;CL-ECMA-48 - Provide for emitting ECMA-48 control functions. ;Copyright (C) 2017,2018,2019 Prince Trippy programmer@verisimilitudes.net . ;This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the ;GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. ;This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without ;even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ;See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. ;You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. ;If not, see . (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (let ((string (mapcar 'code-char (loop for i from 0 to 127 collecting i)))) (or (every 'identity string) (error "This Common Lisp implementation does not supply characters for all character codes 0 to 127, inclusive. Due to this, CL-ECMA-48 will not function entirely correctly. It is possible to continue, but any function using NIL rather than a character will probably signal an error.")) (and (equal (coerce (subseq string 32 127) 'string) " !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~") (every 'digit-char-p (subseq string #x30 #x3A)) (notany 'graphic-char-p (subseq string 0 32)) (not (graphic-char-p (elt string 127))) (pushnew :ascii *features*)))) (cl:defpackage #:cl-ecma-48 (:documentation "This package exports a macro for defining ECMA-48 control functions and the 162 functions defined by this.") (:use #:common-lisp) (:shadow #:null #:substitute #:ed #-ascii #:princ) (:export #:define-control-function) (:nicknames #:ecma-48)) (cl:in-package #:cl-ecma-48) #-ascii (defun princ (value &optional (stream *standard-output*) &aux (*standard-output* stream)) "Print the decimal representation of value to stream using characters #x30 to #x39, if it is an integer. The normal PRINC behavior takes place, otherwise." (if (integerp value) (write-string (map 'string (lambda (c) (code-char (+ #x30 (digit-char-p c)))) (princ-to-string value))) (cl:princ value)) value) (defmacro defc0 (symbol character &optional documentation) "Define an emitter for a control function belonging to the C0 set." `(defun ,symbol (&optional (stream *standard-output*) &aux (*standard-output* stream)) ,@(if documentation `(,documentation)) (declare (ignorable stream)) (write-char ,(if (characterp character) character (code-char character))) (values))) (defmacro defc1 (symbol character &optional documentation) "Define an emitter for a control function belonging to the C1 set." `(defun ,symbol (&optional (stream *standard-output*) &aux (*standard-output* stream)) ,@(if documentation `(,documentation)) (declare (ignorable stream)) (write-string ,(format nil "~c~c" (code-char #x1B) (if (characterp character) character (code-char character)))) (values))) (defmacro deffs (symbol character &optional documentation) "Define an emitter for an independent control function belonging to the Fs set." `(defc1 ,symbol ,character ,documentation)) (defmacro defcs (symbol lambda-list characters &optional documentation &aux (&o (position '&optional lambda-list)) (optional (if &o (subseq lambda-list &o))) (&r (position '&rest lambda-list)) (rest (if &r (subseq lambda-list &r))) (required (subseq lambda-list 0 (or &o &r)))) "Define an emitter for a control function that is a control sequence." (if (intersection lambda-list (set-difference lambda-list-keywords '(&optional &rest))) (error "Invalid lambda-list keywords have been used. Only &OPTIONAL and &REST are permitted.")) (if (notevery (lambda (e) (or (symbolp e) (and (listp e) (symbolp (car e)) (consp (cdr e)) (cl:null (cddr e))))) lambda-list) (error "Invalid lambda-list elements have been used. Only symbols and lists of length two starting with symbols are permitted.")) `(defun ,symbol ,(append required (cond (&o optional) (&r (if (symbolp (cadr rest)) `(,(cadr rest) &optional) `(&optional ,(cadr rest)))) (t '(&optional))) '((stream *standard-output*) &aux (*standard-output* stream) (*print-base* 10) *print-radix*)) ,@(if documentation `(,documentation)) (declare (ignorable stream)) ,@(loop for elt in required collecting `(check-type ,elt (or unsigned-byte character))) ,@(cond (&o (loop for elt in (cdr optional) collecting `(check-type ,(if (listp elt) (car elt) elt) (or cl:null unsigned-byte character)))) (&r `((check-type ,(if (listp (cadr rest)) (caadr rest) (cadr rest)) (or list unsigned-byte character))))) (control-sequence-introducer) ,@(nconc (mapcon (lambda (n) `((princ ,(car n)) ,@(if (cdr n) (list `(write-char ,(code-char #x3B)))))) required) (cond (&o (append (if (not required) (let ((a (if (symbolp (cadr optional)) (cadr optional) (caadr optional)))) `((or (cl:null ,a) ,@(if (not (symbolp (cadr optional))) `((eql ,(caadr optional) ,(cadadr optional)))) (princ ,a))))) (cond ((butlast (cddr optional)) (let ((g (mapcar (lambda (n &aux (s (if (symbolp n) n (car n))) (v (if (not (symbolp n)) (cadr n)))) (list s v (gensym (symbol-name s)))) (if required (cdr optional) (cddr optional))))) `((let ,(mapcar (lambda (s) `(,(caddr s) (or (cl:null ,(car s)) ,@(if (cadr s) `((eql ,(car s) ,(cadr s))))))) g) (declare (type boolean ,@(mapcar 'caddr g)) (dynamic-extent ,@(mapcar 'caddr g))) ,@(mapcon (lambda (n) (if (cdr n) `((or (and ,@(mapcar 'caddr n)) (write-char ,(code-char #x3B))) (or ,(caddar n) (princ ,(caar n)))) `((or ,(caddar n) (progn (write-char ,(code-char #x3B)) (princ ,(caar n))))))) g))))) ((or required (cddr optional)) (let* ((l (car (last optional))) (a (if (symbolp l) l (car l)))) `((or (cl:null ,a) ,@(if (not (symbolp l)) `((eql ,(car l) ,(cadr l)))) (progn (write-char ,(code-char #x3B)) (princ ,a))))))))) (&r `(,@(if required `((if ,(if (symbolp (cadr rest)) (cadr rest) (caadr rest)) (write-char ,(code-char #x3B))))) (if (listp ,(if (symbolp (cadr rest)) (cadr rest) (caadr rest))) (mapl (lambda (list &aux (elt (car list))) (or (cl:null elt) ,@(if (not (symbolp (cadr rest))) `((eql elt ,(cadadr rest)))) (princ elt)) (if (cdr list) (write-char ,(code-char #x3B)))) ,(if (symbolp (cadr rest)) (cadr rest) (caadr rest))) (or (cl:null ,(if (symbolp (cadr rest)) (cadr rest) (caadr rest))) ,@(if (not (symbolp (cadr rest))) `((eql ,(if (symbolp (cadr rest)) (cadr rest) (caadr rest)) ,(cadadr rest)))) (princ ,(if (symbolp (cadr rest)) (cadr rest) (caadr rest))))))))) ,(typecase characters (character `(write-char ,characters)) (integer `(write-char ,(code-char characters))) (t `(write-string ,(make-array (length characters) :element-type 'character :initial-contents (mapcar (lambda (n) (if (characterp n) n (code-char n))) characters))))) (values))) (defmacro define-control-function (identity type sequence &optional documentation) "Define an ECMA-48 control function emitting function. The identity is a symbol or a list of two symbols, acronym and proper name. The type is one of :C0, :C1, :Fs, or a modified lambda list containing required, &OPTIONAL, and &REST arguments. All non-required arguments may be given a default value according to normal &OPTIONAL convention. The sequence is the value designating the control function. The optional documentation is a documentation string for this function." (check-type identity (or list symbol)) (check-type type (or list (member :C0 :C1 :Fs))) (check-type sequence (or character sequence unsigned-byte)) (check-type documentation (or cl:null string)) (let ((acronym (if (symbolp identity) identity (first identity))) (name (if (symbolp identity) identity (second identity)))) `(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (,(getf '(:C0 defc0 :C1 defc1 :Fs deffs) type 'defcs) ,name ,@(if (listp type) `(,type)) ,sequence ,documentation) (setf (symbol-function ',acronym) (symbol-function ',name) (documentation ',acronym 'function) ,documentation (get ',acronym :expansion) ',name (get ',name :acronym) ',acronym)))) #.`(progn ,@(mapcan (lambda (d) `((define-control-function ,@d) (export ',(car d)))) '(((ack acknowledge) :C0 #x06 "Acknowledge with affirmative response. See ISO 1745.") ((apc application-program-command) :C1 #x5F "Begins a command string delimited by STRING TERMINATOR (ST).") ((bel bell) :C0 #x07 "Bell typically sounds or flashes the device for attention.") ((bph break-permitted-here) :C1 #x42 "Indicates a line break is permitted between two graphical characters.") ((bs backspace) :C0 #x08 "Backspace, moving in the reverse of the normal data movement.") ((can cancel) :C0 #x18 "Cancel previous data by signalling according to an external protocol.") ((csi control-sequence-introducer) :C1 #x5B "Introduce a control sequence.") ;Violate the order for niceties. ((cbt cursor-backward-tabulation) (&optional (count 1)) #x5A "Move the cursor to the nth preceding character tabstop.") ((cch cancel-character) :C1 #x54 "Ignore the preceding graphical character and this control function.") ((cha cursor-character-absolute) (&optional (count 1)) #x47 "Move the cursor to the nth position of the current line.") ((cht cursor-forward-tabulation) (&optional (count 1)) #x49 "Move the cursor to the nth following character tabstop.") ((cmd coding-method-delimiter) :Fs #x64 "Delimit a string of data and switch control. See ECMA-35.") ((cnl cursor-next-line) (&optional (count 1)) #x45 "Move the cursor to the first position of the nth following line.") ((cpl cursor-preceding-line) (&optional (count 1)) #x46 "Move the cursor to the first position of the nth preceding line.") ((cpr active-position-report) (&optional (line 1) (character 1)) #x52 "Reports current line and character position.") ((cr carriage-return) :C0 #x0D "Carriage return moves to the home or limit position of a line.") ((ctc cursor-tabulation-control) (&rest (tabstops 0)) #x57 "Modify tabstops according to parameters. See ECMA-48.") ((cub cursor-left) (&optional (count 1)) #x44 "Move the cursor left count times.") ((cud cursor-down) (&optional (count 1)) #x42 "Move the cursor down count times.") ((cuf cursor-right) (&optional (count 1)) #x43 "Move the cursor right count times.") ((cup cursor-position) (&optional (line 1) (character 1)) #x48 "Reposition the cursor at line and character.") ((cuu cursor-up) (&optional (count 1)) #x41 "Move the cursor up count times.") ((cvt cursor-line-tabulation) (&optional (count 1)) #x59 "Move the cursor to the nth following line tabstop.") ((da device-attributes) (&optional (n 0)) #x63 "If n is zero, request a DA; if not, self identify with n.") ((daq define-area-qualification) (&rest (n 0)) #x6F "Define a qualified area according to parameters. See ECMA-48.") ((dch delete-character) (&optional (count 1)) #x50 "Remove the current and count-1 following or preceding characters.") ((dcs device-control-string) :C1 #x50 "Begin a control string delimited by STRING TERMINATOR (ST).") ((dc1 device-control-one) :C0 #x11 "Device control one is used for primary device control. See ECMA-48.") ((dc2 device-control-two) :C0 #x12 "Device control two is used for secondary device control. See ECMA-48.") ((dc3 device-control-three) :C0 #x13 "Device control three is used for tertiary device control. See ECMA-48.") ((dc4 device-control-four) :C0 #x14 "Device control four is used for miscellaneous device control. See ECMA-48.") ((dl delete-line) (&optional (count 1)) #x4D "Remove the current and count-1 following or preceding lines.") ((dle data-link-escape) :C0 #x10 "Data link escape provides transmission control functions. See ISO 1745.") ((dmi disable-manual-input) :Fs #x60 "Disable the manual input facilities of a device.") ((dsr device-status-report) (&optional (n 0)) #x6E "Report or request a status. A 6 requests a CPR. See ECMA-48.") ((dta dimension-text-area) (m n) (#x20 #x54) "Establish rectangular text dimensions.") ((ea erase-in-area) (&optional (n 0)) #x4F "Erase a section of the current qualified area. See ECMA-48.") ((ech erase-character) (&optional (count 1)) #x58 "Erase the current and count-1 following characters.") ((ed erase-in-page) (&optional (n 0)) #x4A "Erase a section of the current page. See ECMA-48.") ((ef erase-in-field) (&optional (n 0)) #x4E "Erase a section of the current field. See ECMA-48.") ((el erase-in-line) (&optional (n 0)) #x4B "Erase a section of the current line. See ECMA-48.") ((em end-of-medium) :C0 #x19 "End of medium is used to identify the end of a medium for access.") ((emi enable-manual-input) :Fs #x62 "Enable the manual input facilities of a device.") ((enq enquiry) :C0 #x05 "Enquiry is used as a request for response. See ISO 1745.") ((eot end-of-transmission) :C0 #x04 "End of transmission indicates a finishing. See ISO 1745.") ((epa end-of-guarded-area) :C1 #x57 "Indicate the end of a guarded area. See ECMA-48.") ((esa end-of-selected-area) :C1 #x47 "Indicate the end of a selected area. See ECMA-48.") ((esc escape) :C0 #x1B "Escape causes following characters to be interpreted differently. See ECMA-35.") ((etb end-of-transmission-block) :C0 #x17 "End of transmission block indicates the end of a block. See ISO 1745.") ((etx end-of-text) :C0 #x03 "End of text indicates the end of a text. See ISO 1745.") ((ff form-feed) :C0 #x12 "Form feed breaks a form or page.") ((fnk function-key) (n) (#x20 #x57) "Indicate the nth function key.") ((fnt font-selection) (&optional (font 0) (register 0)) (#x20 #x44) "Select a font. See ECMA-48.") ((gcc graphic-character-combination) (&optional (n 0)) (#x20 #x5F) "Combine graphic characters. See ECMA-48.") ((gsm graphic-size-modification) (&optional (height 100) (width 100)) (#x20 #x42) "Modify font size. See ECMA-48.") ((gss graphic-size-selection) (height) (#x20 #x43) "Establish font height, and implicitly width, in terms of SSU.") ((hpa character-position-absolute) (&optional (count 1)) #x60 "Move to the nth position of the current line. See CHA.") ((hpb character-position-backward) (&optional (count 1)) #x6A "Move opposite of the normal data movement count times. See BS.") ((hpr character-position-forward) (&optional (count 1)) #x61 "Move with the normal data movement count times.") ((ht character-tabulation) :C0 #x09 "Character tabulation moves to the following character tabstop.") ((htj character-tabulation-with-justification) :C1 #x49 "Justify with regards to the following tabstop. See ECMA-48.") ((hts character-tabulation-set) :C1 #x48 "Set a tabstop.") ((hvp character-and-line-position) (&optional (line 1) (character 1)) #x66 "Move to line and character. See CUP.") ((ich insert-character) (&optional (count 1)) #x40 "Insert room at the current and count-1 following or preceding characters.") ((idcs identify-device-control-string) (string) (#x20 #x4F) "Define the structure of a control string. See ECMA-35. See ECMA-48.") ((igs identify-graphic-subrepertoire) (repertoire) (#x20 #x4D) "See ISO 7350. See ISO 10367. See ECMA-48.") ((il insert-line) (&optional (count 1)) #x4C "Insert a line at the current and count-1 following or preceding lines.") ((int interrupt) :Fs #x61 "Alert a device to stop and begin an already agreed upon execution.") ((is1 information-separator-one) :C0 #x1F "Information separator one can be used to organize units. See ECMA-48.") ((is2 information-separator-two) :C0 #x1E "Information separator two can be used to organize records. See ECMA-48.") ((is3 information-separator-three) :C0 #x1D "Information separator three can be used to organize groups. See ECMA-48.") ((is4 information-separator-four) :C0 #x1C "Information separator four can be used to organize files. See ECMA-48.") ((jfy justify) (&rest (n 0)) (#x20 #x46) "Delimit and define justification of a string. See ECMA-48.") ((lf line-feed) :C0 #x0A "Line feed moves to the corresponding position of the following line.") ((ls0 locking-shift-zero) :C0 #x0F "Locking shift zero is an extension control function. See ECMA-35.") ((ls1 locking-shift-one) :C0 #x0E "Locking shift one is an extension control function. See ECMA-35.") ((ls1r locking-shift-one-right) :Fs #x7E "See ECMA-35.") ((ls2 locking-shift-two) :Fs #x6E "See ECMA-35.") ((ls2r locking-shift-two-right) :Fs #x7D "See ECMA-35.") ((ls3 locking-shift-three) :Fs #x6F "See ECMA-35.") ((ls3r locking-shift-three-right) :Fs #x7C "See ECMA-35.") ((mc media-copy) (&optional (n 0)) #x69 "Begin or end transfer of data to an auxiliary device. See ECMA-48.") ((mw message-waiting) :C1 #x55 "Indicate that a message is waiting. A response can be sent with DSR.") ((nak negative-acknowledge) :C0 #x15 "Negative acknowledge gives a negative response. See ISO 1745.") ((nbh no-break-here) :C1 #x43 "Indicates a line break is not permitted between two graphical characters.") ((nel next-line) :C1 #x45 "Move to the home or limit position of the following line. See CNL.") ((np next-page) (&optional (count 1)) #x55 "Display the nth following page.") ((nul null) :C0 #x00 "Null is a control function that may be added or removed with little or no consequence.") ((osc operating-system-command) :C1 #x5D "Begins an operating system command string delimited by STRING TERMINATOR (ST).") ((pec presentation-expand-or-contract) (&optional (spacing 0)) (#x20 #x5A) "Controls spacing and size of text. See ECMA-48.") ((pfs page-format-selection) (&optional (n 0)) (#x20 #x4A) "Specify page size and format based on paper. See ECMA-48.") ((pld partial-line-forward) :C1 #x4B "Move forward by a partial line to allow for subscripts or return to the active line.") ((plu partial-line-backward) :C1 #x4C "Move backwards by a partial line to allow for superscripts or return to the active line.") ((pm privacy-message) :C1 #x5E "Begins a privacy message command string delimited by STRING TERMINATOR (ST).") ((pp preceding-page) (&optional (count 1)) #x56 "Display the nth preceding page.") ((ppa page-position-absolute) (&optional (count 1)) (#x20 #x50) "Move to the corresponding position of the nth page.") ((ppb page-position-backward) (&optional (count 1)) (#x20 #x52) "Move to the corresponding position of the nth preceding page.") ((ppr page-position-forward) (&optional (count 1)) (#x20 #x51) "Move to the corresponding position of the nth following page.") ((ptx parallel-texts) (&optional (n 0)) #x5C "Delimit a string of characters to be displayed in parallel. See ECMA-48.") ((pu1 private-use-one) :C1 #x51 "This control function has no standard behavior and is intended for private use as wanted.") ((pu2 private-use-two) :C1 #x52 "This control function has no standard behavior and is intended for private use as wanted.") (quad (&rest (n 0)) (#x20 #x48) "Position string with layout as specified. See ECMA-48.") ((rep repeat) (&optional (count 1)) #x62 "Repeat the preceding graphic character count times.") ((ri reverse-line-feed) :C1 #x4D "Moves to the corresponding position of the preceding line.") ((ris reset-to-initial-state) :Fs #x63 "Reset the device to its initial state.") ((rm reset-mode) (&rest n) #x6C "Reset the device as specified. See ECMA-48.") ((sacs set-additional-character-separation) (&optional (n 0)) (#x20 #x5C) "Works in terms of SSU. See ECMA-48.") ((sapv select-alternative-presentation-variants) (&rest (n 0)) (#x20 #x5D) "See ECMA-48.") ((sci single-character-introducer) :C1 #x5A "The following character is consumed. See ECMA-48.") ((sco select-character-orientation) (&optional (rotation 0)) (#x20 #x65) "Establish character rotation. See ECMA-48.") ((scp select-character-path) (path effect) (#x20 #x6B) "Establish character direction. See ECMA-48.") ((scs set-character-spacing) (spacing) (#x20 #x67) "Establish character spacing in terms of SSU. See ECMA-48.") ((sd scroll-down) (&optional (count 1)) #x54 "Move the contents of the device down count positions, appearing to scroll down.") ((sds start-directed-string) (&optional (n 0)) #x5D "Delimit a string of characters of a certain direction. See ECMA-48.") ((see select-editing-extent) (&optional (extent 0)) #x51 "Establish editing bounds. See ECMA-48.") ((sef sheet-eject-and-feed) (&optional (m 0) (n 0)) (#x20 #x59) "Control paper feeding and ejecting during printing. See ECMA-48.") ((sgr select-graphic-rendition) (&rest (n 0)) #x6D "Establish character font and other characteristics. See ECMA-48.") ((shs select-character-spacing) (&optional (spacing 0)) (#x20 #x4B) "Establish character spacing. See ECMA-48.") ((si shift-in) :C0 #x0F "Shift in causes following characters to be interpreted differently. See ECMA-35.") ((simd select-implicit-movement-direction) (&optional (direction 0)) #x5E "Establish the implicit movement direction. See ECMA-48.") ((sl scroll-left) (&optional (count 1)) (#x20 #x40) "Move the contents of the device left count positions, appearing to scroll left.") ((slh set-line-home) (n) (#x20 #x55) "Establish position n of the active line as the line home.") ((sll set-line-limit) (n) (#x20 #x56) "Establish position n of the active line as the line limit.") ((sls set-line-spacing) (n) (#x20 #x68) "Establish line spacing in terms of SSU.") ((sm set-mode) (&rest n) #x68 "Set the device as specified. See ECMA-48.") ((so shift-out) :C0 #x0E "Shift out causes following characters to be interpreted differently. See ECMA-35.") ((soh start-of-heading) :C0 #x01 "Start of heading begins a heading. See ISO 1745.") ((sos start-of-string) :C1 #x58 "Begins a string delimited by STRING TERMINATOR (ST).") ((spa start-of-guarded-area) :C1 #x56 "Indicate the beginning of a guarded area.") ((spd select-presentation-directions) (&optional (character 0) (effect 0)) (#x20 #x53) "See ECMA-48.") ((sph set-page-home) (n) (#x20 #x69) "Establish line position n of the active page as the page home.") ((spi spacing-increment) (line character) (#x20 #x47) "Establish line and character spacing in terms of SSU.") ((spl set-page-limit) (n) (#x20 #x6A) "Establish line position n of the active page as the page limit.") ((spqr select-print-quality-and-rapidity) (&optional (n 0)) (#x20 #x58) "Control speed and quality during printing. See ECMA-48.") ((sr scroll-right) (&optional (count 1)) (#x20 #x41) "Move the contents of the device right count positions, appearing to scroll right.") ((srcs set-reduced-character-separation) (&optional (n 0)) (#x20 #x66) "Establish character separation in terms of SSU.") ((srs start-reversed-string) (&optional (n 0)) #x5B "Delimit a string of characters of a certain reversed direction. See ECMA-48.") ((ssa start-of-selected-area) :C1 #x46 "Indicate the beginning of a selected area.") ((ssu select-size-unit) (&optional (unit 0)) (#x20 #x49) "Define the size unit from several visual units. See ECMA-48.") ((ssw set-space-width) (n) (#x20 #x5B) "Establish space width in terms of SSU.") ((ss2 single-shift-two) :C1 #x4E "Cause following characters to be interpreted differently. See ECMA-35.") ((ss3 single-shift-three) :C1 #x4F "Cause following characters to be interpreted differently. See ECMA-35.") ((st string-terminator) :C1 #x5C "Terminate a string.") ((stab selective-tabulation) (n) (#x20 #x5E) "Align according to tabulation specified. See ISO 8613-6.") ((sts set-transmit-state) :C1 #x53 "Establish that data transmission is possible. See ECMA-48.") ((stx start-of-text) :C0 #x02 "Start of text begins a text and ends a heading. See ISO 1745.") ((su scroll-up) (&optional (count 1)) #x53 "Move the contents of the device up count positions, appearing to scroll up.") ((sub substitute) :C0 #x1A "Substitute for a character that is not to actually be sent.") ((svs select-line-spacing) (&optional (spacing 0)) (#x20 #x4C) "Establish line spacing from several visual units. See ECMA-48.") ((syn synchronous-idle) :C0 #x16 "Synchronous idle is used for synchronizing purposes. See ISO 1745.") ((tac tabulation-aligned-centred) (n) (#x20 #x62) "Establish a tabstop used for center alignment. See ECMA-48.") ((tale tabulation-aligned-leading-edge) (n) (#x20 #x61) "Establish a tabstop used for end alignment. See ECMA-48.") ((tate tabulation-aligned-trailing-edge) (n) (#x20 #x60) "Establish a tabstop used for front alignment. See ECMA-48.") ((tbc tabulation-clear) (&optional (n 0)) #x67 "Clear tabstops as specified. See ECMA-48.") ((tcc tabulation-centered-on-character) (line &optional (character 32)) (#x20 #x63) ;oh my "Establish a tabstop used for center alignment of the first occurence of character or for front alignment. See ECMA-48.") ((tsr tabulation-stop-remove) (n) (#x20 #x64) "Remove a tabstop at position n of the active line and following lines.") ((tss thin-space-specification) (n) (#x20 #x45) "Establish thin space width in terms of SSU.") ((vpa line-position-absolute) (&optional (count 1)) #x64 "Move to the nth line position.") ((vpb line-position-backward) (&optional (count 1)) #x6B "Move opposite of the normal line progression count times.") ((vpr line-position-forward) (&optional (count 1)) #x65 "Move with the normal line progression count times.") ((vt line-tabulation) :C0 #x0B "Line tabulation moves to the following tabstop.") ((vts line-tabulation-set) :C1 #x4A "Set a line tabstop at the active line.")))) .