The Earliest English Elision Dictionary My work regarding Elision has been slow, due to sloth, despite having decided to focus on it with my year remaining months back. At each step, I only see trivialities or work I should finish first. I decided I should begin building a suitable English dictionary, but see a large amount of work I must do myself; I've been unable to find a list of all English words of every declension and conjugation. Like any good revolutionary, I'll address the glaring issues I've noticed with my model, rather than discard it; I expect to retreat into both the compression of individual works, and the refinement of my toki pona modelling, the latter for lack of better things to do. I expect to build my dictionary by repeatedly taking the intersections of the individual word sets, to suss out errors and the like. One suprising source of lasting joy for me with this year has been resuming my Latin studying. I've spent so many hours fantasizing over a Latin Elision using a declension or conjugation code for each word, resulting in a smaller dictionary and a higher-level language model than that original Elision idea; it poses an issue regarding automatically converting texts of characters, but one I've already given enough thought unto to have partially solved it; unfortunately, my Latin is still too immature to begin working towards such. One issue of this higher-level language model is conveniently adding words not in the dictionary, but this can be solved using the mechanism for storing irregular words. I may find this work sum to experts' systems for dead languages, but that wouldn't be an awful fate. I will provide the dictionary in its compressed form only once a program has been written to use it. This is the earliest English Elision dictionary, composed by collecting those words of my works, and removing flaws, names, specialized jargon, and like things; it's clearly pathetic and so incomplete. Follows are 6,455 words of 49,188 characters. Those with asterisks are of the 2,081 words of 13,034 characters which are subsets of another word. Those remaining are 4,374 words of 36,154 characters: *a *abandon abandoned abandoning abandons *abbreviation abbreviations abide *abilities *ability *able *abolish abolished abolishes *abort aborted abound about above absence *absolute absolutely absolutes abstaining *abstract abstracted abstracting *abstraction abstractions abstracts absurd abundance *abuse abused abuses abusing academic *accept *acceptable acceptance accepted accepting accepts *access accessed *accessible *accident accidental *accommodate accommodated accommodates accommodating accompanied accompany *accomplish accomplished accomplishing *according accordingly *account accounted accounts accretion accrue *accumulate accumulated accumulates accumulating accuracy *accurate accurately accusing accustomed *ace *achieve achieved achievement achieves achieving achilles *acknowledge acknowledged acknowledging *acquaint acquaintance acquainted acquired acronyms across *act *acting *action actionable *actions activate *active *actively *activity *acts *actual actually *acute acutely *add *added adder *adding *addition *additional additionally additions *address addressed addresses addressing adds *adequate *adhere adhered adheres adjectival *adjective adjectives *adjust adjustable adjusted adjusting *adjustment adjustments adjusts administration administrator admirable admire admittedly *adopt adopting *advance advanced *advancement advancements advances *advantage advantageous *advantages advantaging adventure *adverb adverbs *advertisement advertisements advertising advice *advisable *advise advised advises advisory *advocate advocates *aesthetic aesthetics affair *affect affected affects *affiliate affiliated affiliation *afford affords affront aforementioned *after afterwards *again against *age agents aggregates aggregation aggressive *ago agonized agony *agree *agreed *agreement ahead *aid aided *aim *aiming airline *akin albeit alcohol *alert alerting alerts algebra *algorithm algorithmic algorithms aliasing alien *align aligned alignment alike alive *all alleviating *allocate allocated allocating *allocation allocations *allot allotted *allow *allowed *allowing allows alluring almost *alone *along alongside aloud *alphabet *alphabetical alphabetically alphabets already also *alter *alteration alterations *alternate alternates *alternation alternations *alternative alternatively although always *am amazing ambiguities ambiguity *ambiguous ambiguously amenable amend american amicable *among amongst amoral *amount amounts amusement *amusing amusingly *an analogies analogizing analogous analogy analyses analysis analyzes ancestor *anchorite anchorites *and *anecdote anecdotes anew *angel angels *angle anglo *animal animals *animation animations anniversaries anniversary *annotate annotated *announcement announcements *annoyance annoyances *annual annually anonymity anonymous another *answer answered answering answers antagonize anthropomorphic anthropomorphism *anticipate anticipation *any anyone anything anyway anywhere *apathetic apathetically apathy apologies *apparent apparently *appeal appealing appeals *appear appearance appearing appears *appease appeasement appendices appending appendix *apple apples applicability applicable *application applications applicative applied applies *apply applying appreciate *approach approaches *appropriate appropriately approximate approximation aptly arbitrarily arbitrary arcade arcane archaic archetype *architecture architectures arduous *are area arguably *argue argued arguing *argument arguments *arise arises arithmetic *arm armies army arose *around *arrange *arrangement *arrangements arranges *arranging *array arrays arrest arrive *arrow *art *article articles *artificial artificially artistry artwork *as ashamed asian *aside asides asinine *ask asked *asking *asks *aspect aspects *asphyxiate asphyxiates asphyxiation *aspire aspires assassination *assemble *assembler assemblers assert *assign assigned assignment assigns assisted associated associating *association associations associativity assuage *assume assumed assumes assuming assumptions *asterisk asterisks astray astroturfing *at *atom atoms *attach attached attaches attachment *attack attacked attacking attacks *attempt attempted attempting attempts attention *attitude attitudes attracted attractive attributes attribution *audible *audience audiences auditable *author authored authorial authorities authority *authors authorship autobiography automata *automate automated *automatic automatically automating automation automaton automobiles *autonomous autonomously autonomy auxiliary availability *available average avid *avoid avoidable avoidance avoided avoiding avoids *aware *away *awe awful awkward *axiom axioms *b babies baby bachelor *back background backstage backtracking *backward backwards bad bailing bails baked *balance *ball balls *ban *band bandwidth bang *bank banks banned banning bans *bar *bare barest baroque barred bartender *base based *bases basest *basic basics basis *bastard bastardization bastardized bastardizing batch battery *be beacons beam *bear *bearing bearings bears beaten beating *beautiful beautifully beauty became because *become becomes becoming been beep *before beforehand *befuddle befuddles began begat *beget begets *begin *beginning beginnings begins begrudgingly begun *behave behaved behaves behaving *behavior behaviors *behaviour behaviours behest behind *being beings belief *believe believed believes believing bell beloved below bemoan *bend bends beneficial *benefit benefited benefits benefitted benign bent bereft *best bested *betray betrays *better betters between beverage bewildered bewilderment beyond bibliography *big bigger biking billions binary *bind binding biographies *biography *birth birthday bisect *bit *bits bitwise bizarre *black blackbox *blacklist blacklisting blame blank blindly blindness *block blocked blocking blocks bludgeon blue blunt blurs boast bodies *body bog boils bold bolt *bomb bombard *book books boolean boosted *boot booting border *bore *bored boredom boring borne *borrow borrows botched *both *bother bothered bothering bothersome bottleneck bottom bought *bound boundaries boundary *bounded bounds *bracket brackets braid braille brain branch brand bravely *break breakable breakdown breaker breaking breaks breathing breed brevity bricks *brief briefly brilliant brimming *bring *bringing britain broadcast broken brought browser *buffer *buffered buffering buffers *bug bugs *build building built *burden *burdens burdensome bureaucracies bureaucracy *bus *business businesses busy *but *button buttons buying buzz *by *bypass bypassed byproduct *byte bytes *c *cabal cabals cache caching cadence calculated calculates calculating *calculation calculations *call *called caller *calling calls *came *camera cameras *camp camps *can cancer *candidate candidates candy cannibalism cannot *canon *canonical canonically canonicity capabilities *capable capacity capitalism capitalists capitulate capped *caps capsule *capture captures *car *card cardinal cards *care cared *careful carefully carelessly caret caring carriage carried carries carry cars *cartoon cartoons *case cases *casing casings *cast *casual casually *cat catastrophic catch categories catered caught *cause caused causes causing caveat *cease ceased ceases ceiling *cell cells cellular center *central centralization centralized century *certain certainly certainty certificate chain challenges championing *chance chances *change *changed changes changing channels chaotic *chapter chapters *char *character *characteristic characteristics characters *charm charms *chasers *cheap cheaper cheated *check checked checking checkpoint *checks *checksum checksumming *cheer cheerful cheering chess *child children *china chinese chip *choice choices *choose chooses choosing *chose chosen christian chuck chunk church circle *circuit circuitry circuits *circular circularity circumlocutory *circumstance circumstances circumventing *cite cites *citizen citizenry citizens *claim claimed claiming claims claps clarifications clarifies clarifying clarity *class classes classifications *clean cleaning cleanly cleansing *clear cleared clearer clearing clearly clears clerical *clever cleverly click *client clients clipped clobbering clockwise *clone clones *close *closed closely closer *closes closest closing *closure closures cloud club coalescing *code coders *codes *coding coffee coherently *coin coincidence coined cold collapses collapsing collate collation *collect collected *collecting *collection collections collective collects *college colleges *collide collider collides *collision collisions *colon colonialism *color colored colorless colors *colour coloured colourless colours *column columnate columns *combat combated combatted *combination combinations combinators *combine combined combines combining *come *comes comfortable comforting *comic comics *coming *command commanded commandeering commander commanding commands *comment commentary commented commenting comments commissions committed commodity *common commonality commonly commonplace commons *communicate communicates communicating *communication communications communism communists community *compact compacting companies companion *company comparable comparator *compare compared compares comparing *comparison comparisons compatibility *compatible compelled compelling compensating competitive compilation *compile compiled *compiler compilers compiles compiling *complain *complaint complaints complement *complete completed completely completing *complex complexity *complicate complicated complicates *complication complications comply *component *components *compose composed composes composite compositions comprehend *comprehensible *comprehension *comprehensive comprehensively comprehensiveness compressed compression *comprise comprises comprising compromise compulsion computation computed *computer computers computing concatenative concede conceive concentrate concentration *concept concepts *concern concerned concerning concerns *concise concisely conciseness conclude concluding conclusion concrete concurrency concurrent *condition *conditional *conditionally conditionals conditions conduct confer confident configurate *configuration configurations *configure configured configuring confined confirmation conflated conflating conflicts *conform conforming *confuse confused confusing confusion congratulating conjugate *conjugation conjugations *connect *connected *connection connections consciousness *consequence consequences *consider considerable considerably *consideration considerations considered considering considers *consist *consistency *consistent consistently consisting consists conspire *constant constantly constants constitutes constrained *constraint constraints *construct constructed *constructing construction constructs *consume consumed consuming consumption *contact contacted contacts *contain contained container containing contains contemporary *content contents *contest contested *context contexts contiguous continually *continuation continuations *continue continued continues continuing continuous *contract contracted contractor contracts contradictory contrary *contrast contrasted contrasts contribute contributing contributions contrivances contrived *control controlled controller controlling controls controversial *convenience *conveniences *convenient conveniently *convention conventional conventions *conversation conversational conversations converse conversion *convert converted converting converts convey *convince convinced convincing cool cooperate cooperating cooperation *coordinate coordinates coordination cope copied copies coping *copy copying copyleft copyright *core *corn *corporate *corporation corporations *correct corrected correcting *correction corrections *correctly correctness *correspond *corresponding correspondingly corresponds corrode cosmetic *cost costly could *count *counted *counter counterexample countermeasures counterpart counters *counting countless country *counts couple *course courses court cousin *cover *covered covering covers cracked cracking *craft crafted cramped craps crash *craze crazed *create created creates creating *creation creations creative *creator creators credit crest cretins *critical critically *criticism criticisms *criticize criticized criticizes criticizing critique *cross crossed crowd crucial *cry cryptic cryptographic cryptography crystalline cubed cues culmination *cult cultists cults culture cumbersome *cup curiosities curiosity curious *current currently *curse curses *cursor cursory *curtain curtains curve *custom *customer customers customizable customization customize customizing customs *cut *cute cutting cyan *cyber cybernetics cyberspace *cycle cycled cycles cycling *d *daemon daemons daily damage damned damning dancing danger dare daring dark *data *date *dates datum *day *days dead *deal dealing *deals dealt *dear dearth *death deaths *debate debates *debugger debuggers debugging debut *decade decades deceive decent *decide decided decides deciding *decimal decimate *decision decisions declarations *declarative declaratively declare *declension declensions declining decoded decomposing *decrease decreased decreases decreasing *decrement decremented decrements *decry decrying *dedicate dedicated dedicating dedication *deem deemed deeper deepest deeply *default defaulting defaults defeating *defend defending defense defers deficiencies *define *defined defines defining *definite *definition definitions deflect degeneracy degenerate degeneration degradation *degree degrees dehumanization *deign deigned *delay delays *delegate delegated delegation *delete deleted deletes deleting *deletion deletions deliberate delicate delightfully delimited delirious *delta deltas *delve delves *demand demanded demanding demands democracy demolish *demonstrate demonstrated demonstrates *demonstration demonstrations demos deniability deniable denial denied denies *denote denoted denotes denoting dense density deny deoptimization department *depend dependence dependency *dependent depending depends depicting depicts *deposit deposited deprecated depressed depth derided derivation derivatives *derive derived deriving descend *describe described describes describing *description descriptions *descriptivist descriptivists *descriptor descriptors desert *deserve *design *designate designated designating *designation designations designed designers *designing designs *desirable *desire desired desires desiring despise despite *destination destinations *destroy destroyed destroying destroys destruction destructively *detail detailed detailing details *detect detected detecting detection deteriorated *determine *determined determines determining deterministic detour detractions detracts detriment *develop developed *developer developers developing development develops *deviate deviates device devil *devise devised devising diagonal *diagram diagrams *dialect dialects dialogue diatribe *dice *dictate dictated dictating dictation dictator dictionary *did *die died *dies diet *differ *difference differences *different differentiate differently differing differs *difficult difficulties difficulty digest *digit digital digits *dimension dimensional dimensions diminishing *direct directed *directing *direction *directions directives *directly *directory *disable disabled *disadvantage disadvantaged disadvantages *disagree disagreed disagreements disagrees disallowed disallowing disambiguate disappeared disappointed disappointing disassemble disassembling disaster *discard discarded discarding discipline disconcerted *disconcerting disconcertingly disconnected discourage *discover discovered discrete discrimination *discuss discussed discusses discussing *discussion discussions disdain disguised *disgust disgusted disgusting disillusioned disillusionment disk *dislike disliked disliking dismantle dismissed dismisses dismissing disorganized disparate *dispatch dispatches dispatching dispel displacement *display *displayed displaying *displays *displease displeased disposal dispute *disregard disregarded disregarding disregards dissatisfied dissent disservice dissonance distance distant *distaste distasteful *distill distillation distilling *distinct *distinction distinctions distinguished distort *distract distracting distributed distributing *distribution *diverge divergence *divide divider division *divorce divorced *do *document documental documentation documented documenting documents does doing *dollar dollars *domain domains domestically dominion *done donkey doom dost dotted *double doubled doubles doubling doubly *doubt *down *download downloaded downloading downplaying downside *downward downwards *dozen dozens drained *drama *dramatic dramatically *draw drawback *drawing drawings *drawn *draws *dread dreaded dreadful dream *drink drinking *drive drivel driving drones *drop dropped drudgery drum drunk *dual *due dumb *dump dumped dumping *duo duped duplicated during dwarf dying *dynamic dynamically dystopic *e *each earlier earliest *early *ease easier easiest easily *easing *easy *eat *eaten *echo echoing *economic economically economics economy *edge edges edibility *edit editing edition *editor editors *education educational *effect effectively effects effeminate *efficiencies *efficiency *efficient *effort effortless efforts egregious *eight eighteen eighth eighty *either *elaborate elaborated elaborations electrical electricity *electronic electronics elegant *element elements *eleven eleventh elided eliding *eliminate eliminated eliminates eliminating elision *else elsewhere *embed embedding *emit emitted empathy emphasise emphasising emphasize emphasizing *employ employed *employee employees *employer employers employment employs *empower empowering empty *emulate emulated emulation emulators *enable enabled enables enabling enchantment enclosed *encode encoded encodes *encoding encodings *encompass encompasses encountered encountering *encourage encouraged encourages encouraging encryption *end *endeavor endeavors *endeavour endeavours *ended endemic *ending endless endpoints *ends enemies enemy energy *enforce enforced enforces enforcing *engine engineering engines english enhanced enhancement *enjoy enjoyable enjoyed enjoys *enlighten enlightening enough enquiries enquiry enrapture enriched ensnared *ensure ensures ensuring entails *enter entered entering enters *entertain entertained entertainers entertainment *entire entirely entirety entombed entries entry enumeration *environment environments *envision envisioned envisioning episode epoch *equal *equality equally equals equated equating equations equivalence equivalent *era *erase erased erases erasing erasure ergonomical eroded eroding *err errant erroneous *error errored erroring errors escape escapism *eschew eschewing esoteric especially *essay essays *essence essences *essential essentially *establish established establishment *eternal eternally ethics eunuch european evade evading *evaluate evaluated evaporate evasion *even *event *events eventually *ever *every everyday everyone everything everywhere evidence *evil evoke evolution *exacerbate exacerbated exactly exaggerated examinating examination *examine examines examining *example examples *exceed exceedingly excellent *except excepted *exception exceptions excercise *excerpt excerpts exchange exciting exclamation exclusively *excusable *excuse excused excuses executable execute execution exemplary exemplified *exemplify exemplifying *exercise exercised exercises exeunt *exhaust exhausted exhausting *exhaustion exhaustions exhaustively exhausts exhibit exhilerating *exist existed existence existing exists *exit exiting *expand expanded expanding *expansion expansions *expect *expectation expectations expected expecting expended *experience experienced experiences *experiment experimental *experimentation experimentations experimented experimenting *expert expertise experts *explain explained explaining explains *explanation explanations explanatory *explicit explicitly *exploitation exploitations exploration *explore explored exponentiation *export exported *expose exposed exposes exposing exposure expounds *express expressed *expression expressions expressiveness exsanguinated *extend extended extending extends *extension extensions extensive extent external *extra extract extraordinary *extreme extremely extremes eyes *f facade *face faced *faces facilitate facilitating facilities facility *fact factors facts faggotry *fail failed failing fails *failure failures *fair *fairly faithful fake *fall fallen falling *falls false *familiar familiarity familiarizing family *famous *fanatic fanatics fancies fanfare fantasies fantasize *far fascinating fashion *fast faster fastest father *fault *favor favoring favorite favors *favour favouring favourite favours fear *feasible feasibly feats *feature featured *features featuring february feed *feel *feeling feelings feels feign *fell fellow felt feminism fertile fester *few fewer fewest fiat *fiction fictional fiefdoms *field fields fiercely *fifteen fifteenth *fifth fifthly fifty *fight *figure *figured figures *figuring *file *filename filenames *files filesystem *fill filled *filling fills *film films filters filth *final finalized finally *find finding finds *fine finely finer finger *finish *finished finishes finishing *finite *fire firemen fires firmly firmware *first firstly *fit fitness *fits *fitted five *fix *fixed *fixing *fizz fizzle *flag flagging flags flair flash *flat flavour *flaw flawed flaws flexibility flickering *flip flipped flipping floating *flow *flowing *flows *fluent flung flush *focus focuses focusing focusses focussing *follow followed followers following follows folly *foment foments *fond fondest *font fonts *food foods *fool foolhardy foolish fools *footer footers footnotes *for forbid *force *forced *forcing foreground *foreign foreigners foreknowledge foreseen foresight forethought forever foreword forget forgive *forgiving forgotten *form *formal formality *formalization formalizations formally *format formats formatted formatter formatting *formed *former *forming *forms forth *fortunate *fortunately forty *forum forums *forward forwarding forwards foster *found *foundation foundations founded *four fourteen *fourth fourthly *fragment fragmentation fragmented fragments framerate fraught *free freedom freeing freely french *fresh freshly fretting friendly *friends friendships fringes frivolous from *front frustrations fuck *fulfill fulfilling *full *fully *fun *function *functional functionality functions *fundamental fundamentally fundamentals funneling funnelling *further furthermore furthest fury futher futile *future futures *g *gain gained *gains *game gameplay *games garbage gargantuan *gas gaslit *gated gave gender *general generality generalize generally *generate generated generates generating *generation generator *generic genericity generics generosity generous genre genuinely german gestalt *get *gets getting *ghetto ghettos *gift gifted gimp *git *give given gives *giving *glad gladly *glance glanced glaring gleefully glimpse glitter global *go *goal goals *god gods goes *going golden *gone good gopher *government governments grace grading *gradual gradually grained grammar grand grant granularities granularity *graphic graphical graphics *graphs grapple gratis *great greater greatest greatly *greed green grew grey *grid grids grossly *grotesque grotesquely *ground grounds *group grouping *groups *grow growing grown grows *guarantee guaranteed guarantees *guard guess guidance *guide *guided *guise *gun guy *h *habit habits *hack *hacker hackers hacking hacks *had half hallucinations *halt halting halts halves halving *hand handbook handed *handle handled handles handling handwaves handwriting handwritten handy *hang hangs *haphazard haphazardly *happen happened *happens happenstance happiness happy *hard hardcoded hardcore hardening harder hardest hardships hardware *harm harmed *harms harrowing harsh *has *hash hashed hashing hateful haters hates hath hatred haunted haunting *have haven *having *hazard *he *header headers headlights headline heads healthy *hear *heard heart heaters heavier heavily heavy *height heighten heights held *hell hello *help helped helping helps hence herculean *here *herein *hermit hermitry herring heuristics hexadecimal hextet hidden *hide hideous hides hiding hierarchical hierarchies hierarchy *high higher highest *highlight highlights hijacking *him himself *hinder *hindered hinders hindrance hindsight hindu hints *his *historical historically histories history histrionic *hit hits *hold holder holding holds *hole holes home homicide *homoiconic homoiconicity *homosexual homosexuality homosexuals *hone honesty honor honour *hook hooking hooks *hope hopeful hopelessly *horizontal horizontally horrendous horrible horribly horrifying *horror horrors hosted hostile *hour hours household houses *how however howl *human humanity humans humor humour *hundred hundreds *hunt hunting hurt hypermedia hyphenation hyphens *i *idea *ideal idealized ideally ideals ideas idempotent *identical identically identified identifier identify identities identity idiocy *idiom idioms *idiot idiotic idiots *if ignited ignorable ignorance ignorant *ignore ignored ignores ignoring *ill illegal illegibly illegitimate illness *ills illumination *illusion illusory illustrate illustrations *image images imagine imagining imitate *imitation immaterial immature *immediate immediately immoral immune *impact impacted impacting impacts impedes impending imperative imperfection *implement *implementation implementations *implemented *implementing implementors implements implications *implicit implicitly implied implies implode *import *importance *important importantly importer *impose imposed imposing impossible impotent impractical imprecise *impress impression *improper improperly *improve improved *improvement improvements improves improving *in inability inaccessible inaction *inadequate inadequately inadvisable inappropriate inaudible incapability incapable incensed inclined *include included includes including inclusive incoherence incompatible incompetence incompetent incomplete incomprehensible incomprehension inconsequential inconsistency inconsistent *inconvenience inconveniences inconvenient incorporate incorporating *incorrect incorrectly *increase increased increases *increasing increasingly *increment incremental incremented incrementing increments *indefinite indefinitely *indent indentation indented indentured *independent independently indeterminate *index indexed indexing indian *indicate indicated indicates indicating indication indices indictment *indirect indirection indirectly *individual individuals inefficiencies inefficiency *inefficient inefficiently inevitable inevitably inexcusable inexperience infamous infeasible infectious inferences inferior infiltrated *infinite infinitely *infinitesimal infinitesimally *influence influenced influences influential informal *information informational informative informed infrastructure *infringe infringed infringement ingredients *inherent inherently *inhibit inhibited inhibiting *initial initialization *initialize *initialized initializes initializing initially initials injected injury inlined inlines innate innovate innovative *input inputting insanity insecurity *insert inserted inserting *insertion insertions inside insidious insightful insights insignificant *insist insisted insistence insisting inspectable inspected inspection inspiration *inspire inspired *install installation installed *instance instances *instate *instated instating instead *instill instills *instinct instinctual instituted institutions instructed *instruction instructions instrument insufficient insulated insurance intake *integer integers integral integrate integrity *intellectual intellectuals intelligence *intelligent *intelligently *intend *intended intense *intent *intention *intentionally *interact interacted interacting *interaction interactions *interactive interactively interactivity interacts interchangeably *interest interested *interesting interests *interface interfaces interfacing *interfere interference interferes interim *interleave interleaved interleaving intermediate intermeshed *internal internalized internally internals international *interned internet interning interpersonal *interpret interpretation interpreted *interpreter interpreters interpretive *interrupt interruption intersection interspersed intertwined intervene intervention *interview interviewed interviewing interviews *intimate intimately into intractable intrinsic *intro *introduce introduced introduces introducing introduction introductory introspective intuitive *invalid *invalidate invalidates invalidation invaluable invariants *inverse inversely inversion inverted inverting invisible invites invocation *involve involved involvement involves involving *ire *iron *ironic ironically irrelevancy irrelevant irreversible *is island isolated isolation isomorphic *issue issued issues issuing *it italicised item *iterate iterated iterates iterating *iteration iterations iterative *its itself *j jailed *jam jams japanese java *job jobs john *join joined *joining *joke jokes journalism journey *joy *joys *judge judged judgement judging judgment juggle *jump jumped jumping jumps *just justice justification justified *justify justifying juxtaposition *k keen *keep keeping keeps *kept kernel *key keyboard *keys keystrokes *keyword keywords *kill killing *kills *kin *kind kindly kinds knew knight knocked knocking *know knowing *knowledge *known knows *l *label labels *labor laboratory labour *lack lacked lacking lacks lambda *lame *language languages languish laptop *large largely larger largest *last lasted lasting lastly *late lately later latest *latin latter lauding laughable *launch launched launcher launches launching *law *laws *lay *layer layered layering *layers *laying layout laziness lazy *lead leaders *leading leads *league leagues *leak leaking leaks leaky *lean leap *learn learned learning learns least *leave leaves *leaving lecturers lectures *led *left leftmost legacy legally legitimacy *legitimate legitimize *leisure leisurely *length lengths lengthy lenient *less lessened lesser lessons *lest *let lets *letter letters *level levels *lever levers *liar liberated libraries library *lice *license licensed licenses *lie *lies lieu *life lifespan lifestyle lifetime *light lighter lightest lightning *like *liked likelihood *likely *liken likeness likes likewise *liking *limit limitations *limited limits *line linear *lines lingo linguistic *link linked linking links *lion *lions lisp *list listed listener *listing listings *lists *lit *literal literally literals little *live living *load *loaded loader *loading loads loanword loathsome *local localize locally locals *located *locating *location *locations *lock *locked *locking lockout *locks *log logarithmic logarithms logged logger logging *logic *logical logically login *lone *long longer longest *look *looked looking looks *loop *looping loopings loops loosely *lose *loses *losing *loss losses lost *lot louse *love *loved loves *low *lower lowercase *lowers lowest *lowly lurks *lying lyrics *m machinations *machine machinery machines *macro macros made magazine magenta magical magnetic magnitude *mail mailing *main mainframes mainly *maintain maintained maintaining maintains *major majority *make *makes making malaise male malformed malicious malignant *man *manage manageable *management manages mandatory *manipulate manipulated manipulates manipulating *manipulation manipulations mankind manna manner *manual manually manufacturer many *map mapping maps march margin *marked marker *market markets marking *marks married marshal *mask masking *mass massacre masses *massive massively *master masters masturbation *match *matches *material *math mathematical *mathematician mathematicians mathematics matrices matrix *matter matters maximally maximize maximum *may maybe maze *me meagre *mean *meaning meaningful meaningless meanings means meant meanwhile *measure measured measurements *measures measuring meat *mechanical mechanically *mechanism mechanisms meddling *media mediocrity medium *meet meeting *member members *meme memetic memorable memories memorized memory *men menial *mental *mention *mentioned mentioning mentions menu mercury mercy *mere merely merit meshes *mess *message messages messes *met *meta metadata *metaprogram metaprogramming metastasis *meters *method methodologies methods metrics mice *micro microcode middle might mildly millions *mimic mimicked mimicking mimics *mind *mindless mindlessly *mine miniature *minimal minimalism minimization *minimize minimizes *minimum minimums *minor minority *minute minutes minutiae mired *mirror mirrored mirroring mirrors misanthropy miscellaneous misery misfeatures misguided misinterpret misleading mismanaged mismanagement mismatches *miss *misses *missing misspelled *mistake *mistaken mistakenly mistakes mistreated misunderstand misuse misusing mitigated mitigations *mix mixed *mnemonic mnemonics *mob *mobile mobility *mock mocked mockery mocking *mode *model modeling modelling models moderation moderator modern modes *modification modifications modified modifier modifies *modify modifying *modular modularity mold *moment momentum money monolith monopoly monotonic monotony *monster monsters *month monthly months monument *moral morality *more moreso *morph morphed morse *most mostly motions motivation motive mould mourn mouse *move *moved *movement movements *moves *moving much *mull mulled mulling multilingual *multiple multiples multiplicand multiplication multiplied multiplier *multiply multiplying mundane *murder murderers murdering mused museum *music musical must *mutation mutations mutilation mutual *my myself mystical *myth myths *n naive *name *named namely *names namespaces naming narrow *nation *national *native *natural naturally *nature naught *near nearing nearly *neat nebulous *necessarily *necessary necessitating necessity *need needed needing needlessly needs negated negates negating *negative negatively neglected negotiated negro neither nerds nested nesting *net *network networked networking networks neural neutral *never *new newer newest news next *nibble nibbles *nice nicely nicer nicest *nick *nigh *night nihilistic nil *nim *nine ninety ninth *no noblesse nobody *nock *node nodes nominative *non nondescript *none nonetheless nonfiction *nonogram nonograms nonsense nonstandard *nor *normal normally *not notable *notation notations *note *noted *notes noteworthy nothing *notice noticeably *noticed notices noticing *noting *notion notions *nouns novel novice *now nowadays nowhere nuisance null *number numbered numbering numbers numerical numerous nursing nurturing nutrition *o *obfuscate obfuscated obfuscatory *object objects obligations oblige obscene obscenity obscure obscurity observable observation *observe observed *observer observers observing obsession obsolete *obtain obtained obtaining *obvious obviously *occasion occasionally occasions occupy *occur occurred occurrence occurs *octet octets *octo october *odd oddities oddly *of *off *offer offered offering offers offhand offline *offset offsets offsetting often *oh *old *older oldest *omit omits omitted omitting omnipresent *on *once *one onerous *ones oneself ongoing online *only onto onwards opaque *open opened opening openly opens *operand operands *operate operated operates *operating *operation operations *operator operators *opinion opinions opponent opportunistically opportunities opportunity *oppose opposed opposite *opt opted *optimal optimally optimistic optimists *optimization optimizations *optimize *optimized *optimizing optimum *option *optional optionally options *or orange *order ordered *ordering orderings *organization organizational organizations *organize *organized organizer organizing oriented *origin *original originally originated originating origins orthogonality ostensible ostensibly *other *others otherwise *ought *our *out outcome outdated outer outlined output outrage outshine outside *over overall overarching overcome overdue *overflow overflows overhead overlapped overlaps *overloading overloadings overlooked *overly overlying override overshadowed overtaking overuse *overview overviews *overwhelm overwhelming overwhelms *overwrite overwrites overwriting *owed *owing *owl *own owned *owner *owners ownership owning *owns *p *pacing *package packaged packages *pad padded padding paddle pads *page pages paid *pain pains painters *pair paired *pairing pairings pairs palatable pamphlet panel *panic panicking panopticon *paper papers *paragraph paragraphs *parallel parallels *parameter *parameterize parameterized parameters parasitic parked parking parody *parse parsed parses parsing *part *partake partaken partaking *partial partially participants participate participating participation participatory *particular particularly particulars partitions partly partner parts pascal *pass passage *passed *passes *passing passionate passive passivity password past patents *path paths *pattern patterns pause *pay paying pays peculiarities peculiarity peculiars pedagogical pedantry pejorative *pent penultimate people perceived percent *perfect perfected perfectly *perform performance performed performing performs perhaps perimeter *period periodically *permission permissions *permit permits permitted permitting *persist persisted persistent persists *person *personal personality personally persons *perspective perspectives persuading pertinent perturbed perusing pervaded pervades pessimists *pet peter petest petty phase phenomenon philosophical philosophy *phone phonemes phones phonetic *photograph photographs phrased phrases *physical physically physicist pick picture *piece piecemeal pieces piecewise pike *piled pilgrims pilot pilpul pinyin pioneer *pipe pipes piracy *pirate pirates *pit pitfalls pixel *place *placed placemat *placement placements places *placing plague *plain *plan planet planned planner planning plans plastics *platform platformers plausible plausibly *play *played *player players playfully *playing *plays *pleasant pleasantly pleasantry *please *pleased pleases pleasing pledge plentiful plenty plugged plural plus poem poetic poetry *point *pointer pointers *pointing pointless *points *poison poisons *poke politburo *political politically politics ponderings *pool pools *poor poorly *pop popping *popular populate *population populations poring *port *portable *porting portraying *ports *pose *posed *poses *position positioned positioning *positions *positive positives *possess possessions possibilities possibility *possible possibly *post postel *posts postscript *potential potentially pour *power powerful powers *practical practicality practically *practice practices *praise praises preceded *preceding precedings precious *precise precisely precision preclude predate predecessor predefined predetermined *predicate predicated predicates predictable *predictably predictive predominant *prefer preferable preferably *preference preferences preferred preferring prefers *prefix prefixed prefixing premature premiere preparation *prepare prepared prepares preparing prescient prescribe prescriptivists presence *present presentable *presentation *presented *presenting presently *presents preservatives *preserve preserved preserves president *press *pressed presses pressing pressure presumes *pretend pretending pretends pretty prevailing prevails prevalent *prevent preventable prevented preventing prevention prevents *preview previewed *previous previously *prey preyed price pride primarily primary *prime primes *primitive primitives prince *principle principles *print printing prints *prior priorities privacy *private privately privilege privy probably probed probes *problem problems *procedure procedures proceed *process processes processing *processor processors proclaim *produce producers produces producing *product productive products proficient *profile profiles profiling *profit profitability profitable profits *profound profoundly *program programmable *programmatic programmatically *programme programmed *programmer programmers *programming *programs *progress progressed progresses progressing progression progressively prohibits *project projects proliferate proliferation promises *promote promoted promotion *prompt prompting prone prong *pronoun pronouns *proof proofs propagate *proper *properly properties property proponent proposal proposed proprietary prosaic proselytization prospective *protect protected protecting protection protesters *protocol protocols proud provably *prove *proved *proven *provide provided providers provides providing *proving provisioning provisions provocation provoking pseudo psychological psychopath *public publicly *publish published publishing *pull pulling pumping pumpkin punctuation *purchase purchased purchasers *pure purely purport *purpose purposed *purposeful purposefully purposes purse *pursue pursued pursuers pursuing *pursuit pursuits *push pushed pushes pushing *put *putting *puzzle puzzled puzzles puzzling python *q *quadrant quadrants quagmire quake qualities *quality quantity quarter quatrice queer quelling queries *question questionable questioned questioner questioning questions *quick quickly quine quintic quirks *quit quite quitting quote *r *race *races racing radicals radio *raise *raises rampage rampant *random randomly *range *ranges *rants rape raping *rare rarely rarity *rate rather *rating *ratio raven *raw *ray *reach reached reaches reaching *read readable *reader readers readily *reading readings *reads readtable *ready *real *realistic reality realization *realize realized realizing really realms *rearrange rearrangements rearranging *reason *reasonable *reasonably reasoning reasons reassured rebuild *rebut *rebuttal rebuttals rebutted *recall recalled recalling *receive received receives *recent recently reception recklessly reclaim recognition *recognizable *recognize recognized recognizing recollecting recollection *recommend *recommendation recommendations recommended recommending recommends reconciling reconstructing *record recorded records recounting recourse recovery rectangle recursion *recursive recursively *red *redefine *redefined redefinition *redesign redesigning *redirect redirecting redirections *redisplay redisplayed redisplays redistribute redistribution *redo *redraw redrawing redrawn redraws *reduce reduced reduces reducing reduction redundant *refer *reference referenced *references referencing *referred *referring *refine refined *refinement refinements refining *reflect reflected reflecting reflections reflowing refreshing refusal *refuse refused refuses refusing *regard *regarding regardless *regards *region regions *register registered registering registers regression regularly reify reigning reimplementation reimplemented reimplementing reinforce reinitialized *reinstate reinstated *reject rejected rejecting rejection rejects rejoining related relates relating *relation relational *relations *relationship relationships *relative relatively relatives relax relearn *release released relegated relentless relevance *relevancy *relevant reliability *reliable reliably relied relieve relieving religions religious reluctant *rely relying *remain remainder remained remaining remains *remake remakes *remark remarkably remarked remarks remember reminded reminds reminisce remote removal *remove removed removes removing renamed render rendition *repeat *repeated repeatedly repeating repercussions repetition *repetitive repetitively rephrasing *replace replaced replacement replacing replicated *report reported reporting reports reposition repository *represent *representation representations representative represented representing represents reprieve *reprimand reprimanded *reproduce reproduced repugnant *reputation reputations *request requested requests *require required *requirement requirements requires requiring rescheduling *research researchers researching resemblance *resemble resembled resembles resembling *resented resentment *resents reservation *reserve reserving *reset resets resetting resigned resisted resizing *resolution resolutions *resolve resolved *resource resources *respect respectable respected *respective respectively respects *respond *responding *responds *response responses responsibilities responsibility responsible responsiveness *rest *restart restarts restating *restaurant restaurants *resting restless restoration *restore restored restores *restrict restricted restricting *restriction restrictions *result resulted resulting results *resume *resumes resumption retained *retard retarded retards rethink *retort retorting retorts retroactive retrying *return returned returning returns reusable *reuse reused reuses reusing *reveal revealed reveals revelations revere reverse *review *reviewed reviewing reviews revile reviling revise revising revisions *revisit revisiting revitalize revolves rewarding rewrite rewriting rewritten rhetoric rhyme *rice *ridiculous ridiculousness riding rife *right rightfully rightly rightmost rights *rigid rigidity rigidly *rigor rigorous rigour *ring riots *rise risking *ritual rituals *road *rob *robot robots robs robust *roll rollover romanian romanticizes room *root roots *rot *rotate rotates rotating *rotation rotations rotted rotten *roughly roulette *rounded *routine *routines *row *rows *ruin ruined *rule ruled rules *ruling rulings *run running runs rushing *russia russian *rust *s *sacrifice sacrifices saddened sadness *safe safely safety said sake salvage same sane sans sate satisfaction *satisfactorily *satisfied satisfies satisfying saturate saturation savannah *save saved saves *saving savings saw *say sayings scam *scan scanned scanning scattered *scenario scenarios schedule *scheduling *scheme schemes scheming *school schooling schools *science sciences scientific *scientist scientists *score scores *scorn scorned scratch *screen screens *scroll scrolled scrolling scrolls *sea seamlessly *search searched *searching *second secondary secondly seconds *section sections secure *security *see seeds seeing *seek seeking seeks *seem seemed seemingly seems *seen sees *segment segmented segments segued *select selected selecting selection *selective selectively *selector selectors *self *sell selling *semantic semantics semicolon *send sending sensation *sense sensibilities sensible *sent *sentence sentences *separate separated separately separating separation sequels *sequence *sequences *sequential series *serious seriously servants *serve *served *server *serves *service services *serving *session *sessions *set *sets *setting settings *seven seventeen seventh seventy several *severe severely *sexual shade *shadow shakespeare *shame *shape shaped shapes shaping *share shared shares sharing shattering *she sheer shell shelves *shift *shifted shifter shifting shifts shippers *shock shocked shocks shoehorning shooter shop *short shortage shortcut shorter shortest shortly should shoved *show showcase showcasing shower showing shown shows shunned shuns shut shy *sick sickened sickening sicknesses *side *sides sidesteps sift sigil *sign *signal signals signature *signed *significant significantly *signs silly *similar similarities similarity similarly *simple simpler simplest simplicity simplification simplified simplifies *simplify simplifying simply simulate simulation simultaneously since singing single *singly singular siphon sits sitting *situ *situation situations *six sixteen sixth sixty *size sizes skeleton skeptical skepticism skilled skillfully skills *skip skipped skipping skittish skulking skull slapfight slavery sled sleep *slight slightly sloppy *sloth slothful slots slough *slow slowly *small smaller smallest smart *smooth smoother snacks *so sobriquet social societal society *socket sockets soda *software softwares *sole solely *solid solidified *solidify solidifying solitary *solution *solutions *solvable *solve *solved solver solves solving somber sombre *some someday somehow someone something sometimes somewhat somewhen song soon soothing sophistry *sort sorting sorts sought *soul souls *sound sounded sounding sounds *source *sources *space *spaces spacing *span spanning *spare sparing spark sparse spawn *speak speakers speaking speaks *special *specialization specializations specialized specializing *specially *specific specifically *specification specifications specifics specified specifies *specify specifying spectacle spectre spectrum speculatively speech *speed speeds *spell spelling *spend spends spent spewing spherical spies spinning spiral *spirit spirits *spiritual spirituality *spite *split splits splitting *spoke spoken spontaneously spooks spotted *spread spreading *sprite sprites *spur spurious spurn spurred spying square stability *stack stacks *staff staffed *stage stages *stake *stand standalone *standard standardization standardized standards *standing stands stared starkly *start started starting startles startling *starts starved *state *stated statement states static stations statistical statistics status *stay stays steal *steel steele stench *step stepped stepping stereotypes stifled *still stimuli stitched stole *stomp stomped stone stoop *stop stopped stopping stops storage *store *stored *stores *stories storing *story storytelling *straight straightforward *strange stranger strategies strategy *stream streams strengths stress *strict strictest strictly *string strings stripping strive *strong stronger strongest strongly struck *structure *structured structures structuring *struggle struggled struggling strut students studies stuff stunts stupid *style styles stylistic stylized subcommand subcomponents subdirectory subgroups subject subjunctive subloop submarine submission submitted suboptimal subordinate subpar *subprogram subprograms *subroutine subroutines subscripting subscription subsequence subsequent subset subsist substance substantially substitute substituting subsumed subtitle subtle subtly *subtract subtracted subtracting subtraction subtracts *subtype subtypes subversion subversive subverted succeed *success *successful successfully successors succinctly such *sued *suffer suffering suffers suffice *sufficient sufficiently suffix sugar *suggest suggested suggesting suggestion suggests *suit *suitable suitably *suited *suits *sum summarizes summary summation summed *summing sums *sun *super superfluous *superior superiority superpower superscripting supplant supplied supply *support *supported supporting supports *suppose *supposed supposedly *sure *surely surgery *surpass surpassed surpassing surprised *surprising *surprisingly surreal surrounded surrounding surveillance survival suspect suspicious sustain swan swapped swayed *switch switches switching syllable *symbol *symbolic symbolically symbols symmetrical symmetries symmetry sync syntactical *syntax syntaxes syrup *system systems *t *tab *table tables tablet taboo tabs *tad tagged *tail *tailor tailored *tails *taint tainted tainting *take *taken taker *takes *taking talisman talk taller tallest tame tandem *tangential tangentially tangents tangible tangled *tap tape *tar *target targeted *targeting targetings targets *task tasks *taste *tasteful tastes taught *tea *teach teaches teaching team tease *technical technically techniques technologies technology tedious teenagers teeth telephone teletype television *tell tellers *telling tells tempered template temporarily *temporary *ten tenant *tend *tends tennis *tense tenses *term *terminal terminals *terminate terminated terminates termination terminator terminology terms terrible *test *tested testing tests tetra *text *texts *textual textually than that *the their *them themselves then theorems theoretical theory *there thereafter therefore therein thereof thereto thereunto thermite these thesis they *thin thine *thing things *think thinking thinks *third thirdly thirds *thirteen thirteenth thirty this thoroughly those *thou *though *thought thoughts *thousand thousands *thread threads *threat threatened three thrice thrive *through throughout *throw throwaway thrust thus *thy *tie tied *ties *time *timeout timeouts *times timing *tip *title titled *titular titularly *to today together *toggle toggled told tolerable tolerated tomorrow *too took *tool tooling *toolkit toolkits tools *top *topic topics *total totalitarianism totally *touch *touched touches towards tower toy *trace tracer traces *tracking tracks *tradition traditional traffic training *trait traits trajectory transactions transcriptions *transfer transferral transferred transferring transfers *transform *transformation transformations transformed transforms transient *transition transitioning transitions translate translating *translation translations transmission transmit *transparent transparently transplant trap trashed traversal *traverse traversed traversing treasure *treat *treated treating treatment treats tree trek *trend trends tribal *trick tricked tricks tried *tries *trigger triggered triggering trippy trits *trivial trivially trolley *troubles troublesome *trove true truly truncate *trust *trusted *truth truths *try *trying tubes tune *turing *turn *turned *turns tweaking twelve twentieth twenty twice twist *two twofold tying *type typed *types *typeset typesetting *typical typically typing tyranny *u ugly *ultimate ultimately unable unacceptable unachievable unanticipated unavailable unaware unbalanced unbalances unbeknownst unbounded unbuffered unchanged uncommon *unconditional unconditionally uncovered undefined undeniably *under underflow undergoing undergone underlie underlined underlying underneath *understand understanding understated understood undertaking undervalued underway underwent undeserved undesirable undisturbed *undo undoubtedly undrawn undraws unduly unease uneasy unencrypted unending unequality *uneven unevenly unfairly unfamiliar unfinished unfold unforgiving *unfortunate unfortunately unguarded unheard unhindered *uniform uniformity uniformly unify unimportance unimportant *unintelligent unintelligently unintended unintentionally uninteractive uninteresting uninterned *unique uniquely uniqueness unison *unit united units *universal universally universities *unjust unjustly unknown unleashed unless *unlike unlikely unlink unmanned unmolested unnamed unnatural unnecessarily unnecessary unnoticed unoptimized unoptimizing unorganised unoverridable unpleasant unpopular unportable unpredictably unprocessed unproven unqualified unrealistic unreasonable unreasonably unrecognizable unreliable unsatisfactorily unsatisfied unsettling unshifted unsigned unsolvable unspeakable unstable unstructured unsuitable unsuited unsupported unsure *unsurprising unsurprisingly untenable until *unto untouched untrusted unused *unusual unusually unveil unwanted unwary unwashed unwieldy unwind unworthy *up upbringing *update updated updating uploaded upon *upper uppercase upset upwards *urge urgent urinating *us *usable *usage usages *use *used useful useless *user users *uses *using *usual *usually utilities utility *utter utterly *v vacation vacuum *vague vaguely vain *valid *validate validated *validates validating *validation validity *valuable *value values valves vapid *variable variables *variant *variants *variation variations varied varies varieties variety various *vary varying vast *vector vectors vehemently vehicle veiled vein ventures *venue venues verbal verbatim verbose *verbs verifiable verified verify *verisimilitude verisimilitudes verity *version versioning versions *vertical vertically verticals *very vestigial *via *vice vicious *victim victims *video videogames *view *viewed *viewing viewpoint *views *vile vilified vindictiveness vintage violence viper virtual virtue virus visceral *visible *visit *visual visualize vividly vocabulary voice *vomit vomiting voting vying *w wage *wait waited waiting waits waivers walking *wall walls *want *wanted wanting wants *war wardrobe *warn warned warning warns *warrant warranted warrants warranty *wary *was *waste wasted *wasteful wastefully wastes wastful wasting *watch watching water *way *ways *we *weak weaker weakness wealthy *weapon weaponization weapons wearing weaseled weather *web *website websites weekend weekly weeks weenie weigh well *went *were western *what whatever whatnot whatsoever *when whenever *where whereas wherever whether which whiff *while whilst whim *white *whitelist whitelisting *who whole wholly whom why *wide wider widespread *width wielding wife *wild wildly *will willing *win *window windows windshield winning wiped wipers wiping *wise *wish wishes *wit *with within without wolf woman women *won *wonder wondered *wonderful wonderfully wondering *wondrous wondrously woods *word *words *work *worked worker *working *works world worried worry *worse worsened worst *worth worthless worthwhile *worthy would *wrap wraparound wrapping writable *write *writer writers *writes *writing writings *written wrong wrote *x *y *ye yeah *year yearly *yearn yearning years yellow *yes yesterday yet yielding *you *young younger *your yourselves *z *zero zeroes zeroeth .