Five Minutes :: You gits

I've been looking at GitHub more and more of late. Initially, it was just because lots of people were using it, but since I've been using Git on my own server for my own projects for a while anyway, it started making sense to upload some bits and pieces to it to save me worrying quite so much about trivial things like backups. Plus, GitHub seems like a pretty good home for those random bits of code that you tend to churn out from time to time as a developer.

So, I've spent the last couple of days pushing a few things up. It's not going to completely replace my need to have some Git repositories on my own server (there are things that aren't open source or aren't for public consumption, like my resume — although making that open source could be entertaining), but it's definitely handy for other things.

Obviously, my user page is going to cover the full list of things at any given time, but the projects I've uploaded so far include:

So, yay GitHub, helping me procrastinate from doing actual development work in my spare time for two days now. (Yay may not be the right word.)

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