       Bumblebees in Marshmallow Sauce
       Genre: Acapella
       1. Bumblebees in Marshmallow Sauce / 02:09
       2. Raindrops, pitter-pat / 02:38
       3. As You Go to Sleep Tonight / 04:03
 (IMG) - Cover Image (graphic): (BumblebeesInMarshmallowSauce.jpg) /home/yam655/src/yam655/j/2018-06/16_r2000/BumblebeesInMarshmallowSauce.jpg
           Description of cover image: A highly stylized close-up of a
 (DIR) From 2018-06-16 "Bumblebees in Marshmallow sauce":
           The third track on this single is designed to terrify children,
           however the other two are explicitly child-friendly.
           This made sense to us when we first released the album. It no
           longer makes sense. This means this album
           will be removed from availability once we have the first two songs
           released on another -- wholely child-friendly -- album.
 (DIR) - A/B/C single release of three filk songs from FAWM 2016
          from 2018-06-16: Bumblebees in Marshmallow sauce
 (DIR) * (2018-06/16_r2000) Bumblebees in Marshmallow sauce (in Get My Stuff)
          |Acapella| A/B/C single release of three filk songs from FAWM 2016
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