------------------------------------------------------------ Practice methods, (vernunftzentrum.de), 12/18/2018 ------------------------------------------------------------ I need to jump in with Toki Pona. I've been working on some of the lessons and the base vocab, but without actual use, it doesn't mean enough for my brain to retain it. SDF's bboard might be a good place to start. If I didn't despise online www forums, that might work too. FB is out of the question. So, for someone as particular as myself, SDF bboard (or maybe circumlunar.space or other boards?) is probably a good idea. I will do that, but I want to start writing in Toki Pona here as well. I will have to see what that will look like. Maybe I'll mirror some of the conversations here in this gopher hole, since SDF's bboard gets wiped frequently enough for it to be a poor reference.