UBISOFT IS HAVING A BAD SUMMER (Posted 2007-07-02 19:35:20 by basscomm) Ubisoft just can't catch a break. Last week, one of their games gets pulled for offensive content [ http://crummysocks.com/node/388 ] and this week we learn that they accidentally charged some folks some money for what was supposed to be a free download. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= "The _Black Pack_ downloadable content, including five new multiplayer maps, was briefly made available on Xbox Live Marketplace last week priced at 800 Microsoft Points ($10), but Ubisoft has now admitted that the content was intended to be free." -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= They're also going to make the _Red Pack_ available for free starting on Friday. It's nice to see them owning up to their mistakes, but at the same time a slightly unsettling that these mistakes are all happening at once. Link! [ http://www.gamasutra.com/php-bin/news_index.php?story=14530 ] (Gamasutra) -------- There are no comments on this post. To submit a comment on this post, email basscomm@crummysocks.com or visit us on the web [ http://crummysocks.com ].