       Wee Sensation
 (SND)     - (mp3) Wee Sensation
          |Audio| audio (01:25)
       Duration: 01:25
       Wee sensation.
       Just a little wee sensation.
       It's a sensation,
       but it's oh, so small.
       Will you notice?
       Will it run right past?
       Will you notice?
       Will you feel it at all?
       It's a wee, wee, wee sensation.
       Just a wee one.
       It's a wee, wee, wee sensation.
       A small one.
       I hope you have
       a lovely sensation.
       Perhaps it'll be big.
       Perhaps it'll be tall.
       But maybe it won't.
       Maybe it won't.
       And instead it will be
       oh, so wee.
       Instead it will be
       the wee-est of all.
 (TXT)     - (lyrics.txt) Wee Sensation.lyrics (txt)
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