Five Minutes :: The Wonders of Late Night TV

I used to love late night TV. Sadly, what was once the domain of weird and bad television (LA Heat, Largo Winch, Lexx, take a bow) is now dominated by tacky, cheap to produce game shows which feature a disturbing number of reality TV contestants. Thankfully, every now and then it still manages to throw up a real winner, and Power Rangers: Time Force is certainly right down there. (The mere fact that Power Rangers apparently has spinoffs amuses me, actually.) I happened across this gem of a show in the wee hours of this morning, and let me tell you that I thought it was great. By "great", I mean "failed on every level", of course. For one thing, I can't see who it's actually aimed at -- even the kids I know would think it was tacky, shoddily produced and banal. Personally, I couldn't stop laughing. It's as though the production company found half a dozen crack addicted hobos, put them in a writers' room, and didn't let them out until they came up with a TV show. Saying it's clichéd is an understatement. As the piece de resistance, I give you the villain from the episode I watched: Apparently this is called a Fatcatfish. You can blame Youtube for the poor quality of the image, but the blame for the poor quality of the villain on the people responsible for the show. Still, it's entertaining as hell -- just not in any way its makers intended, I suspect.

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