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                   Welcome to the NW8L Gopher server!
 (TXT)             About this server...
 (DIR)             ARS Flight of the Bumblebees
 (DIR)             Slide Rule Manuals
 (DIR)             Land Line Telegraphy
 (DIR)             Submarine Telegraphy
 (DIR)             Wireless Telegraphy
 (DIR)             Some Good Reading
 (TXT)             NOAA Current Space Weather Report
 (TXT)             NOAA Last Day Space Weather Report
 (TXT)             NOAA 3 Day Space Weather Forecast
 (TXT)             NOAA Weekly Space Weather Highlights
 (TXT)             NOAA Space Weather Scales Summary
 (DIR)             TOPS-20 Operating System Archive
 (DIR)             OpenVMS VAX 7.3 Operating System Archive
 (DIR)             White Mesa 'node-gopher' Server for Windows and Linux
 (DIR)             Lynx for Windows (nice gopher client)
 (DIR)             Gopher Protocol References
 (QRY)             Search Gopherspace using Veronica 2
 (HTM)             [White Mesa website]
        ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ 
                        Served by White Mesa node-gopher/0.1.1