       Schedule me some time
       This may be my favorite from this 3in10.
 (SND)     - (mp3) Schedule me some time
          |Audio| audio by Mr. Beany's Bitty Band from 50/90 2016 (02:11)
       Title: Schedule me some time
       Artist: Mr. Beany's Bitty Band
       Duration: 02:11
       Album: 50/90 2016
            - 2016
            - 2016
       Schedule this and schedule that
       I'm scheduling all my day
       I would really like to schedule something just to say
       Hello to you. Hello to you.
       Hello to you. Hello.
       I'd like my schedule to contain
       three little words that aren't profane.
       I love you, sir.
       I love you, ma'am.
       I love you, whomever or whatever you are.
       I'd like this on my schedule.
       I think it could be nice.
       And with it penciled in right there
       I'll make sure I do it, yes nicely.
       I'll make sure I do it nicely.
       Schedule, schedule me some time.
       Just to sit and rhyme
       and sing and dance with myself, yes.
       I like to sing and dance
       and sometimes I stand on my head
       and sometimes I'm swinging from the
       But I can't do this, oh, there's no time.
       I can't do this, oh, there's no time.
       That's why I need you to schedule this.
       Schedule, schedule me some time.
       Just a little time to spend with you.
 (TXT)     - (lyrics.txt) 23-Schedule-me-some-time.lyrics
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