       A February's Worth of Songs
       A typical February has (28 * 24 * 60) 40320 minutes in it.
       If the songs average 3 minutes, and there are 14-track
       albums this means (40320 / 3 / 14) 960 albums.
       This is far more than 50/90 Squared, which is only
       178.6 albums.
       960 albums, at the proposed 50/90 Squared rate of two
       albums a day will take  (960 / 2) 480 days, or
       1.315 years.
 (SND)     - (mp3) A February's Worth of Songs
          |Audio| lo-fi acapella song (03:49)
       Duration: 03:49
 (DIR) Category: Needs transcribed
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