:Title: Your Country :Album: 41 songs about being 41 :Post date: 07/08/2018 - 01:46 :Tags: ss070818g; superskirmish; feast; improvision; optimistic :Demo: 10-Your-Country.mp3 Where do you come from, if you come from the future? Where, exactly, is your country? It is the same one that the folks know here. It's just been changed so slightly. Has it been improved? Has it become worse there? Has it been improved? The country from the future. What kind of country are you from? You, who are from the future? It is your country. You created it. You are from the future. All the actions that you took it has helped create your country. All the actions you condoned, it too helped create your country. You are from the future. The future you created. You are from the future. The future country that you will be from! Be from, the future, future country! Be from, be from, you're your future country. All countries, they have a future, unless they have been destroyed. You can't be from one of those because you're from the future. What great joys will the future hold for us all? We might know when we make them. We might fight out then. But, what will we make? What shall we embrace? As we create the country that we will be from. As we make your country in the future for the future of the future now.