       1-2-3 Look at Me
 (SND)     - (mp3) 1-2-3 Look at Me
          |Audio| a crapcapella song (02:09)
       Duration: 02:09
       One two three,
       look at me.
       Four five six,
       over here.
       I think I
       might just be
       a lovely
       baby bumblebee.
       A lovely
       baby bee.
       Why do I
       get the feeling
       that I want to
       go away?
       Why do I
       get the feeling
       that nothing
       will stay.
       One two three,
       look at me.
       Four five six,
       let's all play.
       Why don't you
       come with me.
       We will play,
       play all day.
       I want to see
       lovely bugs,
       lovely bees.
       I want to see
       something kitty cats
       or puppies, please.
       I think I might
       want to stay.
       Please don't make me
       go away.
 (TXT)     - (lyrics.txt) 1-2-3 Look at Me.lyrics (txt)
 (DIR)    - bees
 (DIR)    - cats
 (DIR)    - simple
 (DIR)    - playful (childlike)
 (DIR) Category: Lo-Fi Folk Acapella
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