       |Unbroken| Car Songs 27B
       Songs include:
       * 00:00 : A Hungry Song 
       * 00:47 : Weirdest Person in the World 
       * 02:44 : Weirdest in the Whole Universe 
       * 04:05 : No Idea 
       * 05:38 : Careful Traffic
 (SND)     - (mp3) Car Songs 27B
          Audio file with ID3 version 2.4.0, 128 kbps, 44.1 kHz, JntStereo
 (SND)     - (flac) |Unbroken| Car Songs 27B
          FLAC audio bitstream data, 16 bit, stereo, 44.1 kHz, 16217776
       Title: Car Songs 27B
       Artist: Mr. Beany's Bitty Band
       Duration: 06:07
       Album: 50/90 2017
       Lyricist: S.W. Black
       Album Artist: Mr. Beany's Bitty Band
       Music Genre: crapcapella
       Date: 2017
       A Hungry Song
       [Hey, um. Roar-dee roar-dee, roar-dee, roar roar roar.] 
       I am so, so, so so so 
       so so very hungry. 
       I think maybe 
       I could eat a whole pie. 
       I think maybe I will 
       eat until I cry. 
       I am so, so, so so so 
       so, so, so, so hungry! 
       [You are the weirdest person in the world! Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah!] 
       Weirdest Person in the World
       I'm the weirdest person 
       in the world 
       so says my daughter! 
       I'm the weirdest person 
       in the world 
       that's what she told to me. [Yes, you are.] 
       I think I'm pretty weird, but 
       I think that is also normal. {No, it's not.} 
       I think I'm pretty weird 
       but not quite weird enough! 
       I think if I try a little harder, I could get even weirder. 
       So, I will practice being weirder. 
       I hope that pleases my daughter, yes. 
       Because I want to do my weird, weird best! 
       I like to be deliciously weird. 
       And delightful and stuff 
       and super and fun and one day soon 
       I will finish that stuff. 
       That lovely weird stuff 
       that I'm working on. 
       One day it 
       will all be done. 
       [You are the weirdest person in the world!] 
       {You're one of the weirdest persons I know.}
       [You're more weird than ... or me or anyone else in the world!] 
       [Or even in the universe!] 
       Weirdest in the Whole Universe
       I am one of the weirdest 
       people in the whole universe. [Even me!] 
       I'm one of the weirdest 
       people including my dear daughter. 
       She knows the weird things. 
       It's what she kind of studies. 
       She's a Professor Emeritus 
       of Weirdness. 
       She studied at school to 
       learn about the weird. 
       Because she wanted to learn about her father. 
       She studied at school 
       to learn about the weird 
       so she could understand me. 
       [Okay, what are you saying?]
       (I'm saying you got a college degree
       in weirdness so you could understand me better.) 
       No Idea
       I have no idea what you're saying, so 
       maybe we should just say something else. 
       I think that this might be something else to say. 
       Say, hey-hey-hey-hey. This is what I say. [Hey!] 
       I think, I think 
       I think I see something pretty. 
       I think, I think 
       I see something real pretty. 
       Do you think you see something pretty, too? 
       Maybe something pretty with two wheels. I don't know. Maybe it has four. Or perhaps, those are eyeballs. 
       Are those pretty eyes-- [Okay! Please 
       stop that! It's driving me crazy now!] (Hehe. You don't like that one?) 
       (Was it because I confused the wheels for eyeballs?) 
       [Argh! It's too creepy for me!!] 
       (Hehe. Oh. Sorry.) 
       Careful Traffic
       Careful, careful! Traffic, traffic! 
       Careful, careful! Traffic! 
       Careful, careful! Traffic! Traffic! 
       Careful, careful! Traffic! 
       I think this traffic is scary! [Rawr!] 
       I think this traffic is scary! [Rawr!] 
       Traffic, traffic! Traffic, traffic! [Rawr!] 
       Traffic, traffic! Traffic, traffic! Traffic! 
       [Rawr!] Traffic. 
       {I like that song.}
       (Thank you.) [...] 
       {It's got punch!} 
 (TXT)     - (lyrics.txt) Car Songs 27B (lyrics)
          ASCII text
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