 (DIR) - (11_r1708) Too Straight
          |Audio| lo-fi acapella about representation (03:19)
 (DIR) - (10_r2235) Grrr
          |Audio| lo-fi acapella by Mr. Beany's Bitty Band from 50/90 2020
 (DIR) - (07_r1905) Sing While Doing Everything
          |Audio| why I joined a fitness program, in song (03:54)
 (DIR) - (07_r1859) My Napping Chair
          |Audio| lo-fi acepalla song about a chair (03:51)
 (DIR) - (07_r1853) The Chair That Does Not Squeak
          |Audio| lo-fi acapella about a chair I have (02:00)
 (DIR) - (07_r1850) Too many days
          |Audio| lo-fi song about singing songs (02:52)
 (DIR) - (04_r2224) Elephant Retribution
          |Audio| lo-fi acapella about the elephant apocalypse (02:20)
 (DIR) - (04_r2221) Cringiest Song
          |Audio| a lo-fi acapella song about being a cringe-worthy song
 (DIR) - (04_r2218) Zombies Love Racists
          |Audio| folk acapella song about zombies loving meat seasoned with
          hate (03:21)
 (DIR) - (04_r2213) Looking For My Cable
          |Audio| lo-fi acapella song about looking for a USB cable (02:37)
 (DIR) - (04_r0214) Track 1
          |Emusic| electronic music by Mr. Beany's Electric Bidet from I Took
          My Robot To the Arcade (02:59)
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