\version "2.14.2" songTitle = "Glory, Glory He Has Come" songPoet = "S.W. Black" songCopyright = "2015 S.W.Black" tuneArranger = \markup { tune of \italic{ Angels We Have Heard on High } } tuneComposer = \markup { 18th Century French Carol } tuneSource = \markup {from \italic {Carols Old and Carols New}, 1916} albumProduct = "Santa-related Carols" albumCopyright = \markup {Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License} albumTagline = \markup {created for \italic {50/90 2015}} % Fancier Copyright/Tagline messages \include "../book/album.ily" global = { \key g \major \time 4/4 \autoBeamOff \tempo 4 = 120 } sopMusic = \relative c'' { b4 b b d | d4. c8 b2 | b4 a b d | b4. a8 g2 | b4 b b d | d4. c8 b2 | b4 a b d | b4. a8 g2 | d'2( e8[ d c b] | c2 d8[ c b a] | b2 c8[ b a g] | a4.) d,8 d2 | g4 a b c | b2 a | d2( e8[ d c b] | c2 d8[ c b a] | b2 c8[ b a g] | a4.) d,8 d2 | g4 a b c | b2( a) | g2. b4\rest \bar "|." } altoMusic = \relative c'' { g4 g g g | fis4. fis8 g2 | g4 g g g | fis4. fis8 g2 | g4 fis g g | fis4. fis8 g2 | g4 g g g | fis4. fis8 g2 | g4( b8[ a] gis4 e~ | e a8[ g] fis4 d~ | d g8[ fis] e4 c~ | c4.) d8 d2 | d4 d d e | d( g) g( fis) | g4( b8[ a] gis4 e~ | e a8[ g] fis4 d~ | d g8[ fis] e4 c~ | c4.) d8 d2 | d4 d d e | d( g2 fis4) | d2. s4 \bar "|." } origLyrics = \lyricmode { \set stanza = #"O. " An -- gels we have heard on high, Sweet -- ly sing -- ing o’er the plains; And the moun -- tains in re -- ply Ech -- o -- ing their joy -- ous strains. \set stanza = \markup\dynamic"mf " \markup\italic Glo -- \markup\italic ri -- \markup\italic a \markup\italic in \markup\italic ex -- \markup\italic cel -- \markup\italic sis \markup\italic De -- \markup\italic o, __ \set stanza = \markup\dynamic"f " \markup\italic Glo -- \markup\italic ri -- \markup\italic a \markup\italic in \markup\italic ex -- \markup\italic cel -- \markup\italic sis \markup\italic De -- \markup\italic o! } lyricsA = \lyricmode { \set stanza = #"1. " Glory, Glory He Has Come! Bringing Presents for us all. Light the candles in the hall Grandma wants to get on through. Santa Claus, oh Santa Claus, Jolly Lord of the North Oh how we do love you. Santa Claus, oh Santa Claus, Jolly Lord of the North Oh how we do praise your name. } lyricsB = \lyricmode { \set stanza = #"2. " Glory, Glory chocolate pie. Glorious sweet apple tart. Someone made some spiced mulled wine. Grandma's favorite eggy-nog. Feast, and feast and feast and feast some more. Share some with the neighbors. Feast, and feast and feast and feast some more. Oh how we do love today. } lyricsC = \lyricmode { \set stanza = #"3. " Glory, glory family near playing games and telling tales. Strange and silly family tales best told in the deep of night. Speak of the ghosts, speak of the ghosts, of a Christmas past. Remember them so kindly. Speak of the ghosts, speak of the ghosts, of a Christmas past. Oh how we do miss their grace. } tenorMusic = \relative c' { d4 d d d | c d d2 | d4 c d b | d c b2 | d4 d e8[ d] c[ b] c4 d d2 | d4 e d b | d c b2 | b2( e~ | e d~ | d c | a4) g fis2 | g4 fis g g | g( b) d4.( c8) | b2( e~ | e d~ | d c | a4) g fis2 | g4 fis g g | g( b d4. c8) | b2. s4 \bar "|." } bassMusic = \relative c' { g4 g g b | a d, g2 | g4 g g g | d d g2 | g4 b e8[ d] c[ b] | a4 d, g2 | g4 c b g | d d g2 | g2( e4 gis | a2 d,4 fis | g2 c,4 e | fis) e d( c) | b a g c | d2 d | g2( e4 gis | a2 d,4 fis | g2 c,4 e | fis) e d( c) | b a g c | d1 | g2. d4\rest \bar "|." } \bookpart{ \tocItem \songTitle \header { title = \songTitle poet = \songPoet %dedication = \songDedication %translator = \songTranslator composer = \tuneComposer arranger = \tuneArranger source = \tuneSource copyright = \albumCopyright tagline = \albumTagline } \score { << \new ChoirStaff << % \new Staff = women << % \new Voice = "sopranos" { \voiceOne << \global \sopMusic >> } % \new Voice = "altos" { \voiceTwo << \global \altoMusic >> } % >> \new Staff = men << \clef bass \new Voice = "tenors" { \voiceOne << \global \tenorMusic >> } % \new Voice = "basses" { \voiceTwo << \global \bassMusic >> } >> % \new Lyrics \with { alignBelowContext = #"women" } \lyricsto "tenors" \origLyrics % \new Lyrics \with { alignBelowContext = #"women" } \lyricsto "tenors" \lyricsA \new Lyrics \lyricsto "tenors" \origLyrics \new Lyrics \lyricsto "tenors" \lyricsA \new Lyrics \lyricsto "tenors" \lyricsB \new Lyrics \lyricsto "tenors" \lyricsC >> >> \layout { } \midi { \set Staff.midiInstrument = "flute" \context { \Staff \remove "Staff_performer" } \context { \Voice \consists "Staff_performer" } } } }