       "I'll Have Another" :: Improvised Album
 (DIR) Found on: I'll Have Another
       Music Genre: lo-fi acepalla
       Total tracks: 14
       Duration: 44:14
       Copyright Year: 2018
       Track List
       1. I'll have another / 02:58
       2. I would like another / 02:54
       3. I need another chicken / 03:09
       4. I need another cat / 02:59
       5. I need another extra life / 03:24
       6. Make another monster / 03:02
       7. We need another politician / 03:12
       8. I like eating rude food / 03:01
       9. I would like / 03:28
       10. I need one more enemy / 02:36
       11. When it is all exhausted / 03:03
       12. I have no thoughts / 03:05
       13. Sometimes I'm another / 02:34
       14. I might eat another for my face / 03:16
 (DIR) Keyword: #ActuallyAnAlbum
 (DIR) Category: Needs transcribed
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