       This was originally improvised.
       But in the background you could clearly hear my daughter yell my son's
       That's sort of a non-starter when it comes to my music. Not
       child-related noise -- which is a bit unavoidable -- but names.
       So I had to resing it. But it was improvised, and I can't easily repeat
       fully improvised tunes.
       So I sang the words to new/different improvised tunes repeatedly until I
       could make it through comfortably.
       Also, now I can apparently improvise tunes to established lyrics. Not
       totally adept at it yet, but it can happen.
 (SND)     - (mp3) Table
          Audio file with ID3 version 2.4.0, 128 kbps, 44.1 kHz, JntStereo
 (TXT)     - Table
          |Lyrics| song lyrics from "50/90 2018"
       Title: Table
       Artist: Mr. Beany's Bitty Band
       Duration: 02:16
       Album: 50/90 2018
       Lyricist: S.W. Black
       Album Artist: Mr. Beany's Bitty Band
       Music Genre:
                   - crapcapella
                   - crapcapella
                   - crapcapella
       Date: 2018
       I like to eat my food
       from a table
       not from a llama.
       It's just what I'm used to,
       I don't want to bother,
       but I don't want to eat
       on this llama today.
       "Do you have a table?"
       is what I'm trying to say.
       I think I like to do
       lots of things that require
       tables instead of other things.
       Sometimes I like
       to write about a bike,
       and sometimes I like
       to draw a picture.
       I know you wanted me
       to use that orca,
       but orcas are wet,
       and my paper sticks to it.
       How would you like
       to do something like
       play a board game.
       I know you said we could
       use that camel, 
       but it's really not the same.
       Camels are kind of lumpy.
       They've kind of got the bumpies.
       And this board game,
       it kind of takes some space.
       I know you're just
       being as nice as you can be,
       but I really want a table.
       For me.
 (TXT)     - (lyrics.txt) Table (lyrics)
          ASCII text
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