------------------------------------------------------------ Toki Pona/Vocab, (JozT410), 09/15/2018 ------------------------------------------------------------ Back in the saddle, at least for this evening. Life is interesting, I've found, in that we do the things that we decide to do. For all the excuses and reasons that we come up with, the reality is that we do what we choose to do. That's a generalization, I realize that there are much more nuanced aspects of that thought to philosophize about endlessly. But, back in the saddle! I want to point out that my method is to sit down and memorize to my own satisfaction 10 new words at a time. To me, that means being able to: see the word and write the definition; see the definition and write the word; write both the word and definition from memory if possible. The third one is a stretch goal really, to be able to write the entire set of 10 words unprompted. I mentioned that I use a gregg-ruled steno notepad. This seems to work for me. My final quiz is writing this post, with the word set from memory (or, at the very least, the definitions from memory.) Day 11 Words: sona to know, be skilled/wise in soweli animal, beast supa horizontal surface to set things on suwi sweet, innocent, cute, fragrant tan by, from, because of taso but, however, only tawa for, toward, going to tenpo time, occasion, moment toki to say, speak, talk, think tomo indoors, building, home, house, room Maybe because it's been a while since I last did this exercise (sorry, choices) or perhaps for some other reason, I found the words tan, taso, and tawa very difficult this evening. I couldn't keep them straight. I had to write just those three words out several times, and their definitions, in order to get them down. They're important, so hopefully I can keep them straight.