Cravings A Torture Story By Crescent Omega *I don't condone this* Mr. Perring was a nice man, he lived in the big city, or so it was called. During the summer he would take a vacation into the rural areas for a few months. Mr. Perring had no family. He loved to vacate to the country for silence, and because he liked the fact that nobody was around for miles. You see, Mr. Perring has a problem, and this is what he leave for most, for the thurst, and the pleasure he gets. It was a ordinary June, and Perring was riding down the road from the city. It was merely a blur in his visor. He laughed. "It's so calm here..." he said, anticipating the months to come. He stopped by a 'Mom'n'Pop' store on the way to his cabin 150 miles away. He pulled up and walked inside. "Hi stranger." said the shopkeeper. Perring enjoied listening to their southern accent. "Hey, I'm just stopping by to get some food for a while." he said. He went through the store and made his somehow usual rounds. He just hoped his power would be turned on by the time he got his things to his house. There was a small electronic horse outside. It was rare to see many of these, obviously, because of the lack of civilization, but that isn't what got Perring's attention. "Mommy, I wanna ride on the horsy." she said. Her mommy frowned. "Honey, listen, I don't have the change on me." she said. Perring almost dropped his bags as he listened to the young girl's voice. "Excuse me..." he said, setting the bags into his White convertable. "I believe I have a quarter for you." he said, reaching into his pocket and scrambling for one. "Thank you." said the little girl. She looked about 8, and was barefoot, wearing a white t-shirt and bluejean shorts. Her mom smiled sweetly at him and walked to the store doors. "We just stopped to make a phone call, our car broke down. Do you think you can watch her for a moment while I call my husband?" she asked. He nodded, "Yes, but I need to get home so I only have a minute." she said. Perring was shocked. He had never seen such a careless mother. He then set it aside, for he was sure that there weren't many people you couldn't trust in such a low population. The girl put the quarter into the machine and smiled. "Yay!" she shouted. "Hello, what is your name" she said, riding the pony, as the music played. "My name, is Mr. Perring." he said. She smiled. "My name is April." she said. Perring walked over to his car. The mom was on the phone, twirling the cord. He sighed at her unfitting nature. "Hey April, come here, I got something for you." he said. About that time the horse stopped. She got off and ran over. "Do you like..." he said. "Hershey's?" he said enthusiasticly. She smiled. "YEAH!" He picked up his bags and set them in the back seat. "Lets sit down and listen to the radio." he said. She smiled. "Kay" she said sweetly. He got into the car and started it up, he turned on the radio. The woman in the store paniced. She looked at him nervously. Perring smiled and pointed to the radio. She smiled that she understood. He waved, and put the car in reverse, he shot back into the dirt street, and zoomed off away going as fast as his sports car would let him. The woman screamed and ran outside. "My baby! He took my baby" she shouted. Perring raced down the road at 90 miles per hour. "What are you doing?!?" shouted the girl. She could barely see anything through her blonde hair whipping around everywhere. "I'm taking you to my house. You'll like it there." he said. She screamed. "You're kidnapping me." she shouted. "Listen, April, if I was kidnapping you, I would be hurting you... wouldn't I?" he told her. She started to cry. "Listen, if you don't cry, I promise you'll see your mommy someday." he said. She looked to him. "Okay..." she said unassured. He slowed down a bit and two hours later he had made it to his cabin. April was asleep. He woke her up and smiled. "We're here..." he said. She yawned. "When do I see mommy?" she asked. Perring had to lie. "She's inside, of course!" he said. "...How?" she asked. "It's been a few hours, someone gave her a ride here." he said. "Like you gave me?" she asked. "Yes, just like that." he said. They walked inside, and Perring unlocked the door to the cabin. He immediately went into the kitchen and checked the power. The fridge hummed loudly. "Wonderful. April, come here." he said, putting away the perishables into the fridge and freezer. She walked into the kitchen. "Your mom is in there." he said, turning her and pointing her to a backroom. She gasped and ran into the room. "Mommy mommy!" she said. Perring reached over to the counter, and got his shotgun, it was just where he sat it down. He loaded it with shells he bought at the store, and walked into the room behind her. "Mommy?" she asked. Perring pulled the shotgun out on her. "AH!" she screamed. "Screaming will not do you any good. Lay down." he said. He turned on the light and a bed was lit up. The whole place was full of dust. He smiled as she laid down on the bed. "Don't hurt me!" she screamed. "Quiet down!" he shouted, taking the gun and slapping her face with the barrel. She hid her face and muffled her sobs. "That's better." he said, ripping the drapes from the windows. He locked the door behind him. "No escaping." he said, unloading the shotgun. "No chance for this either." he said, placing them on the top of the chester cabinet across from the bed. He bound her to the bed with the drapes, making sure to tighten them down. He left her some slack though, and didn't gag her. He enjoied listening to them scream. "Time for some fun!" he said, laughing. He pulled out a pan from under the bed. It was old, and had dried blood crusted all over it. He slid it under her body. She squealed as he lifted her up. It was big enough for her to almost lay in. He pulled out a pocket knife. "These clothes won't do." he said. He cut away her t-shirt revealing her slightly developed breasts. He threw the shirt to the side, and cut at her jeans. He made a gash into her leg while doing so. She screamed loudly. He closed his eyes and cherished the moment. He then got up to the side of her on the bed. "You know, I love little girls... and you're going to know that soon enough." he said. "What are you going to do to me?" she sobbed. "Are you going to kill me?" she asked nervously. "Not yet." he said. "Not until your blood is mine, well, most of it. You'll be gone before you bleed to death." he said. She screamed out loud again. "Now, let's get to the fun." he said. He opened the drawers, various tubes of liquids and sharp objects were inside. He took out a machete, and turned to her. "NO!!!" she screamed. He laughed as he walked over to her. "I won't cut you in half, April." he said. "I'll carve, slowly." He ignored her screams, and set the blade across her left shin. He slid it upward, her skin rolled up like think ice cream. Blood poored down each side, into the pan. His ears popped as her screams ascended in volume. he cut the end of it off, and took the skin to he mouth. "I'll let you go if you lick the blood off" he said. She began to lap and lick at her own flesh. "slurp it, I wanna hear you smack on it." he said, she began to make deep and low smacking sounds. He removed it, and let it slip across her face. blood was all over her head. He then went to the drawers and pulled out four very big syringes. "My own mixture" he said. "Don't worry, you won't feel a thing, until a few hours." he said. He injected her all over with this medicine. She was in total painlessness soon after. "I can't feel my body." she gasped. "Because you're numb. I want you to drink more blood." he said. Her leg had made a large pool before clotting in the tub. He carved away at her thighs, and brought her pieces up to her. She continued to eat at the blood and flesh in fear of her life. She then started to make movements. "THE BEST PART" he said. She was obviously going to throw up. She began moving her torso. She sputtered up redish pink pus from her mouth. He bent over and placed his mouth on hers. He began to drink in her vomit, it was thick and creamy. The strength propelled it far enough for him to close it in. She began to stop. The pool was building up in the tub below. She was obviously very sick, and began to gag. He cut away at her ribs, and fed it to her. She took it in. He could hear her mouth feeling tense and tight. "mommy..." she said. He laughed. "Mommy is never going to see you again, you're not going to ever leave here." he said. He laughed as he took the machete and cut off one of her small breasts entirely. He muzzled her with it. She began eating and drinking her flesh again. He rubbed her wound as she ate her breast. He licked the blood off of his hand as he cut away the other one. She was halfway through when he noticed it was getting almost full in the tub below her. She began to move again. He yanked the breast from her face and drank her vomit once more. She threw up more than any other girl he had seen. He knew it was time for him to not fuck around anymore. He looked into the corner and found a ninja sword, it was longer than average, 36 inches. This had served him faithful many times. He unsheathed it and sat down beside the tub. The blood was starting to dry. "Time to die." he said, removing the tub and letting her fall again. She began to scream again. The medication was wearing off early. "Well, pain is good for a bitch your age." he said, he placed the sword at her vagina. He started to stab it into her slowly. She screamed with pain. He then put all 36 inches into her almost at once. The sword came out of her throat and touched her chin. "Let it begin!" he shouted. He placed the tub at the foot of the bed, and sloshed his hands in it, he began to finger paint images on the wall, evil, and haunting demons. He began chanting a few words, wicked works. He took a knife, and slit his wrist, he pumped his hand and let some blood pour out. "Nashtah Meedruf Shazzraka Detunal!" he said in an evil tone. He stabbed her over and over in the breast wounds, in her eyes and left it in her forehead. "Take her soul father of the damned, bringer of evil. Almighty father. Let her innocent soul reach nothing but HELL!" he shouted, dropping to the floor, he tipped the blood over himself, drenching his body with it. Laughing as this happened, he laid there for half an hour. He got up and patched his arm up. August came in a flash, and Mr. Perring had made several stops to the store. He notified the power company to shut off his power, and walked outside. The lines going down the wheat fields stopped humming. He ignored the stench coming from the back bedroom. "April, looks like you came too late..." he said. He got into his car and made the journey back. He stopped back by the store on the journey home. "Howdy, oh hi Mr. Perring." said the shop keeper. Perring got a coke and a Hershey's candy bar and brought it to the counter. "You never answered my question." said Perring. The shopkeeper smiled. "The woman was no trouble at all... she squealed like a pig." he said. Perring just laughed. "Until next summer..." he said. He got into his car, and went back for the big city. "Until next summer." he said again. The cravings already began to manifest, once more. .