:Title: In a given moment :Album: 50/90 2018 :Post date: 08/26/2018 - 01:58 :Tags: ss082618g; superskirmish; feast I thought I could think of a good song. It would only take me a moment. I wanted a really, really good song. So, I gave myself a moment. A very special given moment. Just a little time to think a lovely song for me to sing. I just had a little moment. But it does not take too long. It does not take too long to sing a song. This little song, in its given moment. It refused to come, come out. It wanted to remain hidden deep in my mouth, deep in my mouth. So I climbed inside as best as I could, but since I could not climb in my own head, I used the hook that I keep in my ceiling and sent it down my neck instead. I would fish for that song! I would fish until I was done! I would fish for that song! But I am not looking to catch fish! Maybe I should call it songing when I use a hook to catch a song. Would that be something funny, if I were songing real long? Songing song-song, songing a song. But I could not catch that song, it was really quite slippery. I caught this old tire, and pulled it quite carefully. It popped free! Popped free! From my mouth quite easily. I pulled out my knife and set about carving that old thing in to this new thing. So now we have a song that I caught! Made from junk I found while songing. So, perhaps I'll return that hook to my throat to catch another song. But then again, maybe I'll stop here and I'll call, call this song done.