13 "Get back from the edge!" you yell. "I didn't fall, I was pulled
       in!" For a few moments you hear nothing; then Sneed yells, "Thanks for
       warning us. There may be some force here we don't understand. But
       don't worry, we're rigging a brace so we can pull you up without
       getting too close." A few minutes later you see a nylon climbing rope
       dangling in front of you. You pull in enough to tie around your waist
       and under your arms. Taking a firm grip, you call up to the top, "I'm
       ready-pull away!" Your heart skips a beat as you're yanked off the
       ledge. You dangle for a moment; then, slowly, foot by foot, your
       friends pull you up over the edge. You scramble across the ice into
       their arms. "Thank goodness we got you!" says Larsen. "The Bottomless
       Crevasse is a killer. I think we'd better quit now." "I agree. I've
       had enough," Sneed says. After what you've been through, you're not
       about to argue with them. The three of you pack up and begin the long
       trek back across the glacier. You're happy to be alive, but you know
       that you'll always regret that you never reached the Underground
       Kingdom. The End
 (DIR) try again