WEBVTT NOTE Title: Witness title 00:00.000 --> 00:00.100 Witness by S.W. Black Copyright © 2017 S.W. Black. Some Rights Reserved. Creative Commons Attribution License. 00:00.100 --> 00:01.202 <00:00.100> 00:01.202 --> 00:14.184 <00:01.202>What did I witness? <00:03.344>I don't know. <00:04.937>What was going on <00:07.079>at that show? <00:08.699>I thought I would see something! <00:11.442>I thought I would see something! 00:14.184 --> 00:33.228 <00:14.184>What did I witness? <00:16.274>I don't know. <00:18.155>There were too many people there. <00:21.290>There were too, too many <00:23.484>people there. <00:25.104>I thought I would witness <00:27.507>something, yeah, <00:29.257>but there were too many <00:31.504>people there. 00:33.228 --> 00:51.696 <00:33.228>I just saw backs of heads. <00:37.042>I just heard screams and shouts! <00:40.307>What was going on? <00:42.240>What was it about? <00:44.173>I just <00:45.793>saw backs of heads <00:48.091>and just heard screams and shouts! 00:51.696 --> 01:08.989 <00:51.696>I thought I would be <00:54.648>a witness there. <00:56.503>I thought I would see <00:58.776>something maybe cool. <01:00.473>I thought I would be <01:02.981>a witness there. <01:04.522>But all I saw <01:06.847>were backs of heads. 01:08.989 --> 01:24.167 <01:08.989>So I walked through the crowd <01:11.445>and what did I see? <01:13.064>I saw someone peeing <01:15.468>on the street. <01:17.244>I said, "Hey, that's odd! <01:19.543>Why are you doing that? <01:21.058>There's a bathroom over there!" 01:24.167 --> 01:40.807 <01:24.167>What did I witness <01:26.857>in that crowd? <01:28.686>I saw someone peeing <01:31.037>on the street <01:32.787>and I told him to go to bathroom there. <01:36.705>There was a bathroom there, right near the street. 01:40.807 --> 01:59.144 <01:40.807>I thought would see <01:42.779>something cool. <01:44.751>But, "Hey, dude! That was not really cool! <01:48.826>It was pretty rude <01:51.099>if you ask me. <01:52.771>So please, please don't you pee on the street." <01:56.689> 01:59.144 --> 02:13.000 <01:59.144>(That's the weirdest song! That's the weirdest song of all!) <02:02.331>(It's a weird, weird song. It's the weirdest song of all.) <02:05.701>(You should make a song about it.) {I like it!} [Thank you.] <02:07.739>(That it was the weirdest song of all. Ew. Someone peed in the street!) <02:12.780> <02:13.000>