:Title: Closed for Business :Album: 50/90 2018 :Post date: 08/26/2018 - 07:57 :Tags: ss082618j; superskirmish; feast I wanted to sing another song. But I found I was closed. Closed for business. No such song I could compose. There were no songs in my head. Nothing at all. Except that old, old sign that said, "Closed." Closed for business, no songs here. Closed for business, drink your own beer! You can mope in your own home, because we are closed. There's nothing for you here. No, no songs here! We are closed! Yes! Closed for business! There are no songs escaping from this place today. Why do you think that some songs should slip away? We are closed, closed, closed for business. Now! Now you know! And! If you think that you want to open the business of making some songs, why remember this! Remember this! For we, yes, we are closed! Closed for business! We, yes, we are closed! We're not opening anymore. Closed all up! There's no body, body here! Closed all up! We're entirely, entirely closed. How do you want to close a business? We usually just flip the sign. I have heard that some people instead burn the whole building down. But that seems so, so excessive when we can bring the dragon out. And if you think of opening the door, we'll burn you, burn you up. So remember! Remember! We are closed for business! Remember! Remember! Do not try to slip inside or the dragon will gobble you up!