WEBVTT 00:00.000 --> 00:03.000 Brains, Skulls and Craniums By: Mr. Beany's Bitty Band for FAWM 2017 00:03.848 --> 00:05.848 I think I might like to have quite a head upon my head. 00:05.848 --> 00:15.848 I think I might like to have quite a head upon my head. 00:15.848 --> 00:24.848 I think I might like to have a good brain in there. 00:24.848 --> 00:38.348 Would you like to have a brain? Lovely squishy jellied brains? 00:38.348 --> 00:48.848 Would you like to have a brain inside your head? 00:48.848 --> 00:57.848 If you have a cranium it's a good spot to keep it. 00:59.848 --> 01:02.848 If you've got the 01:02.848 --> 01:05.848 skull for it then grow a 01:05.848 --> 01:08.848 brain in there. 01:08.848 --> 01:11.848 I like to keep my 01:11.848 --> 01:14.848 head at the top of my 01:14.848 --> 01:23.848 frame. I like to have my head. 01:23.848 --> 01:26.848 Sometimes I buy 01:26.848 --> 01:31.348 other heads, too. 01:31.348 --> 01:35.848 Sometimes I throw a 01:35.848 --> 01:38.848 brain in a stew 01:38.848 --> 01:41.848 but when it comes 01:41.848 --> 01:44.848 to craniums only 01:44.848 --> 01:47.848 mine will do. 01:47.848 --> 01:50.848 Mostly, because 01:50.848 --> 01:53.848 that's what's attached 01:53.848 --> 01:56.848 to me! 01:56.848 --> 01:59.848 If you've got a head 01:59.848 --> 02:02.848 I encourage you to 02:02.848 --> 02:05.848 be someone 02:05.848 --> 02:08.848 who takes care of 02:08.848 --> 02:13.348 the brain in it! 02:13.348 --> 02:14.848 And I'm not 02:14.848 --> 02:17.848 talking about the 02:17.848 --> 02:20.848 soup that yet's to be. 02:20.848 --> 02:23.848 I'm talking about the brain 02:23.848 --> 02:28.348 up on your head. 02:28.348 --> 02:32.848 For you see your cranium 02:32.848 --> 02:35.848 does not disengage. 02:35.848 --> 02:43.348 We don't have screwtop heads yet. 02:43.348 --> 02:47.848 So with your cranium 02:47.848 --> 02:50.848 you've got to let it go. 02:50.848 --> 02:59.848 Keep your head right up there! 02:59.848 --> 03:05.848 It probably is not square! 03:05.848 --> 03:11.848 Treat your brain nicely and surely it will grow. 03:11.848 --> 03:20.848 It will keep you company as you grow. 03:20.848 --> 03:23.848 Eventually we all 03:23.848 --> 03:28.348 get old if we last that long. 03:28.348 --> 03:32.848 Muscles will atrophy 03:32.848 --> 03:35.848 and hair will tumble out 03:35.848 --> 03:38.848 but your brain it will 03:38.848 --> 03:38.848 sharpen ever more.