Comments for 2019-05-30: Onyx (Gopher) 2020-12-01 Hi You probably get this a lot, but I really appreciate the gopher implementation. I vaguely remember reading your article on Lisp on HN a while back. By complete chance, a post on r/od, led me back here, and your latest stuff is brilliant, I thoroughly enjoyed reading through it. I'm pretty young and in uni, and uni and there's a lot of stuff I can't make sense of here (CHIP-8 game), I hope to come back when wiser. If this hasn't been constructive enough, let's say I just wanted to take advantage of the advanced comment section :) Have a good one! Adlai (WWW) 2020-12-28 1. Please consider including, in the same HTML document, the comments that you choose to display publicly, instead of having comments appear in a separate document; the space that seems available for this purpose is the right-hand portion, when the reader's viewport is sufficiently wide, although obviously your aesthetics may oppose that suggestion. 2. Although this may be the spam filter itself: please consider giving slightly more detailed instruction about the subject line: for example, although the one that I chose for this message is unambiguous, I am not certain how to best extrapolate it concisely for a single message that includes comments about multiple articles. I hope that you've had a good solstice season and a productive calendar year! Regards, Adlai Copyright (c) 2020,2021 Prince Trippy Comments are owned by and the burden of their respective authors. .