IT'S EASIER TO CREATE A CLONE OF A CLONE OF A GOOD GAME THAN SOMETHING ORIGINAL (Posted 2007-06-26 14:32:17 by basscomm) is running an interview [ ] with Jason Kapalka, the founder of PopCap Games. Among other things he spells out what a visit to any site with a collection of little Flash games should tell you: People make cheap clones of existing games because it's easier than coming up with something new. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The truth is that very few games are developed without reference to past games. There's always going to be titles that build on a previous mechanic or game. But there's a fine line between that and very bold-faced rip-offs that aren't adding anything to the game and are just trying to make a quick buck. There's games like that in the hardcore gaming market of course, but the problem in the casual space is that the investment in resources can be a lot less. So a three person studio isn't going to build a knock-off of Warcraft. But they could crank out a clone of Bejewelled in a few months. The barrier to entry is a lot lower so you get a lot more of it. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= He says a lot more slightly less obvious things. Certainly worth a read. Link! [ ] to the entire interview ( -------- There are no comments on this post. To submit a comment on this post, email or visit us on the web [ ].