A Review of the ``Moleman 2 - The Art of the Algorithms'' Documentary I again choose to review a documentary in lieu of book, this one regarding the demoscene subculture. This documentary may be found at the following location: https://molemanfilm.com/moleman-2-download/ Follows is a magnet link to download the documentary over Bittorrent, however broken into two lines: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:a6cd140e1c329190e634577011a47ec9d1b1e019&dn=Moleman%202%20-%20The%20Art%20of%20t he%20Algorithms&tr=http%3A%2F%2Flegittorrents.info%3A2710%2Fannounce Here's the domain of a popular demoscene website: https://www.pouet.net I recommend downloading that version of this documentary which includes subtitles, as I needed them. This documentary details the origins of the demoscene through distribution of cracked videogames and the inclusion of credit for the crackers slowly morphing into more elaborate credits, until only the credits would be distributed, having become so elaborate they were seen to have value by themselves. A demo is an artistic expression through software, generally making the computer perform a task both aesthetically pleasing and also technically difficult; this makes an art form unique to programmers. The documentary features interviews with several programmers who have participated in the demoscene, interspersed with footage from demos, and with such footage edited into the surrounding environment. It's discussed how later came the size-limited demos called ``intros'', which added hard limitations to help inspire creativity. The documentary of course discusses the creation of demos, generally by manual processes or specialized tools. Also worth mention are the amusing tidbits given such as the ``stamp back'' for recycling stamps used to send floppy disks by the postage system, and the ``lamer demo'' which were popular for a time for being funny and also requiring little technical experience. I'd like to produce a demo some day, some year, but this always gets pushed further into the future. .