It's nearly that time of year again. Where I go through 25 hours in a row of playing video games in a row in an effort to raise money for charity, in this case, Extra Life, which supports Children's Miracle Network hospitals around the country. It's a fun event for a cause that I support, and I hope you'll join me. To that end, I've set up a website (okay, one page of HTML) at that you can use to see the schedule, watch the stream on November 3rd through the 4th via, and throw a couple of dollars into the hat if you want to. (Donations are the goal, but even just dropping into the chat to say, 'hi' goes a long way to keep us going through the whole thing, especially since Daylight Saving Time ends during the event, giving us an extra hour to plow through). This will be my sixth year doing it, and each time has been better than the last, which I think means that I'm getting better at doing this kind of thing. Of course, this time I have new capture hardware that I'm going to try out the first time, so that's pretty exciting, right? (And, by 'exciting', I mean 'terrifying', of course.) And I'm streaming it for proof that we actually did do the whole marathon, but also so I can mine the livestream for interesting clips later. I only have two real gripes with the event: 1. Since 'game day' is when most of the people that participate in the thing play their games, I can't check out any of my friends that might be streaming at the same time, and 2. Since my 'local' CMN hospital is in the state capital, 200 miles away, there aren't really that many people in my town that participate, and all of the 'guild events' that the 'local' chapter organizes take place up there on Sunday afternoons, I can't make it to any of them. But those are minor quibbles, it's a fun event for a good cause, and if you can join us, that would make my day, my night, my early morning, and then my day again. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go make a list of the games we'll be playing so what everyone knows when to tune in for their favorite. (Hint: You'll want to tune in for the entire thing, and play along at home).