA: 3D6+2, PS: 5D6, PP: 4D6, PE: 5D6, PB: 2D6, Spd: 5D6 Creature considered a supernatural creature. ISP: 2D8*10 + ME PPE: 1D4*10 Hit Points: 3D6*10+10 +20 hit points per level Natural Abilities 1. Nightvision- 150ft. 2. Invulnerability- Same as worker 3. Fireball- 1D4*10 M.D. can be used once per melee 4. Bio-regenerate- 1D6*10 hit points per melee 5. Create Rod- See description that follows after Aiite Master 6. Cannot be turned into a Vampire Flaws 1. Gold does double damage 2. Cannot leave dimension 3. Left hand appears to be rotting Psionics: Considered a major psionic, follow Burster R.C.C. rules on obtaining psionics. Also Commandant has the power to control workers. Add 2D6 ISP per level. Skills Same as Worker The commandant are third in charge behind the Aiite Master and Arpita. They have normal intelligence and are capable of complicated thought. The commandant are chosen by infecting strong evil humans. Arpita still can enforce his will on the commandant, but he rarely does it. The commandant is usually accompanied by at least 10 workers. There is only one commandant for every 1,000 workers, currently there are 10 commandants. Physical Description: Varies, look completely human besides rotting hand. Aiite Master Horror Factor: 14 in natural form Alignment: Diabolic or Miscreant IQ: 4D6, ME: 4D6: MA: 4D6, PS: 6D6, PP: 5D6, PE: 5D6, PB: 1D6/4D6, Spd: 6D6 Creature considered Supernatural ISP: 4D6*10 PPE: 1D6*10 Hit Points: 4D6*10+30 +20 hit points per level Natural Abilities 1. Nightvision- 200ft 2. Invulnerability- Same as worker 3. Communication with Arpita. No matter where the Master is he can always communicate with Arpita. This is different than the link with the worker for the master can talk to Arpita while the worker cannot. 4. Bio-regenerate- 1D8*10 per melee 5. Lightning Attack- 1D8*10 can fire one once every melee 6. Create Rod- See Description following this character. 7. Metamorphis at will Flaws 1. Gold does double damage 2. Repulsion to salt Psionics: Considered a major psionics, use Mind Melter for obtaining powers. Add 1D10 ISP per level. Spells: At fifth level character can learn six spells through level four. Skills: Same as the Mind Melter The Aiite Master is second-in-command to Arpita. The master enjoys total freedom, Arpita can enforce his will, but won't do that. The Aiite master is confronted by Arpita through the Astral Plane. Arpita offers unlimited power to the master, if master agrees he transforms into the Aiite Master. In return Arpita gains a foothold into that dimension. The master is totally ruthless, doing whatever it takes to gain more minions. He will sometimes appear to be kind and offering help only to betray you when you are at your weakest. The master is always accompanied by at least 60 workers. The masters true appearance is that of a red energy cloud. It often times appears to be an attractive human. Currently the Aiite Master is known as the Elegant Man, his name is Lyle Benz. See NPC section for further details. Infection Aiites don't create other Aiites like Vampires do, instead they have to have the Rod of Power. The Rod of Power appears to be made of wood. It is about 11 inches long. It looks like a wooden dagger. In actuality the Rod is part of the Aiite. About a month after the human becomes an Aiite, the Rod will grow out of his back falling off about a week later. The Aiite infects a person by plunging the Rod into the chest of the victim. The maximum damage the Rod can is 120 mega-damage. The Rod can sense what a person is and what he is wearing, the calculates what it would take to bust through the humans defenses and that is how much the human will take. The human rolls vs. infection at a 18, if he fail he immediately transform into an Aiite. Reroll attributes and the characters only retains a selected amount of skills (see character you intend to be). Since the Rod is part of the Aiite, he will automatically know where it is no matter how far away it is. The infection only works when an Aiite wields the Rod, if a non-Aiite uses it as a weapon it does 1D6 S.D.C. The Rod only takes damage from gold, the Rod will be destroyed when it receives 80 hit points in damage. If the Rod is destroyed the Aiite suffers a loss of 80 hit points, which it cannot regenerate until it grows a new one. The Aiite will grow a new one after a month. Every time a Aiite infects a person he receives 10 hit points. Created by PlayeR2000 edited by SEAN Technocrat O.C.C. The Technocrats are a sort of Operator that has developed his powers to a new level. When using their powers they become one with the machine! By doing this they exert more control over the machine and are much more powerful than average pilots. They also have the ability to make any kind of modification to their machine making each machine one of a kind. Requirements I.Q.: 14, M.A.: 14 O.C.C. powers Man Machine symbiosis: Like the weapon meld the pilot and the machine move as one, therefore the pilot must be in a specially designed cockpit that allows him to hook up with the machine. Telemechanics Same as psionic 10 ISP Object read Same as psionic Inventiveness Modification of machine 5 ISP O.C.C. skills Literacy American 98% language America 98% language any +15% mechanical engineer +15 electrical engineer +20 weapons engineer +20 W.P. any Pilot any two at 25% HTH expert Related skills 10 skills Communications: any Domestic: any Wilderness: none Physical: any except SCUBA Electrical: any Mechanical: any Pilot: any Pilot Related: any Science: any Rogue: none Military: any Espionage: any Secondary Skills: Select six skills from the above list, but no bonuses. Equipment Tool kit (industrial), 15ft wire, pen light, light MDC armor, notebook, a knife, tool belt, work clothes, hammer, wrench, 4 E-clips, Select one energy weapon and two ancient weapons. Vehicle of your choice 100,000 dollars to modify it, this must all be used or it is lost. 5,000 must go to making special cockpit. Money: 4D6*20 credits Cybernetics: None to start out with ISP: 3D6x2 permanent base PPE: 2D6 permanent base Psionics: Select two from this list only. Total recall Resist fatigue Speed reading Sense magic Mind block Summon inner strength Death Dragon R.C.C. I.Q.: 2D6+4 M.E.: 10D6 M.A.: 9D6 P.S.: 5D6* SUPERNATURAL STRENGTH P.P.: 4D6 P.E.: 5D6 P.B.: ? Spd.: 7D6 running, 85 mph flying I.S.P: 1D10*10 P.P.E.: 1D6*10 MEGA-DAMAGE/HIT POINTS: 1D4*100+100 HORROR FACTOR: 20 ALIGNMENT: ANY but usually selfish or evil some are good. NATURAL ABILITIES: 1. Mesmerize-This power is sort of like the spell the Kingpriest of Istar uses in the Dragonlance Legends series. People remember the horror and fear of seeing the Dragon but won't remember the exact details of the Dragon. 2. Death Sense-The Dragon is able to sense, through the use of P.P.E., where there is going to be major amounts of deaths occurring. This sense tell exactly where or when it is going to happen or who is going to die. It is more like a force that pulls the Dragon to the place of oncoming death. If you are a little confused about this then you should read the book JAWS, and how the mammoth shark hunts. That hunting instinct is a good depiction of how this ability works. 3. Soul Trap-This is not what the rumors make it out to be. Instead of entrapping the soul, it absorbs the released P.P.E. that creatures emanate upon death. This is different that most other creatures that use P.P.E. to function, instead of only using a small amount of that released energy and having to use it right away, the Dragon will store all the released energy and can store for up to 2 months. Their is a limit to how much P.P.E. the Dragon can store, the limit is 800 P.P.E. Their is two ways the Dragon can use this P.P.E. A. P.P.E. Discharge-This is the release of all the stored P.P.E. at one time. This discharge inflicts 1D6+10 M.D.C. to the Dragon itself. Once it leaves the Dragons body if forms an oddly shaped 50 foot ball of energy that can only go in a straight line for 2,000 feet. 1st 500ft. is 3d6*10 M.D.C. to anyone hit 2nd 500ft. is 2D6*10 M.D.C. 3rd 500ft. is 1d6*10 M.D.C. 4th 500ft. is 4d6 M.D.C. Any creature that is not directly in the way of the ball feel a slight tingly sensation. Also any creature that feeds off P.P.E. will feel stronger for 1D4 rounds, and have a bonus 1D10 M.D. to their main body B. P.P.E. Withdrawal-The scales can hold the P.P.E. for up to 2 months and while this the Dragon can use the P.P.E. anyway it wishes. Also when a Dragon reaches 5th level it is able to manipulate P.P.E. even better than before. It is able to mold P.P.E. into a solid object that resembles anything the Dragon wants it to look like. The object can walk and do simple tasks. But the creation is actually a shell of what it is made to resemble, it can't talk or think, and it shall die out after a month. The Dragon has total control over his own creation. Cost to create one is 100 P.P.E. 4. Smoke of Anger-If the Dragon is running low on P.P.E. or hasn't come upon any deaths yet it will probably resort to this attack in order get more P.P.E. If a character fails a roll vs. spell at -4 then they fall into a Rage, attacking anything it sees except the Dragon. The smoke cloud is actually a very fine mist that covers a 100ft radius for 1D6 rounds. 5. Feed off P.P.E.- When people die their P.P.E. is released from their body. P.P.E. is doubled at time of death. The dragon is able to absorb any P.P.E. within a 100ft radius. FLAWS: Death Dragons don't like ley lines or Nexus points. This is due to the fact that their scales overload in their attempt to absorb all the P.P.E. If the Dragons is to close to a ley line (500ft.) it will eventually die. 1st minute: Dragon is slightly dizzy -2 to strike, parry, and dodge 2nd minute: Burning sensation on Dragons scales 3rd minute: Pain increasing Dragon takes 1D6*10 M.D.C. 4th minute: Pain intense take 3D6*10 M.D.C. 5th minute: Roll vs. unconsciousness take 3D10*10 M.D.C. 6th minute: Roll vs. Death take 6D10*10 M.D.C. 7th minute: Dragon explodes If dragon dies at any stage his P.P.E. will be released at triple the range and damage of the P.P.E. Discharge ability. Also blast is not in just one direction it occurs in all directions, their is no chance to dodge this blast. SKILLS Same as all other Dragons, read page 98 of base book for list. PSIONICS Dragon considered a minor psionic due to their inability to manipulate their powers so that they can gain powers. The powers that they had at birth are the only ones they can have. Pick 7 from the following list: DEADEN PAIN DETECT PSIONICS INDUCE SLEEP ALTER AURA MIND BLOCK TELEKINESIS ASTRAL PROJECTION EMPATHY CLAIRVOYANCE MIND BLOCK SEE AURA SENSE MAGIC SIXTH SENSE TELEPATHY EMPATHIC TRANSMISSION HYPNOTIC SUGGESTION. SPELLS At 1st level knows all 1st and 2nd level spells along with the following spells: Energy Bolt, Paralysis/lesser, Blind, Fire Bolt, Life Drain, Call Lightning, Agony, and Fire Ball. At 2nd level can learn 10 new spells from 3rd and 4th level At 4th level can learn 5 new spells from 3rd through 5th level At 6th level can learn 3 new spells from 3rd through 7th level At 8th level can learn 3 new spells from 3rd through 8th level At 10th level can learn 2 new spells from 3rd through 9th level 11th through 15th level can 1 learn new spell between 3rd and 12th level. Every level the Dragon will gain 3D6 P.P.E. Initially Dragon will learn spell that will help it disable creatures. It will branch out once it achieves higher levels. NOTE: The Dragon ABSOLUTELY cannot learn any teleport spells or any spells that has to do with rifts or Dimensional travel, this also includes pocket and so on. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Dragon is all black when fully charged with the exception of a white skull shaped blotch on its chest. When either empty or not totally charged the color of dragon will be different shades of gray. LENGTH: 25ft. HEIGHT: 15ft. WEIGHT: 6 tons. WINGSPAN: 70ft. PHYSICAL ATTACKS: BITE- 1D6*10 M.D.C. PUNCH- 5D6 M.D.C. TAIL- 2D6*10 M.D.C. STOMP- 6D6 M.D.C. BODY RAM- 2D6*10 M.D.C. CLAWS- 6D6 M.D.C. Dragon considered an expert in HTH combat with +1 to strike and +2 to parry and dodge. Average Life Span: 10,000 years. Achieves adulthood at 1,000 years of age. Allies: None Enemies: Fellow Dragon, besides that nothing is considered a threat. BACKGROUND The Death Dragons are the one of the most rarest and mysterious of all Dragons known to mankind. They have been seen only a few times in the last 5 years. When Death Dragons (DD for short) are seen it is usually over a battlefield or over a town that will be destroyed. That is DD got their names, they seem to be harbingers of destruction, wherever they went their seem to be death. This made DD look like evil beasts that kill people and suck their soul into a Hellish-like imprisonment, and they were only released to be eaten by the DD. These rumors are somewhat true, but due to peoples fear have blown out of proportion. It is not entirely impossible to hear tales of villages leaving at the sight or rumor of a DD nearby. If you managed to ever talk to a Dragon about DD, they seem indifferent and won't answer your question. WHERE THE DEATH DRAGONS CAME FROM The DD's are from the unknown planet Dragii. The planet is nearing extinction due to the overpopulation of DD's. Fortunately for the DD's (and unfortunately for the shifter) a shifter happened to come across Dragii through a mistake a create rift spell. The DD's killed the shifter immediately. The DD's using the last of their P.P.E. were able to keep the rift open long enough for a few hundred DD's to escape to Earth. The Dragons they left behind will probably die out within 50 years unless they are able to find away to get off the planet. Created By Capt MJB edited by SEAN Lightning Dragon R.C.C. The Lightning Dragon is a rare species of Dragons. There are 1/4 less Lightning Dragons than there are Chiang Ku's. The stats below are for the baby dragon. There are no adults on Rifts Earth, and they're is only one at Atlantis perhaps once every 10 years. Size: The average Lightning Hatchling, in Dragon form, is 40 feet long, 10 feet high, 7 feet wide, and has a wingspan of 60 feet. Weight: The average Lightning Dragon weighs in at around 5 to 7 tons. Attributes: IQ: 6D6 ME: 5D6 MA: 3D6 PS: 4D6 PP: 5D6 PE: 4D6 PB: 5D6 SPD: 6D6+2 PPE: 2d4x10 MDC: 1D6x50 Natural Abilities 1. Fly at 100 MPH, Nightvision 80 feet, See the Invisible, Electricity Resistant (1/2 damage from Particle and Ion attacks!!!), Regenerates 1D6x5 MDC per 4 minutes. 2. Metamorphosis: Same as Great Horned Hatchling 3. Teleport: Same as Great Horned Hatchling, but has 35% +3% Per level of experience. 4. Electricity Breath: 4D6 MD, 120 foot range Psionics: Major Psionic. Choose Seven powers from and of the psionic categories except super. Chose an additional psionic from any level but super at levels 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, and 14. Choose 1 power from super at levels 6 and 12. ISP: 3d4x10+10 Magic Knowledge: Same as Great Horned Hatchling Spells: Same as Great Horned Hatchling, but can begin learning spells at level 2. Combat abilities: Equal to HTH: BASIC. +1 attack and +1 Dodge Combat Damage: Same as normal dragon except that claws do 3D4 M.D. (add to punch attack) and bite does 1D6 M.D. Size: Normal Average Life Span: 6,200 years Adult at 700 years Lancer O.C.C. Bonus: P.S.+3, P.P.+2, P.E.+4 Requirements: I.Q.:12, P.S.:15, P.P.:17 P.E.:16 I.S.P. if no psionics then 2d6 P.P.E. permanent base is 2d4 O.C.C. Skills Aircraft Mechanics +10 Radio: Basic +10 Pilot: Lancer +20 Lancer Combat Pilot: Jet Aircraft: +10 Navigation +10 Read Sensory Equipment +10 Weapon Systems +10 Pilot: Airplane +5 Literacy +10 Basic and Advanced Math +5 Select three modern W.P.'s Athletics Swimming +5 HTH Expert (can move up to martial at cost of one other skill) OTHER Skills select 10 skills but at least 2 must be from physical and one from pilot. COMMUNICATIONS: (ANY) +5 DOMESTIC: (ANY) ELECTRICAL-Only Basic Electronics ESPIONAGE-Only Wilderness Survival MECHANICAL-Only Weapon and Mechanical Engineer MEDICAL-Only First Aid and Holistic Medicine MILITARY-Only Demolition PHYSICAL: (ANY) PILOT: (ANY)) +5 ROGUE: (ANY)) SCIENCE-Only Biology, Chemistry, and Astronomy TECHNICAL-Only Language and Computer Operations and Programming WEAPON PROFICIENCIES: (ANY) WILDERNESS-Only Land Navigation and Hunting Choose a new skill at levels 3, 5, 7, 10, 13, and 15 SECONDARY Skills-Select six skills from the above categories but without IQ bonus STANDARD EQUIPMENT: Lancer PF-1a, a laser rifle of choice with three extra clips, a laser pistol of choice with two extra clips, select a light armor, a canteen, first aid kit, survival kit, two weeks of rations, pilots suit, combat fatigues, compass, portable radio. MONEY: Starts out at 5,000 credits a month when reach Captain rank you get 10,000 credits. Levels from Private to Commander you are usually in a squad or group. Scout to Rogue Colonel you are by yourself, but at each high level you will more danger, more responsibility, and farther away from Lazlo. At the rank of Brigadier Gen. pay is 20,000 a month, and you are in command of all Lancer pilots and planes. You will no longer be flying. ACE-10 KILLS $1,000 BONUS DOUBLE ACE-25 KILLS $5,000 MERIT OF VALOR-8 KILLS $400 MERIT OF VALOR WITH BARS-15 KILLS $900 IRON CROSS-40 KILLS $10,000 IRON CROSS WITH BARS-55 KILLS $14,000 IRON CROSS WITH BARS AND CLUSTERS-70 KILLS $20,000 GOLD DRAGON-75 KILLS $30,000 CENTURY AWARD-100 KILLS $50,000 HONOR OF LAZLO-120 KILLS $100,000 McCOY AWARD-500 KILLS $1,000,000 GOLDEN HEART metal is given out for exceptional bravery on the field of battle, usually given to those pilots that have died during the battle. $2,000 bonus every time you get this award. WHAT COUNTS AS A KILL: Any Mechanoid counts as a kill, Any power armor or robot counts also. Death Heads count for two kills. As time goes on the kills necessary to achieve an award or medal will double. BACKGROUND AND INFORMATION: The Lancer are a squadron of pilots that originated in Lazlo. They were created when the council felt that an attack from the Coalition was imminent. They picked the best men available and trained them to become pilots of the new experimental plane. The Lancer has to be quick thinking and be able to endure vast amounts of stress both physically and mentally. Currently there are only 50 pilots and 35 planes. The council is still not sure if they should continue making Lancer fighters. As of right now there is only one squadron of 15 planes permanently stationed in Lazlo. The rest are deployed in either pairs or by themselves, throughout Old America. Whether the Pilots succeed or not will determine if they will continue making Lancers. FUTURE: The future depends on you. If you succeed then there is a good chance the Lancers will reach full production. If you continually fail than the project will be scrapped. While low level pilots will be posted Lazlo protecting it from evil D-Bees and Humans. Once you reach scout status you will be sent out fighting in the name of Lazlo, capturing wanted criminals and thwarting enemies of Lazlo. As the Coalition turns their attention to Lazlo you will be asked to fly more missions against the Coalition. These ideas are entirely up to the GM. But sooner or Later you should realize that the Coalition will attack Lazlo. Death Horse NPC Most of these horses are black in color, while a few are white in color. Their flesh appears to be rotting away, with a few gaps in the skin. The eyes are a fiery red that eerily glows in the dark. The rider does not need a saddle or reins to ride this horse. The horse has a 90% prowl at full gallop. They get a little nippy when their rider is not around, kicking or biting anyone who gets to close. Alignment: Evil or Good alignment depending on the rider IQ: Animal Intelligence 4+1D4 PS: 20+1D4 *Supernatural Strength* PP: 10+1D8 PE: 26+1D6 PB: 2D6 Spd: 2D10*10 Hit Points: Mega-damage creature 1D8*10 ISP: 5D6 PPE: 2D10 Horror Factor: 13 Natural Abilities: 1. Stealth- Radar an other forms of detection, like thermo-imaging, cannot detect the horse for the horse is actually dead an in corporeal form. 2. Burning Touch- All non-spirits who touch the horse are inflicted with 2D4 M.D., the horse feels so cold it burns. 3. Nightvision-120ft., Bio-regenerate 1D6*10 M.D. per melee. 4. Absolute Obedience- The horse will do whatever its rider asks. The horse will only respond to its rider. The two are lifelong mates. When the two first meet they bond immediately. 5. Cold Breath- Breath is so cold it inflicts 2D6 M.D. up to 2 feet away. Combat: Kick: 1D6 M.D. Bite: 1D8 M.D. Stomp: 2D6 M.D. Ram: 4D6 M.D. Two attacks per melee. Bonus of +1 to strike, parry, and dodge. Height: 6ft Length: 10ft Weight: 900lbs The horse has the same flaws as his rider. Can only bond with an Inuit or Seventh Cavalrymen. Rapid Fly NPC About ten years ago the rapid fly was the plague of the land, they destroyed crops and spread disease and death. The rapid flies origin is unknown to the human population, but it is theorized that they came from some huge super dimension where these insects were normal like a bug is to us. The rapid flies have a voracious appetite eating eight times their own body weight each hour. A horde of rapid flies have been known to destroy an entire crop in under an hour. The flies are not sentient they react just like any other insect, their main concerns are to eat and to reproduce. If they are alone an attacked their main objective is to escape. The rapid flies are much more confident when they are in large groups, they are much more likely to attack instead of retreating. Another problem with the rapid fly is that they carry an unknown virus that is believed to be a regular cold in their own dimension, but on Earth this virus is deadly. As of right now their is no known cure for this virus that local inhabitants call the "chills". Alignment: Anarchist or Miscreant IQ: Insect Intelligence 1D4 ME: 2D6 MA: 2D6 PS: 4D6 *Supernatural Strength* PP: 3D6 PE: 4D6 PB: 1D4 Spd: 5D6 crawling or 75 mph flying ISP: 1D6*10 PPE: 2D10 Hit Points/M.D.C.: 1D8*10 Horror Factor: 12 Height: 1 foot Length: 3 feet Wingspan: 7 feet Physical Description: The insect looks like a mix between a bee and a fly. It has a stinger on its back that it uses to defend itself, while it also spits mucus when it bites a victim. This mucus helps the fly to digest food, the mucus is highly contagious to most Earth animals. The flies main color is black but they do have a few red splotches located on its body. Natural Abilities: 1. Fly: The fly can fly at speeds up to 75 mph for over two hours. 2. Fly vision: The fly sees things differently from us, they see differences in light and dark that allows to see much more effectively than us. This vision also allows them to see in the dark very well. 3. Bio-Regeneration: The fly has very good healing system. 1D4*10 per melee. 4. Mucus: The mucus comes into effect when the fly uses its bite attack. If the fly breaks the skin of its victim than the mucus enters the bloodstream. Victim must save vs. lethal poison or they will get sick 1D4 days and eventually dying in six days. Even if victims successfully saves they will get sick in 1D4 days but will get over it six days. Also if the victims survives they are totally immune to that one flies mucus but no other flies mucus. The illness makes the victim feel very cold and they involuntarily shiver. Every three hours the victim vomits uncontrollably, also the victims has a splitting headaches that does not ease up. When sick the character can not perform any magic spells due to lack of concentration. Also a -15% to performing all skills, and -3 to parry, dodge, and strike. Combat Bite: 1D6 M.D. Stinger: 2D6 M.D. Ram: 2D6 M.D. Wingwhip: 3D6 M.D. (counts as two attacks) Attacks: three Ghost Buffalo NPC These monsters look like white buffalo, they roam the plains in great herds. These monsters are harmless unless attacked. The only problem with the buffalo is that they travel in great herds, sometimes measuring in the thousands, trampling everything in their path. The buffalo's are very destructive, they do not care for human life or property nothing diverts them from their path. Alignment: Anarcist IQ: Animal Intelligence 1D6 ME: 2D6 MA: 2D6 PS: 5D6 *Supernatural Strength* PP: 3D6 PE: 5D6 PB: 3D6 Spd: 6D6 ISP: 1D4*10 PPE: 5D6 Horror Factor: 13 Hit Points: 2D6*10 Height: 5ft Length: 7ft Weight: Anywhere 1,000 to 2,000 pounds Natural Abilities 1. Herd: The buffalo have a natural ability to locate other ghost buffaloes within 100 miles. Using this sense the buffalo will gather in great herds numbering in the thousands. 2. Nightvision: 200 feet, Bio-regeneration: 2D6 Hit Points per melee. 3. Ghostly Appearance: The buffalo appear to be an eerie white color. You can almost see through, but you can't. 4. Cold Touch: Touching the skin of the dead inflicts such a cold shock to the toucher that it inflicts mega-damage. 2D6 M.D. for every attack touching it. Combat Head Butt: 1D6 M.D. Ram: 3D6 M.D. Kick: 2D6 M.D. Attacks: Three Other Animals known to inhabit North Dakota. Having Monsters & Animals is suggested but not required. Also having Rifts: England is suggested. Northern Grizzly Bear, Brown Bear, Bison, Wart hog, Condor, Osprey, Red-Tailed Hawk, Great Horned Owl, King Cobra, Deer, Raccoon, Minx, Fox, Rabbit, Beaver, Skunks, Gopher, Red Squirrel, Chipmunk, Swallow, Blackbird, Lark, Robin, Sparrow, Duck, Ring-Necked Pheasant, Wild Goose, Grouse, Coyote, Prairie Dog, Salmon, Pike, Carp, Bass, and Sunfish. Animals that originated from England usually get here by means depositing their eggs in cargo and then is delivered to North Dakota or neighboring states. They eventually will reach North Dakota, and from their they start to multiply. North Dakota currently has Crawlies, Giant Clamp-Mouth Dragonfly, Flash Beetle, and Stone Ball Bug. New Psionics Growth Category: Physical Duration: Instant ISP: 6 Range: 100 feet per level This power fertilizes and stimulates seeds by feeding it ISP. The seed will rapidly start to grow reaching full maturity y in one hour. The seed will grow anywhere. Can be used on more than one seed. Rain Category: Sensitive Duration: 1 hour ISP: 12 Range: 100 feet per level This is similar to the power in Rifts: Africa. As long as there is at least 1% humidity in the air the psychic will make it rain. Animal Empathy Category: Sensitive Duration: 10 minutes ISP: 5 Range: Touch This power allows the psychic to understand animal emotions. He can tell what the animal likes and dislikes, or what is wrong with it. The power allows the character to act like a Doctor Doolittle. Calm Animal Category: Sensitive Duration: Instant ISP: 2 per animal Range: 500 feet per level The psychic can calm a raging animal. Useful for stopping stampedes and calming animals so you can treat them. Repel Insects Category: Physical Duration: 10 min. per level ISP: 8 Range: 5 feet per level This is used to repel insects away from the user. At lower levels power is meant to keep insects away from user, at higher levels meant to keep away from houses or caravans. Create Well Category: Sensitive Duration: Instant ISP: 10 Range: - This power is sort of like the one in Wormwood, except their has to be a hole or trench already dug. Also their has to be at least 1% humidity in the air. The user will pull precipitation from the air and direct it toward the hole. Ride Animal Category: Physical Duration: Hour per level ISP: 11 Range: Touch This power is a combination calm animal and forcing your *will on the animal. The user can ride any animal as long as it has an animal intelligence. He can also direct it and tell it how fast or how slow he wants it to go. Purify Soil Category: Physical Duration: Instant ISP: 7 Range: Acre per level Allows user to rid any toxins that are the soil, making it fertile. Will also get rid of low-levels of radiation. Scarecrow Category: Sensitive Duration: 2 weeks per level ISP: 10 Range: 10 The user builds a scarecrow and then uses this power to implant a fear into the scarecrow equal to horror factor seven. It scares away all birds in the surrounding areas. Also it can sometimes scare away low-level, low-power supernatural beings like faerie folk. More powerful beings will not be affected. Purify food and water Category: Physical Duration: Instant ISP: 15 Range: Touch or 3 feet This power is exactly like the spell located on page 179 in Rifts RPG. Purify Room Category: Physical Duration: 1 hour per level ISP: 13 Range: 10 by 10 foot room This power cleanses a room leaving it germ and dust free. This power is ideal for sanitizing a surgery room or for housing the sick or infested. Ill people will get over sickness three times faster while in this environment. Notes about Surround Areas By Erin Tarn 1004 P.A. South Dakota South Dakota is truly an evil place. It is said a Supernatural Intelligence has enslaved the population there and made it a haven for D-Bee's. Many, are the tales of atrocities by the hands of Monsters. It is said that they have set up camps for humans to die in. This brings back memories of Auschwitz in the 1940's. Right now North Dakota cities are not powerful enough to help. The Coalition either does not know or care about the human's plight in South Dakota. The Coalition has yet to lift a finger to help. Minnesota Minnesota is almost barren of with Tolkeen being the only exception. The Xiticix have tripled their size in the last three years, threatening to decimate all of humanity in Minnesota and the surrounding areas. Fortunately Prosek has realized that his own empire is threatened, and has called a truce between the Coalition and Tolkeen. Together they hope to defeat the Xiticix. Sadly once the Xiticix have been defeated the Coalition will resume its siege of Tolkeen. I fear for Tolkeen, for now they have to fight two enemies. Montana Montana is a haven for humanity. Too far away for the Coalition to have any influence on them, the inhabitants live peacefully. The only problem is the Magic zone located in the western portion of the old state, but even that is not a major problem. The zone is controlled by a 26th level Great Horned dragon. He considers the zone to be his domain, nothing can come in or out without his approval. Only once has anything ever escaped from the zone. The ones lucky enough were a group of Death Dragons, an only a small number at that (300). I see Montana as the next great civilization waiting to happen. The people here are a hard working industrious lot. While their tech-level is low (19th century, they are eagerly learning everything thing they can. It will be interesting to see if they can survive with all this doom and despair surrounding them. Winnipeg (Canada) Not by Erin Tarn Winnipeg is a hustling trade town of the Splugorth. Relatively few outsiders know about this town. Splynncryth set this town up a few years back in the hopes to corner the market in technology in the Northwest. So far his plan is working very well. That could all change if the Coalition were to get wind of this town. The paranoid leaders of Chit-Town will not allow a threat like that so close to its borders. Chi-town would forget about other plans of invasions an attack Winnipeg until it is just ashes. The town defenses consist of two Dragon Dreadnoughts, 20 Creax armored Rovers, 10 Insecton Land Rovers, 50 Kittani Serpent Power Armors, and 25 Equestrian Power Armors. Reactions by other Powers This is how other powers would react upon learning about McCoyville and Space Station. Coalition: If the Coalition was ever to learn that McCoyville still exists they would send in three divisions to utterly destroy McCoyville. They would also occupy all of North Dakota to ensure that McCoyville will never again rise from the ashes. If they were to find out about the Space Station, they would immediately ally themselves with the New German Republic. They will order their scientists to find away of getting into space, so that they can dispatch with this threat. The paranoid leaders of the Coalition would unite the human population, forgetting about past differences and set them on a common goal to destroy the space station. New German Republic: The NGR would not care about McCoyville and might actually try to trade with them. If they were to find out about the Station, they would become extremely interested in getting the technology to get up there. They would do anything to get that technology, even if means helping the Coalition destroy McCoyville. Mechanoids: The Mechanoids would not care about McCoyville, seeing it as to far away to do anything. If they find out about the station they too would become extremely interested. They would view the space station as a way to contact their fellow Mechanoids. They would too would do almost anything to get up their. ARCHIE Seven: Upon learning about such a powerful station so close to the moon, he would forge an alliance with the rest of the stations in order to destroy the station. ARCHIE and the other stations cannot allow Earthlings to get a foothold in space. They do not want evil monsters and humans to destroy their environment like they did on Earth so long ago. Atlantis: If Atlantis was to learn about McCoyville, Splynncryth would like to enter a trade agreement with the to further is strength in the Northeast. But if they don't agree he will not push the matter not wanting anyone to find out about Winnipeg. The station would be of little interest to him, for Earth is the true commodity for him. This is how other powers would react upon learning about Winnipeg. Coalition: They would do an all out attack on this city not stopping until Winnipeg is destroyed. The Coalition cannot allow the Splugorth so close to their borders. NGR: To far away to make any difference. They might supply Coalition with some +weapons. McCoy: McCoy has been to Atlantis, and knows that the Splugorth are ruthless traders. He will start a private war with Winnipeg, trying to make Splynncryth give up on the idea of a Northeastern trading region. Mechanoids: Don't care. This is how other powers would react upon learning about Arpita Coalition: They would immediately occupy North Dakota, they cannot something this powerful so close to their borders. Atlantis: They would not try and prevent Arpita's growth unless it interferes with their trading in Winnipeg. If it does interfere Splynncryth will send an army into the Badlands to wipeout Arpita and his minions. Atlanteans: They would treat Arpita and his minions the same way they treat vampires. NPC *Note, these are the updated an official versions of these characters* Jim McCoy McCoy was born in Lazlo where he lived for 16 years. While living in Lazlo he learned that not all D-bee's are evil and that sometimes humans are more evil. His parents encouraged learning and free thinking. On his 16th birthday he left Lazlo to wander the world. McCoy learned he liked to help people, and that killing was a terrible thing. After several years he returned to Lazlo, where he was elected to the Congress of Electorate. During his term he worked hard to ease the pain of many. McCoy retired from office when his mother a Mind Melter was killed by an unidentified army. McCoy wandered the world for many years unsure of what to do next. McCoy settled in a small valley in North Dakota, where he began to build a company. While in Dakota McCoy followed up on one of his dreams, and that was to create an artificial life. His first version Jorgenson, Jorgenson was a Neural Intelligence. While Jorgenson was good, McCoy felt he could do better. He was creating a robot, when the Coalition invaded his town. One of the Coalitions missiles hit a sensitive part of his factory. In the chaos that pursued, McCoy essence was transferred to the robot. McCoy fled Earth seeking the safety of his station. McCoy has not come done yet, and probably will never come done unless it is an emergency. True Name: Jim Holloway Alignment: Scrupulous Attributes: IQ: 30, ME: 20, MA: 18, PS: 51, PP: 34, PE: -, PB: 22, Spd: 200 mph Weight: 1500lbs Height: 15ft Age: At time of transformation was 39yrs old PPE: 24 ISP: 9 Hit Points/M.D.C.: 605 Experience Level: 16th level Body Fixer Psionic Powers: None Magic Knowledge: None Combat: HTH: Martial Arts with Boxing and all physical Attacks Per Melee: Seven Bonuses: +2 on initiative, +10 to strike, +14 to parry and dodge, +36 S.D.C. damage, +16 to roll, +8 to pull. Punch: 2D6 M.D. Punch: 6D6 M.D. Power Punch: 2D6*10 M.D. Kick: 4D6 M.D. Leap Kick: 1D6*10 M.D. Tackle: 3D6 M.D. Stomp: 1D6 M.D. Skills of Note: Knows all medicine at 98%, W.P. Energy Rifle, Energy Pistol, Heavy, Sword, and Knife. Favorite Weapons: 200A Rifle, C-27, K4, a vibroblade, and a fusion block. McCoy can also use almost any weapon he wants. Body Armor: McCoy wears a specially modified Illinois armor that weighs 100lbs and gives 100 M.D.C. Special Vehicle: A modified Behemoth. Note the Behemoth is not in this book but probably will be in my edition of Mutants in Orbit. Cybernetics: McCoy's body is very different than most robots. McCoy made the robot modular, so that you could add or remove different cybernetics based on the assignment. McCoy can use and does use virtually every type of cybernetic. Some important ones is the fake skin cosmetics listed in the Sourcebook #1. Money: McCoy carries only about 1,000 credits, but has at his disposal billions of credits in metals and rock (gold and jewels). Alliances & Allies: Brother of Texder Worthington, Grizzle, and the government of Lazlo. Sean Holloway Son of John Holloway, brother to McCoy. Sean was the youngest in the family. From early on you could tell Sean was different from his brothers. He was far more aggressive and meaner than the others. When Sean was 18 years old he joined the Coalition and unknowingly killed his mother on a raid of a small D-bee loving town. Sean has broken all ties with the rest of his family, the Coalition is his family now. Sean will have no problems or qualms about killing a member of his family if so ordered. Sean is currently located in Guardian, where he is fourth in command. True Name: Sean Holloway Rank: Captain Alignment: Aberrant Attributes: IQ: 20, ME: 17, MA: 13, PS: 40, PP: 32, PE: 35, PB: 14, Spd: 52 Hit Points: 82, S.D.C.: 124 Weight: 280lbs Height: 75 inches Age: 27 PPE: 10 ISP: 2 Experience Level: Seventh level Military Specialist Psionic Powers: None Magic Knowledge: None Combat: HTH: Assassin and boxing Attacks Per Melee: Seven Bonuses: +1 on initiative, +12 to strike, +14 to parry and dodge, +12 to roll, and +4 to pull. Skills of Note: See Military Specialist template. Average Skill Level is 86% Weapons: C-12, Wilk's 457, 5 grenades (5D6), CAWS AA1 (1D6*10 S.D.C.), Pump Pistol, particle beam, 5 Fusion Blocks (4D6*10), also Sean can get almost any weapon within reason. Body Armor: Dead Boy armor 80 M.D. also can use Gladiator Armor 70 M.D. Special Vehicle: Coalition Sky Cycle Cybernetics: Headjack with special augmentation, Video camera eye, Optic nerve video implant, and particle beam. Money: 336,000 credits an also gets a monthly salary. Alliance & Allies: He trust no one except the Coalition Texder Worthington Texder is the second oldest brother of the Holloway family, second only to McCoy. Texder lead a life different than the rest of his brothers. Unlike their more aggressive ways, Texder learned the difficult art of magic. One thing that was same with all the brothers was that he liked to build things, Texder found that with the aid of magic he could make his machinery better than normal. Texder developed this art, and became a head technician to the McCoy complex in North Dakota. Texder did not flee to the space station like the rest of the citizens, instead he left the valley and headed to Lazarus. After a few years Texder was elected to the council where he secretly supplies the town with supplies an arms from McCoy's factories. Texder does not use his magical powers in public and has not told anybody in Lazarus about these powers. True Name: Texder Holloway Alignment: Principled Attributes: IQ: 23, ME: 30, MA: 28, PS: 34, PP: 37, PE: 36, PB: 15, Spd: 46 Hit Points: 102 S.D.C.: 156 Weight: 230lbs Height: 72 inches Age: 39 PPE: 224 ISP: 101 Experience Level: Ninth level Techno-Wizard Psionic Powers: Speed Reading, Total Recall, Mind Block, and Tele-mechanics. Magic Knowledge: Blinding Flash, Globe of Daylight, See Aura, Sense Evil, Chameleon, Levitation, Mystic Alarm, Armor of Ithan, Energy Bolt, Fuel Flame, Ignite Fire, Impervious to Fire, Telekinesis, Energy Field, Fire Bolt, Circle of Flame, Energy Disruption, Call Lightning, Fire Ball, Impervious to Energy, Words of Truth, Wind Rush, Cloud of Smoke, Thunder Clap, Create Magic Scroll, Time Slip, Invulnerability, Invisibility: Superior, Magic Net. Combat: HTH: Martial Arts and boxing Attacks Per Melee: 7 Bonuses: +3 on initiative, +12 to strike, +17 to parry and dodge, and +9 to roll. Skills of Note: See Techno-Wizard Template. Weapons: C-12, Wilk's 457, and a K4 Special Weapons: Texder has made numerous weapons that are not mentioned in this book. Perhaps I will include them in later books. Body Armor: Crusader 55 M.D. Cybernetics: None Money: 1,175,000 credits are at his disposal. Alliance & Allies: His brothers, the government of Lazarus. Grizzleberrelcaderall (Grizzle for short) Grizzle is the adopted son McCoy's great grandfather. Grizzle parents were killed by roving band of marauders, McCoy's great grandfather found him and raised him like a son. When he died McCoy's grandfather took care of him, and then his father took care of him. McCoy Considers him a brother, and not a distant relative. Grizzle studies the art of magic, and he played a major role in the evacuation of McCoyville when the Coalition attacked. Currently Grizzle is on the space station, training young ones in the art of magic. He is the General to McCoy's magic division of his army. True Name: The Same Alignment: Unprincipled Attributes: IQ: 20, ME: 19, MA: 25, PS: 24, PP: 38, PE: 35, PB: 36, Spd: 52 Hit Points: 100 S.D.C.: 154 Weight: 290lbs Height: 83 inches Age: 155 PPE: 500 ISP: 60 Experience Level: Ninth level Elf Shifter Psionic Powers: None Magic Knowledge: All spells in the Rifts RPG known Combat: HTH: Martial Arts Attacks Per Melee: Six Bonuses: +2 on initiative, +11 to strike, +17 to parry and dodge, +9 to roll, and +6 to pull Skills of Note: See Shifter Template Weapons: Wilk's 457, Vibrosword, C-12, 2 fusion blocks. All of his weapons are attuned to him. Special Vehicle: None Cybernetics: None Money: 12,000 credits Alliance & Allies: His family Note: Here are a some more of the Holloway family that was not mentioned in this book. John Holloway: Rogue Scholar, Father Frank Holloway: Headhunter, Brother, A.K.A.: Stainless Steel Rat Crunyon: Vagabond, Sister Maxima: Eandorth Cyber-Knight, Friend and General to McCoy Maryian Holloway: Mind Melter, Mother-Dead Greagon: Burster, Son of Texder Larann Worthington: Rogue Scientist, Wife of Texder-died in McCoyville Michael Jorgenson Jorgenson was McCoy's first attempt a robot. Jorgenson worked out perfectly. Currently Jorgenson is in charge of security at McCoyville. McCoy also made a eagle and a wolf, as companions and protection for Jorgenson. Jorgenson seldom leaves McCoyville an if he does it is only for a short period of time. True Name: AA1 Alignment: Unprincipled Attributes: IQ: 28, PS: 60, PP: 43, PB: 26, Spd: 220 Hit Points/M.D.C.: 700 Weight: 1,800lbs Height: 19ft Age: Looks to be 19 Sex: Looks Male PPE and ISP: Nil Experience Level: Neural Intelligence Bot Psionic Powers: Nil Magic Knowledge: Nil Combat: Martial Arts Attacks Per Melee: Six Bonuses: +6 on initiative, +11 to strike, +11 to parry and dodge, +10 to roll Lyle Benz (A.K.A.: The Elegant Man) Lyle was your average Joe, meaking out an existence deep in the bowels of Chi-Town when he was confronted by Arpita. Lyle had always dreamed of being something better than he was, Arpita played on that fantasy and convinced Lyle to the transformation. Since then Lyle has gained power, fame, money, and the all important respect through fear. Lyle enjoy's controlling people, he views the world as a chess board and people are his pawns to be manipulated and discarded at his whim. Lyle tries many ways to booster his legions of undead troops. So far the most popular and most effective method is tantalizing humans with the hopes of gold in North Dakota. Lyle is always dressed in a expensive suit, looking his best at all times. In his true form Lyle looks like a red mist. True Name: Lyle Benz Alignment: Diabolic Attributes: IQ: 22, ME: 23, MA: 20, PS: 40, PP: 29, PB: 2/23, Spd: 2 Considered a Supernatural Creature Hit Points: 410 PPE: 50, ISP: 300 Horror Factor: 14 when in mist form. R.C.C.: Aiite Master Level of Experience: Tenth Natural Abilities: Nightvision-200ft., Invulnerability (special), communication with Arpita, bio-regenerate-1D8*10 per melee, Lightning attack-1D8*10 M.D. once every melee, create rod, and metamorphis at will. Flaws: Gold does double damage, and is repulsed by salt. Psionic Powers: Considered a master psionic. Knows all Physical and Sensitive powers, and knows 5 super of GM's choice. Magic Knowledge: Fire Bolt, Fools Gold, Turn Dead, Ley Line Transmission, Mystic Alarm, and Seal. Combat Abilities: Expert (10th level proficiency) Attacks per melee: Six Skills of Note: See Mind Melter template Appearance: Nice dressed slender man in his late 20's. White skin with black hair, brown eyes, and is 6 feet tall. Special Vehicles: None Equipment of Note: The only thing he carries of any importance is his rod, anything else he can pick up on the way or buy ahead of time. Weapons of Note: Lyle when not using his hands will use his K4 or Triax pump pistol. Body Armor: None, will absolutely not use any kind of armor. Cybernetics: None, his body will not accept them. Money: Carries 300,000 credits on him, but has access to billions of dollars. Alliance and Allies: His only allies is his fellow Aiites and Arpita all others are toys to be played with. Grog Grog is the king of the Gromek in the city of Lazarus. Grog has many plans to rule the world, but is satisfied for ruling Lazarus for now. The king is a very paranoid fellow, he thinks any human stranger is a Coalition spy. It is very hard to change the king's mind on most subjects. Once he makes a decision he intends to follow through with. If given the chance he would conquer all of North Dakota, and then eventually North America. True Name: Grog Arya Alignment: Anarchist Attributes: IQ: 10, ME: 13, MA: 9, PS: 23, PP: 17, PE: 23, PB: 8, Spd: 7 running, 40 flying. Hit Points: 89, S.D.C.: 140 S.D.C. Armor Rating: 12 Horror Factor: 14 PPE: 10, ISP: 18 O.C.C.: Gromek King Level Of Experience: Eighth Natural Abilities: Fly, keen hawk-like vision, resistant to fire (does half damage), extremely aggressive. Psionic Powers: None Magic Knowledge: None Combat Abilities: Martial Arts (8th level proficiency) Attacks: Six Bonuses: +4 to strike, +5 to parry and dodge, +7 to dodge in flight, and +2 to initiative. Damage: Bite: 1D6+4 S.D.C. Claws (hand): 1D6+2 Claws (feet): 2D6+2 Skills of Note: Wrestling, W.P. Sword, Blunt, Archery, literate in Gromek and American. Special Vehicles: None Equipment of Note: None Weapons of Note: Grog has a huge collection of maces and swords valued at over three million credits. Also likes to use a Wilk's 457 or a Triax Pump Pistol. Body Armor: Wears a Mega-Damage chain mail that protects the upper half of his body. Armor Rating of 13, and can take 40 M.D. Cybernetics: Vibro-claws in right arm. Money: Has over 10 million credits in the royal treasury. Alliance and Allies: Has worked out a trade agreement with Bismark and surrounding towns except Guardian which he despises. Arpita Arpita embodies the ultimate evil, Arpita is willing to do whatever it takes to be the supreme ruler of Earth. Arpita sees Earth as the gateway to thousands of other dimensions, to which he can populate and rule with his minions. Currently Arpita is preparing his main attack on this planet, so he will not try and do anything that will reveal himself to other Intelligences (Splynncryth and Vampire Intelligences). He came to this planet just five years ago, but he has had his minions on this planet for over 50 years now. Alignment: Diabolic Horror Factor: 18 Size: 200 feet and weighs 200 tons. Attributes: IQ: 32, ME: 31, MA: 33, PS: 54, PP: 25, PE: 29, PB: 4, Spd: 70 Supernatural Strength. M.D.C.: 100,000 Natural Abilities: Bio-Regeneration-1D6*10 M.D.C. per minute, see the invisible, nightvision-2,400 feet, turn invisible at will, impervious to poison/toxins/drugs/fire, does not breath air, possess intelligent life forms, teleport self and others up to 600 miles away, Dimensional teleport at will, animate and control 1D6*100 dead, fire bolt 6D6 M.D., range 6,000 feet, summon 6D6 lesser demon three times daily instantly appear, summon 2D6 greater demons three times per day appear instantly, and vulnerable to gold inflicts M.D. equal to S.D.C. damage. Combat: 13 attacks per melee Bonuses: +7 to initiative, +3 to dodge and parry, +4 to pull punch, +5 to roll with impact, +14 to save versus horror factor, +4 on all saving throws in addition to attribute bonuses. Magic Knowledge: Knows all spells in the Rifts RPG book, considered a 17th level castor. Also first five levels of spells can be cast instantly, while the next five can be cast an attack later, and the final level another attack later. PPE: 20,000 Psionics: All psionic powers known. ISP: 5,000 and is considered a 12 level psychic. Adventure Ideas 1. The group sets out to explore the Badlands looking for gold. They are introduced to many different things inside the Badlands. The final scene should be against the Supernatural Intelligence. They don't have to beat the Supernatural Intelligence though. This mission is mainly used to introduce the characters to the dangers of the Badlands. 2. This one works well for a group of Silver Rangers. A Death Dragon appears over the town the PC's are staying in. The townspeople freak out at the sight of the Dragon. It is the Rangers job to calm the people down before a riot breaks out. Also they have to get rid of the Dragon, and to see why it came. The rangers find out that an ancient (350 year old) device has been activated, and has been digging its way up to the surface for the last 50 years. The technology is far superior than anything known to man. It is up to you to decide what is so dangerous about it, and where it came from. 3. You are a Lancer Pilot sent out on your first mission outside of Lazlo. You spot a group of Coalition soldiers shooting at an unarmed human. Pilot should decide to help the human. The human turns out to be an Aiite Commandant and thanks to he pilot he has prevented the soldiers from killing it. Pilot must survive the battle and prevent the oncoming destruction of a nearby town. 4. The group comes across a battlescene, their are human bodies everywhere. There are two different sets of tracks leading off in two directions. One set appears to be human, while the other looks to be mechanized. If PC's follow the human tracks they will discover the humans are Minions of Arpita, and will have to survive the engagement. If PC's follow the mechanized tracks they will find a 15 foot tall human surrounded by robots and power armors. If PC's approach group they find out the humans name is McCoy and robots PA's are his. This is just the beginning part there are many ways you can finish this adventure. Experience Table Inuit Town Doctor Agriculturist Seventh Cav Technocrat Silver Ranger CyberRanger CyberWarrior Coalition Commando 1. 0-1,500 1. 0-2,000 1. 0-3,000 2. 1,501-3,500 2. 2,000-4,000 2. 3,000-5,000 3. 3,501-5,000 3. 4,001-6,000 3. 5,001-7,500 4. 5,001-8,000 4. 6,001-10,000 4. 7,501-12,000 5. 8,001-12,000 5. 10,001-14,000 5. 12,001-15,000 6. 12,001-20,000 6. 14,001-20,000 6. 15,001-25,000 7. 20,001-28,000 7. 20,001-26,000 7. 25,001-32,000 8. 28,001-40,000 8. 26,001-32,000 8. 32,001-36,500 9. 40,001-75,000 9. 32,001-40,000 9. 36,501-45,000 10. 75,001-180,000 10. 40,001-140,000 10. 45,001-55,000 11. 180,001-230,000 11. 140,001-200,000 11. 55,001-175,000 12. 230,001-280,000 12. 200,001-290,000 12. 175,001-250,000 13. 280,001-320,000 13. 290,001-340,000 13. 250,001-330,000 14. 320,001-360,000 14. 340,001-380,000 14. 330,001-390,000 15. 360,001-450,000 15. 380,001-430,000 15. 390,001-500,000 Lancer Lightning Dragon Private: 0,000-2,750 Brahmagupta Dragon Corporal: 2,751-6,720 Death Dragon Sergeant: 6,721-10,000 1. 0-6,000 2nd Lieutenant: 10,001-15,000 2. 6,001-10,000 1st Lieutenant: 15,001-25,000 3. 10,001-25,000 Captain: 25,001-40,000 4. 25,001-39,500 Major: 40,001-50,000 5. 39,501-50,000 Lieutenant Colonel: 50,001-74,000 6. 50,001-75,000 Colonel: 74,001-95,000 7. 75,001-100,000 Commander: 95,001-120,000 8. 100,001-140,000 Scout: 120,001-130,000 9. 140,001-200,000 Rogue Captain: 130,001-190,000 10. 200,001-300,000 Rogue Major: 190,001-290,000 11. 300,001-350,000 Rogue Colonel: 290,001-380,000 12. 350,001-400,000 Brigadier General: 380,001-470,000 13. 400,001-800,000 14. 800,001-1,200,000 15. 1,200,001-2,500,000 .