+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |# Tips and Tricks - Blog | | Written by Wim Stockman - last updated on 2023-01-12 | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ### Autologin tty on Artix Runit Thu Jan 12 08:04:45 AM UTC 2023 Edit file /etc/runit/sv/agetty-tty1/conf >Change line: GETTY_ARGS="--noclear" >To: GETTY_ARGS="--autologin yourusername --noclear" ### Add Todays date in a groff document. Sat Dec 17 04:07:17 PM UTC 2022 Groff has some built-in Registers. For the date it has: ``` \n[dw] Day of the week(1-7) \n[dy] Day of the Month(1-31) \n[mo] Current Month(1-12) \n[yr] The Current Year minus 1900 (old version) \n[year] The Current Year. (new version) ``` For Time is has the built-in registers: These get initialized at start-up of groff ``` \n[seconds] 0-59 \n[minutes] 0-59 \n[hours] 0-23 ``` So to display date in iso style: > \n[year]-\n(mo-\n(dy ### Convert epoch date or UNIXTIMESTAMP to other format date Sat Jun 18 03:42:28 PM CEST 2022 > date -d @1652997600 --iso-8601 Result: 2022-05-20 ### Get all the awk scripts in a dir presented in slmenu. Choose one and execute it Fri Mar 19 21:16:01 UTC 2021 =>https://github.com/wimstockman/slmenu Slmenu is a cli version of dmenu. (source) * Get all scripts in menu ``` awk -f ./$(ls *.awk | slmenu -i ) ``` * Select script and apply to all files in directory ``` awk -f ./$(ls *.awk | slmenu -i ) $(ls -tr dir/*) ``` * Select script and apply to latest created file in directory ``` awk -f ./$(ls *.awk | slmenu -i ) $(ls -tr dir/* | tail -n1) ``` ### Backup your server mariadb database to local computer Fri Mar 19 21:43:17 UTC 2021 ``` ssh -C host mysqldump yourdatabase > yourdatabase.sql && gzip yourdatabase.sql ``` The -C in ssh is for compression which saves a lot of time over slower internet connections. The redirect symbol(">") sents the screen output from the remote machine to the local machine into a file yourdatabase.sql After succes,thats what the double && are for, gzip database for storage. ### Restore your servers mariadb database copy your backup file to the server e.g. with scp, rsync ... ``` scp yourdatabase.sql.gz yourserver:/tmp/ ssh yourserver cd /tmp gunzip yourdatabase.sql.gz ; mysql yourdatabase < yourdatabase.sql ```