Comments for 2019-12-30: carado (WWW) 2021-05-24 I believe the main purpose of the trolley problem is to determine whether people are consequentialists or deontologists. Deontologists believe that it is actions which are either moral are immoral; in your post, you talk about whether your decision is moral or not, so I assume you to be a deontologist. I am a consequentialist: I care not about the moral value of actions, but the moral value of outcomes. 5 people getting killed is generally worse than 1 person getting killed, so getting to that latter possibility is what I think someone ought to do. It is not so much based on "instinct"; both consequentialism and deontology can be based on reason, and in fact the rationalist community (LessWrong, etc) largely follows consequentialism. As for the 6 people's physical characteristics, you can take them out of the equation by simply hiding them in opaque bags on the tracks, and informing the person making the choice that all 6 have been selected at random from the general population; like any test, you want it to test only the thing you care about (here, consequentialism vs deontology). Copyright (c) 2021 Prince Trippy Comments are owned by and the burden of their respective authors. .