       The devil is in the details
 (SND)     - (mp3) The devil is in the details
          |Audio| carsong about good intentions and bad implementations
       Title: The devil is in the details
       Duration: 03:12
       Don't mind the details!
       Don't mind the details!
       We'll work it out
       Don't mind the details!
       Don't mind the details!
       Devils lurk
       in those,
       Why do you think
       that they say,
       "The devil is in
       the details?"
       It's because implementation,
       yes, it matters.
       You can think something
       good and bright
       and still the way
       you go about it
       changes things.
       Still the way
       you go about it
       can bring fright.
       The devil is in the details!
       That is what I say.
       But, don't mind the details
       it will work out.
       So, you can just, yes,
       go on your way.
       Think good thoughts
       about policy.
       Don't worry yourself
       if your friends get caught.
       Because, you know,
       it's theoretically better.
       Because, you know,
       that they prob'ly won't get caught.
       The devil is in
       the details,
       and the details
       bring despair.
       What will you
       do today
       when you've not
       bothered looking
       at any details?
       There's only
       so much
       you can do.
       There's only
       so much
       to say!
       Don't mind the details.
       It will work on out.
       'Cause the devil
       is here to stay.
       Yes, the devil
       is here to stay.
 (TXT)     - (lyrics.txt) The devil is in the details
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