SOME MOVIES MAKE TERRIBLE GAMES (Posted 2007-06-28 14:37:44 by basscomm) For some reason, I've been seeing a glut of articles telling me things that I either already know or are so obvious I should already know. Case in point, Thomas Tull of Legendary Pictures offers this word of advice: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= During his keynote speech on the second day of the Hollywood & Games Summit Tull said, "Not everything translates. Just because a movie comes out and does well, if there isn’t a good story or a compelling reason [to create a game], it is a very dangerous thing to take a brand, slap it on a box, and just say 'Well, people will buy it.' "If you rely solely on the brand itself, and not on the gameplay, I think that’s a mistake," he continued. "I have very strong feelings from the movie side… Making videogames into movies just because they have sold well is a pretty bad idea." -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= I've played my fair share of movie tie-in games, and they've by and large been pretty crappy. Games like _The Grinch_ and _The Chronicles of Narnia_ were pretty terrible. I actually have tried to steer away from games based on movies as much as possible. Though things like the Half-Life mod [ ] for _Underworld_ give me hope that somebody out there knows how to make a proper movie tie-in, even though the movie was pretty terrible. Link! [ ] to article ( -------- There are no comments on this post. To submit a comment on this post, email or visit us on the web [ ].