       Out of Earshot
 (SND)     - (mp3) Out of Earshot
          |Audio| audio by Mr. Beany's Bitty Band from Putting the Crap back
          in Crapcapella (02:26)
       Title: Out of Earshot
       Artist: Mr. Beany's Bitty Band
       Duration: 02:26
       Album: Putting the Crap back in Crapcapella
       Album Artist: Mr. Beany's Bitty Band
       Date: 2018
       I thought I was out of earshot.
       I thought people could not hear me.
       But my toot, it was just so loud,
       and dear God I got caught!
       They heard me toot in the other room
       the President thought shots had been fired.
       They heard me toot in the other room
       the Secret Service were spilling hot coffee!
       I thought I would be in for a shock,
       perhaps a very severe shock!
       I just wanted to see the White House,
       but then I had to toot.
       I found myself in a big knot of people,
       I could not quite escape.
       And I held my toot, oh, so tightly,
       until I toot-toot tooted away.
       The big knot of people
       squirted around me running far away.
       I thought I could get out of ear shot
       but I had not gone far enough.
       They were all in severe shock.
       And I tooted. I tooted once again.
       I was in the souvinere shop
       and I tooted near my friend!
       I could not help it!
       It followed me around.
       The stink, it was expelling
       all around the town.
       And you know!
       Sometimes it's just the way it happens.
       And you know!
       There's nothing else to say.
 (TXT)     - (txt) lyrics
 (DIR) Found on: Putting the Crap back in Crapcapella
 (DIR)    - poop
 (DIR)    - farting
 (DIR) Category: Lo-Fi Folk Acapella
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