\version "2.14.2" songTitle = "Santa knows what we think we might hide" songPoet = "S.W. Black" songCopyright = "2015 S.W.Black" tuneArranger = \markup { tune of \italic{ It Came Upon the Midnight Clear } } tuneComposer = \markup { Richard S. Willis (1819–1900) } tuneSource = \markup { from \italic {Christmas Carols and Hymns for School and Choir}, 1910} albumProduct = "Santa-related Carols" albumCopyright = \markup {Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License} albumTagline = \markup {created for \italic {50/90 2015}} % Fancier Copyright/Tagline messages \include "../book/album.ily" global = { \key bes \major \time 6/8 \autoBeamOff \tempo 4 = 65 } sopMusic = \relative c' { \partial 8 f8 | d'4 a8 c[ bes] g8 | f4 g8 f4 f8 | g[ a] bes bes[ c] d | c4.~ c4 f,8 | d'4 a8 c[ bes] g8 | f4 g8 f4 f8 | g4 g8 a[ g] f | bes4.~bes4 d8 | d4 d,8 d[ e] fis | g4 a8 bes4 d8 | c[ bes] a g[ a] g | f4.~f4 f8 | d'4 a8 c[ bes] g8 | f4 g8 f4 f8 | g4 g8 a[ g] f | bes4.~bes4 \bar "|." } altoMusic = \relative c' { d8 | d4 d8 ees4 ees8 | d4 ees8 d4 d8 | ees4 ees8 e4 e8 | f4.~ f4 d8 | d4 d8 ees4 ees8 | d4 ees8 d4 f8 | ees4 ees8 ees4 ees8 | d4.~ d4 d8 | d4 d8 d[ e] d | d4 d8 d4 d8 | f4 f8 e4 e8 | f4.~ f4 ees8 | d4 d8 ees4 ees8 | d4 ees8 d4 f8 | ees4 ees8 ees4 ees8 | d4.~ d4 \bar "|." } tenorMusic = \relative c { f8 | f4 fis8 g4 a8 | bes4 f8 f4 bes8 | bes4 bes8 bes4 bes8 | a4.~ a4 bes8 | f4 fis8 g4 a8 | bes4 f8 f4 bes8 | bes4 c8 c[ bes] a | bes4.~ bes4 d,8 | d4 fis8 fis[ g] a | g4 fis8 g4 g8 | a[ d] c bes[ c] bes | a4.~ a4 a8 | f4 fis8 g4 a8 | bes4 f8 f4 bes8 | bes4 c8 c[ bes] a | bes4.~ bes4 \bar "|." } bassMusic = \relative c { bes8 | bes4 bes8 bes4 bes8 | bes4 a8 bes4 bes8 | ees[ f] g g4 c,8 | f4.~ f4 bes,8 | bes4 bes8 bes4 bes8 | bes4 a8 bes4 d8 | ees4 c8 f4 f8 | bes,4.~ bes4 d8 | d4 d8 d4 c8 | bes4 d8 g4 bes,8 | c4 c8 c4 c8 | f4.~ f4 f8 | bes,4 bes8 bes4 bes8 | bes4 a8 bes4 d8 | ees4 c8 f4 f8 | bes,4.~ bes4 \bar "|." } origLyrics = \lyricmode { \set stanza = #"O. " It came up -- on __ the mid -- night clear, That glo -- rious song of old, __ From an -- gels bend -- ing near the earth To touch their harps of gold: __ “Peace on the earth, good -- will to men From heav’n’s all gra -- cious King.” The world in sol -- emn still -- ness lay To hear the an -- gels sing. __ } lyricsA = \lyricmode { \set stanza = #"1. " I thought I'd cleaned up the party then though I was still in disarray. We'd washed and scrubed all through the dim light but stains they would only stay. My poor uncle he pooped in his fright when he saw the games that we played. My niece won games all through the dark night and yet we all heard her say: “Santa knows what we think we might hide. None should ever try to begin thinking with him you could strive to talk and debate out of your sin. We should all apologize to the red man outside and to the one in. For Santa Claus dwells in us as much as he dwells with away with his kin.” We were all shocked by her wisdom as she was just a child of three She ran and laughed in the moon's bright light and climbed right up a tall tree. We did eat bread and with honey bite in to ripe fruit sweet as can be. But none of it could be as sweet as you my darling, don't you see. } \bookpart{ \tocItem \songTitle \header { title = \songTitle poet = \songPoet %dedication = \songDedication %translator = \songTranslator composer = \tuneComposer arranger = \tuneArranger source = \tuneSource copyright = \albumCopyright tagline = \albumTagline } \score { << \new ChoirStaff << \new Staff = women << \new Voice = "sopranos" { \voiceOne << \global \sopMusic >> } \new Voice = "altos" { \voiceTwo << \global \altoMusic >> } >> \new Lyrics \lyricsto "sopranos" \origLyrics \new Lyrics \lyricsto "sopranos" \lyricsA \new Staff = men << \clef bass \new Voice = "tenors" { \voiceOne << \global \tenorMusic >> } \new Voice = "basses" { \voiceTwo << \global \bassMusic >> } >> >> >> \layout { } \midi { \set Staff.midiInstrument = "flute" \context { \Staff \remove "Staff_performer" } \context { \Voice \consists "Staff_performer" } } } }