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 (TXT) 2022-03-23 - literature clock (~1 min. read)
 (TXT) 2020-11-09 - Living on the floor (~1 min. read)
 (TXT) 2019-12-18 - More smalltalk more gopher (~2 min. read)
 (TXT) 2019-05-05 - On building an audio player (~4 min. read)
 (TXT) 2019-02-04 - Programming arduinos without an IDE (~2 min. read)
 (TXT) 2018-12-21 - the most embarrassing admin mistake (~3 min. read)
 (TXT) 2018-12-11 - Miscellaneous update (~3 min. read)
 (TXT) 2018-10-22 - Print if you need an envelope (~1 min. read)
 (TXT) 2018-10-19 - Improvements to smalltalk gopher (~1 min. read)
 (TXT) 2018-09-21 - Georg Nees'  Schotter for CHICKEN (~1 min. read)