 (SND)     - (mp3) Process
          |Audio| crapcapella about my singing process (03:02)
       Duration: 03:02
       I sometimes use a process
       when I write my songs.
       My process is simple:
       just make them long.
       Don't end too soon when you sing, sing your songs.
       Go for maybe three minutes maybe four if it's super long.
       I don't really have a process to my songs.
       I just open my mouth and the song, it comes along.
       But if I do I add some more process
       like condiments and cheese to a sandwich
       Sometimes I've sung about condiments and cheese.
       Sometimes I have sung about knees that please me.
       Sometimes I sing while pooping on the toilet,
       but... I suppose that has a process.
       I want to sing a song about my singing process.
       Not my digestive process.
       Not my tooting process.
       Just a song about singing, singing processes.
       Sometimes I sing to no one else but me.
       Sometimes I sing and it's children that I please.
       Now, now, now you see,
       I sing for you and me.
       Now, now, now you see,
       I sing about my process
       I think I might have
       something of a process.
       Not a formal one I've written down.
       When I find nothing left to sing about,
       I throw a wrench into it
       and then I kill someone soundly.
       I find someone in this song
       and murder them with words.
       Sometimes I disembowel them
       or I send them to the birds.
       Eaten from the eyes
       and maybe the stomach.
       They too have digestive processes.
       This, of course, is my singing singing process.
 (TXT)     - (lyrics.txt) Process.lyrics (txt)
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