\version "2.14.2" songTitle = "Skinks" songPoet = "S.W. Black" songCopyright = "2015 S.W.Black" tuneArranger = \markup { tune of \italic{ The First Nowell } } tuneComposer = \markup { 18th Century French Melody } tuneSource = \markup {from \italic {Christmas Carols, New and Old}} albumProduct = "Other Carols from 2015" albumCopyright = \markup {Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License} albumTagline = \markup {created for \italic {50/90 2015}} % Fancier Copyright/Tagline messages \include "../book/album.ily" global = { \key d \major \time 3/4 \autoBeamOff \tempo 4 = 90 } sopMusic = \relative c' { \partial 4 fis8[^\mf e] | d4.( e8) fis[ g] | a2 b8[ cis] | \slurDotted d4( cis) b | a2 b8\noBeam( cis) | d4( cis) b | a( b) cis | d( a) g | fis2 \slurSolid fis8[ e] | d4.( e8) \slurDotted fis8\noBeam( g) | \slurSolid a2 b8[ cis] | \slurDotted d4( cis) b | a2 b8\noBeam( cis) | d4( cis) b | a( b) cis | \slurSolid d( a) g | fis2 fis8[ e] | d4.( e8) fis[ g] | a2 d8[ cis] | b2 b4 | a2. | d4 cis b | a( b) cis | d( a) g | fis2 \bar "|." } altoMusic = \relative c' { \partial 4 d4 | a2 d4 | e2 e4 | \slurDotted a4( a) g | fis2 d8\noBeam( e) | a4( fis) g | a( d,) g | fis( fis) e | d2 cis4 | a2 d8\noBeam( d) | e2 e4 | a4( a) g | fis2 d8\noBeam( e) | a4( fis) g | a( g) g | fis2 e4 | d2 cis4 | a2 d4 | cis2 fis4 | g2 g4 | \slurSolid fis2( a4) | fis4 fis g | fis2 g4 | fis2 e4 | d2 \bar "|." } tenorMusic = \relative c' { \partial 4 a8[ g] | fis2 d'4 | cis2 b4 | \slurDotted a4( a) \slurSolid b8[ cis] | d2 \slurDotted b8\noBeam( a) | a4( a) cis | d( b) g | a( d) a | a2 \slurSolid a8[ g] | fis2 \slurDotted d'8\noBeam( d) | \slurSolid d4( cis) b | \slurDotted a( a) \slurSolid b8[ cis] | d2 \slurDotted b8\noBeam( a) | a4( a) cis | d4( d) e | \slurSolid a,( d) a | a2 a8[ g] | fis2 b4 | a2 a4 | b4.( cis8) d[ e] | fis2( e4) | d d d | d2 g,4 | a2 a4 | a2 \bar "|." } bassMusic = \relative c { \partial 4 d4 | d2 b4 | a( a') g | \slurDotted fis( fis) g | d2 g8\noBeam( g) | fis4( d) e | fis( g) e | fis8[( g] a4) a | d,2 a4 | d2 b8\noBeam( b) | \slurSolid a4( a') g | \slurDotted fis( fis) g | d2 g8\noBeam( g) | fis4( d) e | fis( g) e | \slurSolid fis8[( g] a4) a, | d2 a4 | d2 b4 | fis'2 d4 | g4.( a8) b[ cis] | d2( cis4) | b a g | d'( d,) e | fis8[( g] a4) a, | d2 \bar "|." } origLyrics = \lyricmode { \set stanza = #"O. " The first __ No -- ël the \set ignoreMelismata = ##t an -- gel did say, Was to cer -- tain poor shep -- herds in fields as they lay; \unset ignoreMelismata In __ fields __ where they lay __ \set ignoreMelismata = ##t keep -- ing their sheep On a cold win -- ter’s night _ that was __ _ so deep. \unset ignoreMelismata \set stanza = \markup\dynamic"ff " No -- ël, __ No -- ël, No -- ël, \set associatedVoice = "altos" No -- ël, __ \unset associatedVoice Born is the King of Is -- ra -- el. } lyricsA = \lyricmode { \set stanza = #"1. " Skinks they like to dig in ground and where sand's all around. Most are quite small but some can be over a foot long. Oh they have no real neck and most will eat insects. Though the ones kept as pets also eat vegetative sets. And they have tails that shed when grabbed by foxes' heads. The tail can regrow imperfectly at best. From the Miocene with few to tons of species. Neoseps lack forelimbs it does not climb trees. On the Solomon Isles is the largest of these. Young use a placenta just like you or like me. So keep your cats indoors and your dogs on a leash. They do not need to eat skinks if you please. } \bookpart{ \tocItem \songTitle \header { title = \songTitle poet = \songPoet %dedication = \songDedication %translator = \songTranslator composer = \tuneComposer arranger = \tuneArranger source = \tuneSource copyright = \albumCopyright tagline = \albumTagline } \score { << \new ChoirStaff << \new Staff = women << \new Voice = "sopranos" { \voiceOne << \global \sopMusic >> } \new Voice = "altos" { \voiceTwo << \global \altoMusic >> } >> \new Lyrics \lyricsto "sopranos" \origLyrics \new Lyrics \lyricsto "sopranos" \lyricsA %\new Staff = men << %\clef bass %\new Voice = "tenors" { \voiceOne << \global \tenorMusic >> } %\new Voice = "basses" { \voiceTwo << \global \bassMusic >> } %>> >> >> \layout { } \midi { \set Staff.midiInstrument = "flute" \context { \Staff \remove "Staff_performer" } \context { \Voice \consists "Staff_performer" } } } }