you are and this is....
       ||    |         /||                   /|| /||   ||
       ||    | . .. ..  || ... ... ..   ....  ||  ||   .. ..   .. 
       ||    | || || || ||'  || ||' ''.|...|| ||  ||  /||  '|..'  
       ||    | || || || ||    | ||    ||      ||  ||   ||   .|.   
        '|..'  || || ||.'|...' .||.    '|...' \|. \|. .||..|  ||.
       your source for chat since 2014 and gopher since 2018
       Straight people I respect:
       Straight people I don't respect:
       (previously: Yes, yes, we're back. I'm in tears writing this. Hi, we're Ellenor
       and Reinhilde, and this is our gopher server. (we = same body... most
       people don't get it).)
        8:30p.m.  up 116 days, 18:31, 22 users, load averages: 0.39, 0.44, 0.42
       Connection security information:
 (DIR) Your connection is NOT secure. Please click this link for darknet addresses for this Gopherhole. TLS and SSLv3 is available on the same port you accessed this menu on. ;)
       The following selector will take you off of the site. If you are TLS,
       it will also downgrade your connection to plaintext.
 (TXT) Web browser gopher - live it, learn it, love it
       The following selectors (if any) are in the control of this site. They
       will not take you off.
 (DIR) CGI Debugging
 (DIR) Cookery
       I have no respect for those who disrespect their job title.
 (DIR) Log of incidents of staff at the care home I USED TO live at abdicating duty and other weirdness
       buzzwords: tor, i2p, cjdns, openssl, port 105, s/gopher
       Darknet, and SSL access information for Umbrellix Gopher:
 (DIR) Secure Access
 (DIR) fr
       buzzwords: webring, back-links
       You'll find some nice gopherholes here:
 (DIR) Interesting Gopher Holes and Friends of the Umbrellix Gophermeister
       without the inspiration of floodgap (see the list for more
       information), this gopherhole probably wouldn't exist
       keywords: leftists, voice, trans, gender
       a small trove of information on how to understand gender as
       perceived by trans individuals - CURRENTLY EMPTY
 (DIR) gender
 (DIR) [NSFW] Erotic fiction
 (DIR) Live logs
 (DIR) Ramblings of the gophermeisters
 (DIR) Random text files uploaded by the gophermeister. [UTF-8]
 (DIR) Tulpamancy and plural personality condition info trove
 (DIR) the Universal Gopher Server - our gopher server.
       Based on Gophernicus, uGopherServer has proven to be a fun project
       for the server owner and in any event, quite useful for enabling our
       S/Gopher project.
 (TXT) forretno.txt
 (TXT) Gophermeister's Blood Glucose Logs - no longer updated
       This version of glucolog is no longer updated. For the latest
 (TXT) navigate to 70/105 /glucolog.doc
 (TXT) passwordmmtcl.txt