       Important Collections
 (SND)     - (mp3) Important Collections
          |Audio| crapcapella music by Mr. Beany's Bitty Band from FAWM 2020
       Title: Important Collections
       Artist: Mr. Beany's Bitty Band
       Duration: 02:09
       Album: FAWM 2020
       Music Genre: crapcapella
       Date: 2020
       Important collections
       include so many important things
       like skulls of my ancestors
       in the skull room.
       Important collections
       contain so many things
       like skulls, skulls, skulls.
       Sometimes I go
       to the skull chamber
       and meditate so.
       Sometimes I go
       to the skull chamber
       to sing songs of my woe.
       My ancestors
       oh! they know!
       My ancestors help!
       My ancestors help!
       And I listen! Listen!
       My ancestors help!
       My ancestors help!
       But I need to be
       in the skull chamber!
       Where did you put my skulls?
       I had so many that I loved!
       Where did you put my skulls?
       I'm missing my grandma!
       Where? Where? Where are my skulls?
       I, I love my skulls!
       Where? Where? Where are my skulls?
       Where? Where? Where?
       Where? Where? Where are my skulls?
       Where? Where?
 (TXT)     - (lyrics.txt) Important_Collections.lyrics
 (DIR)    - skulls
 (DIR)    - ancestors
 (DIR) Category: Lo-Fi Folk Acapella
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