------------------------------------------------------------ Toki Pona/Vocab, (vernunftzentrum.de), 10/08/2018 ------------------------------------------------------------ Well! This took me far longer than it should have. My original goal was to take twelve consecutive days to learn the basic vocabulary of Toki Pona. Life got in the way, as it has a tendency to do, and those twelve days have now been stretched across almost three months. Oh, life! If one could understand and measure and contain you! Here is the last set of words that I memorized. It took me three different days to work these out, for some reason. My head just wouldn't accept them, or there were too many other things going on, or something. But today, I managed. I did it. The parade is at 11. Day 12 Words: tu (2) two unpa sex uta lips, mouth, jaw utala battle, compete, struggle walo white, pale wan (1) one, unique, united waso bird wawa strong, confident, intense weka absent, away, ignored wile must, need, required, want, wish, should Now, I need to re-organize my gopher hole a tiny bit, and move on to the next task. I think I'll have all of these 12-days in a folder, and maybe make a new folder for the next subject (rules? grammar? reading?) That said, I'm not quite sure the filename scheme works here... it is setup for a phlog. We'll see.