Kernel size over versions
       To have a latest kernel I often use: «fakeroot make-kpkg --revision=$(date +%Y%m%d00) --initrd --jobs 4 binary-arch» that produces necessary DEB-packages. Files that go to «/boot» are subjects for test on this page. I'm trying to stay with the same kernel configuration from time to time.
       Data files:
 (TXT) Config size
 (TXT) Kernel image size
 (TXT) Init boot image size
 (IMG) Config size
 (IMG) Kernel image size
 (IMG) Init boot image size
 (DIR) Everything plotted with GNUPlot
       The script to download the latest kernel tarball:
 (TXT) Plaintext
       [ Usage: $( ]
       Mainstream kernel on iMX6Q Utilite Pro
 (TXT) Config file
 (TXT) Builing how-to