.als ALIAS als .ALIAS MAC de \# \# PageSetup set here same basic pagesetup things... .MAC PAGESETUP . fam GnuFreeSans . ps 20 . vs 24 . ta 5c +6c +2m +1m +1m +1m . ll 19c . po 1c . wh 0 HEADER \" trap at top of the page . wh -1i FOOTER \" trap one inch from bottom.ad r .. \# \# Draw Rectangle with $1 width $2 height $3 fillcolor $4 bordercolor $5 bordersize .MAC RECTANGLE \Z@\M[\\$3]\D'P 0 0 \\$1 0 0 \\$2 -\\$1 0'\M[]@ .sp -1v .if (\\n[.$]==5) \Z@\D't \\$5'@\Z@\m[\\$4]\D'p 0 0 \\$1 0 0 \\$2 -\\$1 0'\m[]@ .. \# \# Draw a empty rectangle with $1 width $2 height $3 bordercolor $4 bordersize .MAC RECTANGLE_OUTLINE \Z@\D't \\$4'@\Z@\m[\\$3]\D'p 0 0 \\$1 0 0 \\$2 -\\$1 0'\m[]@ .. \# \# Align text centered .MAC CENTER . brp . ad c .. \# \# Align Text Right .MAC RIGHT . brp . ad r .. \# \# Align text Left .MAC LEFT . brp . ad l .. \# \# Align text Both .MAC BOTH . brp .. \# \# No filling of lines .MAC NOFILL . brp . nf .. \# \# Underline Text .MAC UL .nr ww \w'\\$1' \Z@\h'-.2m'\v'+.15m'\l'\\n[ww]u+.5m'@\\$1 .. \# \# Strike Through Text .MAC ST .nr ww \w'\\$1' \Z@\v'-.25m'\l'\\n[ww]u'@\\$1 .. \# \# draw a horizontal ligne of 19 centimeter .ds HLine \h'|0'\\l'19c' \# \# Define header in a separate environment so it won't interfere with the page content .MAC HEADER \" Page header . ev head \"Start Head Environment saves all the settings fonts,alignment,linelenght etc... . po 1c . ll 19c . sp 1 . fam GnuFreeSans . ft B . ps 60 \"Set Font Size . vs 60 \"Set Line Height equal to Font Size . ce \m[blue]\[u201C]Batterijland\[u201D] .vs -0.7v \*[HLine] .br . ev \" Reset Environment to previous environment .. \# Define footer in a separate environment so it won't interfere with the page content .MAC FOOTER \" Page footer . ev foot \" Start Foot Environment . sp 1v \" one vertical space . tl ''%'' \" write the page number . bp \" break page . ev \" Reset previous environment .. \# Like an init function to set everything up before we begin our content .MAC START . PAGESETUP . ad c .. \# Start content ofter start .START nv E.E.S.P sa .br Graanmarkt 6, 9400 Ninove .sp -0.5v .LEFT .RECTANGLE 19c 9.5v yellow red 2p .NOFILL .ce .UL OPENINGSUREN .sp 0.5v Maandag: gesloten Dinsdag: 10u → 17u Woensdag: 9u → 12u Donderdag: gesloten Vrijdag: 10u → 17u Zaterdag: 10u → 17u Zondag: gesloten .br .sp 0.5v .RECTANGLE 19c 1.5v blue black 4p .fi .ft B \m[white] Mail: info@batterijland.be .br .ad r .sp -1v .ll -1n Tel: 0456 / 21 70 51 \m[]