\version "2.14.2" songTitle = "Mole Day" songPoet = "S.W. Black" songCopyright = "2015 S.W.Black" tuneArranger = \markup { tune of \italic{ Stille Nacht } } tuneComposer = \markup { Franz Gruber (1787–1863) } tuneSource = \markup { from \concat{\italic "Christmas Carols and Hymns for School and Choir" ", 1910"}} albumProduct = "Other Carols from 2015" albumCopyright = \markup {Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License} albumTagline = \markup {created for \italic {50/90 2015}} % Fancier Copyright/Tagline messages \include "../book/album.ily" global = { \key bes \major \time 6/8 \autoBeamOff \tempo \markup\italic"Tranquillo" 4 = 90 } sopMusic = \relative c' { \slurDotted f8.[ g16] f8 d4. | f8. g16 f8 d4. | c'8.[ b16] c8 a4. | bes8.[ a16] bes8 f4. | g4 g8 bes8.( a16) g8 | f8.\noBeam g16\noBeam f8 d4 bes'8\rest | g4 g8 bes8.( a16) g8 | f8.\noBeam( g16\noBeam) f8 d4 bes'8\rest | \slurSolid c4 c8\noBeam ees8.\noBeam c16\noBeam a8 | bes4.( d4) bes8\rest | bes8[ f] d8 f8.\noBeam ees16\noBeam c8 | bes4.~bes4 bes'8\rest \bar "|." } altoMusic = \relative c' { \slurDotted d8.[ ees16] d8 bes4. | d8. ees16 d8 bes4. | ees8.[ d16] ees8 c4. | d8.[ c16] d8 d4. | ees4 ees8 g8.( f16) ees8 | d8.\noBeam ees16\noBeam d8\noBeam bes4 s8 | ees4 ees8 g8.( f16) ees8 | d8.\noBeam( ees16\noBeam) d8 bes4 s8 | \slurSolid ees4 ees8 c8.\noBeam ees16\noBeam c8 | d4.( f4) s8 | d4 bes8 d8.\noBeam c16\noBeam a8 | bes4.~ bes4 s8 \bar "|." } tenorMusic = \relative c' { \slurDotted bes4 bes8 f4. | bes8. bes16 bes8 f4. | a4 a8 f4. | f4 f8 bes4. | bes4 bes8 g8.( a16) bes8 | bes8.\noBeam bes16\noBeam bes8 f4 s8 | bes4 bes8 g8.( a16) bes8 | bes8.\noBeam( bes16\noBeam) bes8 f4 s8 | a4 a8\noBeam a8.\noBeam a16\noBeam f8 | \slurSolid f4.( bes4) s8 | f4 f8\noBeam f8.\noBeam f16\noBeam ees8 | d4.~d4 s8 \bar "|." } bassMusic = \relative c { \slurDotted bes4 bes8 bes4. | bes8. bes16 bes8 bes4. | f'4 f8 f4. | bes,4 bes8 bes4. | ees4 ees8 ees8.( ees16) ees8 | bes8.\noBeam bes16\noBeam bes8\noBeam bes4 d8\rest | ees4 ees8 ees8.( ees16) ees8 | bes8.\noBeam( bes16\noBeam) bes8 bes4 d8\rest | f4 f8\noBeam f8.\noBeam f16\noBeam f8 | bes,4.~ bes4 d8\rest | f,4 f8\noBeam f8.\noBeam f16\noBeam f8 | bes4.~ bes4 d8\rest \bar "|." } origLyrics = \lyricmode { \set stanza = #"1. " Stil -- le Nacht! hei -- li -- ge Nacht! Al -- les schläft; ein -- sam wacht. Nur das \set ignoreMelismata = ##t trau -- te hoch -- hei -- li -- ge Paar. Hol -- der Kna -- be im lock -- i -- gen Haar, \unset ignoreMelismata Schlaf in himm -- li -- scher Ruh! __ Schlaf in himm -- li -- scher Ruh! __ } lyricsA = \lyricmode { \set stanza = "1. " Science is great. Chemistry, too. Moles can be a standard unit. When dealing with atoms, take note: Six point oh two times ten to the twenty-third. Avogadro's constant! But there are more digits. Critics exist, that is true. Proust's law helps. Dalton's too. Number of atoms is just a number. The thermodynamic means naught to some. It's not even a metric! But it is useful to some. A mouldywarp then, is something not new. Moles can be throwers of soil. A group of moles is called a labour. The males are boars, the females sows. Polydactyl forepaws! Deeply unpleasant to eat. Tolerating higher C O two. Having unique haemoglobin. The tunnels are really worm traps. Able to paralyze wiggly worms storing prey in larders. Sometimes killed with nitrogen. Heratage that you can eat. Mole can be a rich sauce. Convent of Santa Rosa poor nuns prayed, and cooked a sauce. Lucky, they had chocolate! Or so a legend tells us. Many types found all around. Seven moles found in Mounts. Mole poblano is quite known. Mole negro has chocolate. Is seven really mole? Perhaps science will know. } \bookpart{ \tocItem \songTitle \header { title = \songTitle poet = \songPoet %dedication = \songDedication %translator = \songTranslator composer = \tuneComposer arranger = \tuneArranger source = \tuneSource copyright = \albumCopyright tagline = \albumTagline } \score { << \new ChoirStaff << \new Staff = women << \new Voice = "sopranos" { \voiceOne << \global \sopMusic >> } \new Voice = "altos" { \voiceTwo << \global \altoMusic >> } >> \new Lyrics \lyricsto "sopranos" \origLyrics \new Lyrics \lyricsto "sopranos" \lyricsA \new Staff = men << \clef bass \new Voice = "tenors" { \voiceOne << \global \tenorMusic >> } \new Voice = "basses" { \voiceTwo << \global \bassMusic >> } >> >> >> \layout { } \midi { \set Staff.midiInstrument = "flute" \context { \Staff \remove "Staff_performer" } \context { \Voice \consists "Staff_performer" } } } }