       This was a bonus song in my second 3in10. That's right. four songs in 10
       I wrote this while cooking dinner. It wasn't leftovers.
 (SND)     - (mp3) Leftovers
          |Audio| audio by Mr. Beany's Bitty Band from 50/90 2016 (02:05)
       Title: Leftovers
       Artist: Mr. Beany's Bitty Band
       Duration: 02:05
       Album: 50/90 2016
            - 2016
            - 2016
       Leftovers are good to eat.
       Especially when they're left-handed.
       Leftovers are good to eat.
       Especially when they're named Claude.
       Leftovers are delicious,
       but perhaps sometimes runny.
       That's why I always chop them up.
       I don't like my leftovers
       running around in the street.
       but hobbled without their feet
       they go so much slower it's fun to see.
       And that's why I like my leftovers
       hobbled at the feet.
       Sometimes I go a little further
       and hobble at the knees.
       These leftovers are so delicious.
       They work a really good exercise.
       And sometimes I like to sing to them.
       Sometimes I like to watch them dance.
       Sometimes I like to sing to them.
       And sometimes I like to smash their pants.
       These leftovers are delicious.
       These leftovers sing their songs. 
       Well, mostly it is pleading
       and telling me that I'm wrong.
       But they're oh, so delicious.
       They're oh, so nice. 
       They cook up, oh so roundly
       in my fried rice.
       These leftovers are delicious
       they can not be denied.
       The whole town they loved them.
       And I've asked them all inside.
       Oh, these leftovers are delicious.
       No one can deny.
       These leftovers are delicious.
       Now it is my turn to cry.
 (TXT)     - (lyrics.txt) 17-Leftovers.lyrics
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