\version "2.14.2" songTitle = "Santa, you are really nice" songPoet = "S.W. Black" songCopyright = "2015 S.W.Black" tuneArranger = \markup { tune of \italic{ Ding Dong Merrily on High } } tuneComposer = \markup { 16th century French melody } tuneSource = \markup { from \italic {The Cambridge Carol Book}, 1924} albumProduct = "Santa-related Carols" albumCopyright = \markup {Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License} albumTagline = \markup {created for \italic {50/90 2015}} % Fancier Copyright/Tagline messages \include "../book/album.ily" global = { \key bes \major \time 4/4 \autoBeamOff \tempo 4 = 165 } sopMusic = \relative c'' { \repeat unfold 2 { bes4 bes c8 bes a g | f2. f4 | g bes bes a | bes2 bes } \repeat unfold 2 { f'4.( ees8[ d ees f d] | ees4. d8[ c d ees c] | d4. c8[ bes c d bes] | c4. bes8[ a bes c a] | bes4. a8[ g a bes g] | a4.) g8 f4 f | g bes bes a | bes2 bes 2 } } altoMusic = \relative c' { \repeat unfold 2 { f4 f g8 g ees ees | c2. f4 | f ees c f | f2 f | } \repeat unfold 2 { r4 f2( bes4 | bes8[ a g f] g[ f] ees4) | r4 f8([ ees] d4 g | g8[ f ees d] ees[ d] c4) | r4 d8([ c] bes4 ees | c8[ d ees]) d c4 f | f ees c f | f2 f } } tenorMusic = \relative c' { \repeat unfold 2 { d4 bes g8 g c bes | a2. bes4 | bes bes c c | d2 d | } \repeat volta 2 { d,4\rest c'( d bes | c bes2 c4) | d,4\rest a'( bes g | a g2 a4) | d,\rest f( g2 | c4) bes c d | bes bes c c | d2 d } } bassMusic = \relative c { \repeat unfold 2 { bes4 d ees8 ees c c | f2. d4 | ees g f f | bes,2 bes | } \repeat unfold 2 { s4 a'4( bes d, | c d ees8[ d] c4) | s4 f( g bes, | a bes c8[ bes] a4) | s4 d( ees g | f) g a bes | ees, g f f | bes,2 bes } } origLyrics = \lyricmode { \set stanza = #"O. " Ding dong! mer -- ri -- ly on high in heav’n the bells are ring -- ing: Ding dong! Ve -- ri -- ly the sky is riv’n with an -- gel sing -- ing. Glo -- ri -- a, ho -- san -- na in ex -- cel -- sis! Glo -- ri -- a, ho -- san -- na in ex -- cel -- sis! } origTenor = \lyricmode { \repeat unfold 28 { \skip 1} Glo -- _ _ ri -- a, ho -- san -- na in ex -- cel -- sis! Glo -- _ _ ri -- a, ho -- san -- na in ex -- cel -- sis! } lyricsA = \lyricmode { \set stanza = #"1. " Santa you are really nice and I would like to visit. Santa would you be so kind as bringing me a ticket. I've heard that the north pole is really cold but if isn't cold maybe it's warm 'cause you live in the south pole but that would be wrong according to what I've heard. I've heard that the north pole is really cold and I hope it's cold 'cause that would make snow and ice there and you might see snowmen and they might be animated. That would be cool. Santa you are really fine I think you could be my friend Santa you are really wild I didn't know you could swim. Your acrobatics are most awkward but it is really neat I think you should compete academically, at least. but then it would interfere with your winter plans. Your winter plans are usually to deliver presents to the kids and the grownups who believe in you and leave stuff out for you and I hope I'm one of them. Santa, did you know I'm shy I don't like to be around people. Santa, did you know I cry if I spend too much time alone. Santa you're so sweet and kind and lovely and I want to squeeze you and hold you and love you and I think you're so awesome. Would you be my friend? I think I would hug you. Santa you're so sweet and kind and lovely and I want to hug you and love you and to always be with you and I think you're so awesome. Would you be my friend? I love you. Santa would you be so wise as bringing me a good book? Santa if you could you be kind I've heard the Necronomicon is good Santa, it's just made of human skin but are you even human or are you an elf 'cause if you're an elf would you be offended by human skin on a good book? Santa, it's just made of human skin maybe not human skin, maybe dog skin or bear skin or some other skin that would not scare you and I really would like that book. } \bookpart{ \tocItem \songTitle \header { title = \songTitle poet = \songPoet %dedication = \songDedication %translator = \songTranslator composer = \tuneComposer arranger = \tuneArranger source = \tuneSource copyright = \albumCopyright tagline = \albumTagline } \score { << \new ChoirStaff << \new Staff = women << \new Voice = "sopranos" { \voiceOne << \global \sopMusic >> } \new Voice = "altos" { \voiceTwo << \global \altoMusic >> } >> \new Lyrics \lyricsto "sopranos" \origLyrics \new Lyrics \lyricsto "sopranos" \lyricsA \new Staff = men << \clef bass \new Voice = "tenors" { \voiceOne << \global \tenorMusic >> } \new Voice = "basses" { \voiceTwo << \global \bassMusic >> } >> \new Lyrics \with { alignAboveContext = #"men" } \lyricsto "tenors" \origTenor >> >> \layout { } } \score { \unfoldRepeats << \new ChoirStaff << \new Staff = women << \new Voice = "sopranos" { \voiceOne << \global \sopMusic >> } \new Voice = "altos" { \voiceTwo << \global \altoMusic >> } >> \new Staff = men << \clef bass \new Voice = "tenors" { \voiceOne << \global \tenorMusic >> } \new Voice = "basses" { \voiceTwo << \global \bassMusic >> } >> >> %\new PianoStaff << \new Staff { \new Voice { \pianoRH } } \new Staff { \clef "bass" \pianoLH } >> >> \midi { \set Staff.midiInstrument = "flute" \context { \Staff \remove "Staff_performer" } \context { \Voice \consists "Staff_performer" } } } }