It's the end of January as I write this. It's about the time that most people fail with their New Year's Resolutions and sink back into old habits. There have been lots of words vomited all over the Internet and print media and newspapers and radios and whatever else people use to get information they already know that tries to explain this phenomenon. I'm not going to rehash them here, exactly, but what I will do is offer some of my keyboard effluvia to how I deal with New Year's Resolutions, or my lack thereof. I don't make any New Year's Resolutions any more. I never really got into them anyway because I could never think of any 'good ones' that I wanted to do. Yeah, yeah, 'save money', 'exercise', 'lose weight', 'learn ', 'travel', 'et cetera', but those typically didn't speak to me, or if I did decide to do something, I did it all wrong or in a way that I couldn't keep up for very long. For instance, if I decided I wanted to learn a new language, I would buy fifty textbooks on the subject. Or if I wanted to learn about, say, Python, I'd buy every Python book I could find. If I wanted to lose weight, I'd create an over-complicated spreadsheet that kept track of how many calories I ate, how many I lost by doing exercise, and then it would calculate how many ounces I would gain or lose in a day. Or if I decided to exercise more, I'd get a gym membership for a year, but only go three times a month for the first couple of months, then never show up again until the contract ran out. And I think part of that is just me (and even though I probably haven't met you, maybe it's you, too). Whenever I get started on a project that I'm really excited about, energy is really high, and I want to dive in and give it everything I've got. I want to absorb absolutely every bit of information that I can find on the subject, or if I find a new movie or game or book series that I want to get into, I want to go get all of them so I can watch/play/read them all from the beginning. And I do that, and I make some progress. For a while. Then, when it's not new any more, and I see that there's lots of work left to do, I sometimes just stop. And the big reason for that is not because there's lots of work left to do on it, even though that's what I try to tell myself, and it's not that I'm not seeing immediate results, either. No, the real reason is that trying to change habits is hard, and when I'm spending time doing New Thing(tm), I'm not doing the other things that I've forced myself to like doing over the years. For instance: Let's say that I decide that watch too much television (see also whatever your thing you think you do too much of) and I want to transition to reading books instead. So, for the first few nights, everything is great! I do my normal settling down routine at the end of another busy day, I sit down to read whatever book I've chosen, and I do that until whatever time I decide that I should stop and do something else, like going to bed or washing the chinchillas. Then, one night my Favorite Show(tm) has a new episode. So I watch it instead of reading the book that I was getting into. "I'll read it tomorrow night," I think to myself, "or maybe in the morning before work." But when tomorrow comes, I don't read it before work because I have too much to do to get ready to face the day. And when I get home, hey look! This Other Show(tm) is on, and it's a rerun, but it's a pretty good one, so I should probably watch that. Then, there's nothing I really want to watch for an hour, but then there's a special report that I've been dying to see, so I'll just watch this since it'd be foolish to turn off the television for an hour just to turn it back on again. I'll get back into that book on the weekend. Then the weekend rolls around, and, well, I have to run to the store and I have to cut the grass and I have to clean the house and I have to do laundry and I have hang the gutters and I have to till the fields and I have to do all this stuff. And by the end of the day, when I have a little time to pick up that book and read it... I dont'. I fall back into watching television again because it's easier. It's easier to continue doing the thing I've always done because I don't have to think about them. It takes no mental energy to go through the motions and my mental energy is just gone. Completely. The next night, I don't read the book because I don't feel like it. Yeah, it'd be nice, but I just don't want to tonight. Repeat the next night, and the next, and the next. And pretty soon, it's six months later and I can't remember the last time I cracked open my book and I can't figure out how I managed to go this long without reading when I made it my New Year's Resolution, and I bought all these books to read, but I barely made it a quarter of the way through the first one in six months, so now I feel even worse. That's the first problem: you only want to do the New Thing when you feel like it. The thing is that if you wait until you feel like it, you'll rarely ever feel like it, and when you finally *do* feel like it, you're so far behind that you practically have to start over from zero because you forgot everything/fell so far behind/et cetera, that you'll never get caught up. That makes it really easy to just give up because you're not making progress in it, so you must not be any good at it (even though if you did the thing long enough and regularly enough, you'd *get* good at it). So the first lesson that I learned: do every day, even if I don't feel like it. Second lesson: I just don't have the time. Of course, this is baloney. In my experience, I make the time for the things that are important to me. I can't speak for everyone in every circumstance, of course, but, in general, I've seen a lot of people who say that they don't have time to do because they have almost no free time, especially as they get older. They have jobs and kids and all of these other things that they just have to do every waking minute of the day. And, I have no doubt that there are people out there who wake up, immediately shower, immediately get dressed, immediately go to work, stay there all day working, come home, eat dinner, immediately go to bed, and then start it all over again the next day. But for a lot of people like me, who think they have less time than they really do, if they really look at the time that they have in a day, they have more than they think. Or, more accurately, they waste more time than they think. Using myself as an example again: I have to go to work most mornings at 9:00 AM. I would get up at 6:00, shower, dress, make and eat breakfast, feed the cat, and then catch up on the morning news before heading out the door. Then I'd go to work, come home around 6:00, make and eat dinner, feed the cat, watch the evening news, and then something on primetime television, feed the cat again (she eats a lot), and then go to bed. I lamented how I didn't have time to do things like write or work on my website(s) like I wanted to. After a while I looked at my schedule and made a spreadsheet. Did it really take me two-and-a-half hours to get ready to go to work? It does if I turn on the morning news and have it on in the background for an hour or so while I log into Facebook or and scroll around like a robot, not really doing anything until it's time to leave for work. Do I really not have time to do anything in the evenings, either? I don't if I want to watch a show that comes on an hour or more after the news and I just keep on watching because it wouldn't make sense to turn the television off an back on. After actually getting a good look at what I was doing, I decided that maybe I didn't have to keep the news on for an hour while they repeat everything anyway. And maybe I don't need to scroll around on some website reading comments about some fluff. Maybe I can start writing something every morning instead, whether I feel like it or not (which has resulted in around 400 personal journal entries so far, and a few blog entries (like this one!)). Everyone's different, though. But I'd be willing to bet (not money, but something else... like imaginary donuts) I'm not alone in this. I looked around and I found that I *was* making the time for things, just not the things that were important to me. I somehow didn't have time to play a game in my backlog, but I had the time to sit down and watch television for three hours. I didn't have time to update my blog, but I had time to scroll around on social media sites for an hour every morning, every evening, and every time I was bored for a couple of minutes. I'm not saying that one pursuit is better or worse than another. I'm just saying that if something is important enough to me, then I'll find time to do it. Yes, that means that I have to reduce the amount of time I devote to other things (sometimes down to zero minutes), but that also ensures that the things I am spending time on are the things that I actually want to spend time on, and not things that I just do because that's what I've always done and they're ingrained into my being. Third Lesson: I just try to do too much. If I set New Year's Resolutions, I overdo it. I say something like, "This year I'm going to lose weight, exercise more, learn BIND, learn a foreign language, and get all of the video games out of my backlog!". That's a good set of goals to have, but in order to make all of that happen at once, I have to take everything that I'm doing, and maybe carve out a few hours, as stated in Point Two, and try to figure out how to exercise, read a book, do some language drills, play a video game, all in two or three hours a day. That's setting myself up for failure. What's easier and better for me to do is to pick one or two things, work on them in the spare time that I carved out above, keep working on them until they become habits, *then* start working on the next one. Adjusting my schedule slowly enough that it doesn't feel like work, because if it feels like work, if I'm not getting paid, I'm not going to want to do it. See also: "It's not a race, it's a marathon," "Rome wasn't built in a day," or whatever your pet idiom is. Fourth Lesson: There's never a bad time to improve yourself. I think it's a trap to only make these life-changing promises on New Year's Day or right around there. I get it, the new year is symbolic of new beginnings, and et cetera, but if I decide that I want to eat healthier in June, why should I wait until January to do it? If I want to learn how to speak Portuguese in October, why should I waste two months before I get started? I'll do it now. As they say: Seize the fish! Fifth Lesson: It's not as fun/cool/exciting/interesting/et cetera as I thought it would be, but I already spent money on it. Ah, the old Sunk Cost Fallacy. It's easy to look at, say, someone who's somehow making living making videos of themselves playing video games all day and think that I could do that, and I get started. I buy some capture equipment and set up some editing software and get to streamin'. Only to find out after a few days/weeks/months/whatevers that I don't like it as much as I thought I would. Yeah, I'm playing video games, and I like video games, but now playing video games means that I have to work, where before it was just for fun. And I have to play something every day, even if I hate the game because I 'owe it' to my audience or whatever. Also, depending on the amount of success I achieve, I can't get sick since being sick means no new content and no new content means that I don't get paid. Plus, I bought all of this gear, and I have to get my money's worth out of it or it will go to waste. Or I bought a bassoon and started taking lessons. After a period I decided that this wasn't as fun as I thought it might be, and I don't like it. But I already paid for the lessons and bought this instrument, so I'm going to either complete the lessons and hate every minute of it, or I'll just stop showing up for them. I'll never get rid of the bassoon because I spent money on it, and it's hard to sell in this area and this market. It stays as a reminder of my past failures. So instead of ditching it and trying something that I might enjoy more, I keep it for the sole reason of: I spent money on it, and I don't want to waste the money that I have tied up in it, even though it's being wasted by just sitting there unused. I have to know when to cut my losses and move on. Maybe I wasted some money buying some piece of software that I ultimately barely used because it turned out that I hated trying to edit video. Maybe I bought a book on Lua but decided after getting a couple of chapters in that I didn't have any need to know it. Maybe I registered for a writing class, but it turned out that I didn't have as much of an interest in that kind of writing once I got started. If I keep going, I'll have a skill that I'll never use and it'll wither immediately, or if I do anything else, I'll maybe find something that I actually like to do. Of course this leads to the possibility that I'll endlessly try new things and never become an expert in any of them, but is that really so bad? Sixth Lesson: Work is hard. This, I think, is the big one. I want the results, but I don't want to do the work that it takes to get there. It's like moving to a new house. I want to live in the new house, but I don't want to pack up all my things and move them over there. I just want to go to sleep one day in the old house, and wake up the next in the new one with the moving all done. It's the same with New Year's Resolutions. I want to have already know PHP, but I don't want to read a book and build applications. I want to have already lost however much weight I want to lose without having to do all that diet and exercise. I want to already have $10,000 in my savings account without actually having to actually save a few bucks every day. And so on. I get it, kind of. Work *is* hard, and it's really tough to do work after working all day at our Real Job(tm) because at least your Real Job(tm) pays you sometimes, and your resolution work doesn't. At least not at first, and not in cash (usually). You put in 40 hours (or so) for your employer, and you can see something real. You put in another 20 (or so) into hitting the gym that week, and you won't see much of a change at all on the scale. Maybe not even for weeks or months. It's easy to get discouraged and just quit Seventh Lesson: Quitting is easy. Some things are hard. Some things are very hard. But quitting? That's one of the easiest things in the world to do. And, like I said in Lesson Five, sometimes I get into something and decide that I don't like it as much as I thought I would. But sometimes I get into something and I like it, but there's going to be some rough patches coming up. For instance, if I'm learning Spanish and I like it, but there's a lot of vocabulary that I need to memorize... well, maybe I just shouldn't even try. Or if I'm writing by blog and I've still got lots of ideas, but I just don't really want to write the next entry because it's probably going to be 4,000 words long and will probably involve lots of research, and blah blah blah... In those instances, it's easy to just quit and give up since the task is just too big or too tough or too something else. And in those instances, I have to decide if I really like the thing I'm trying to do or if I just think that I like the thing that I'm trying to do. If it's the former, I need to circle around and do other, related things, until I'm ready to tackle the Big Thing(tm) (or break the Big Thing(tm) down into a bunch of Smaller Things(tm)), but if it's the latter, then I need to seriously reconsider if I want to be able to do or if I just fell in love with the idea of doing and don't want to actually do it. Eighth Lesson: I don't have to answer to anyone. I don't make New Year's Resolutions any more. The last one I made several years ago was to no longer make any new resolutions, and it's the only one that I've actually kept. I also make decisions about trying new things and I don't announce them anywhere. Most of the time I don't tell my friends or family that I'm doing them, either. Telling the world that I'm going to start doing something or learning something or whatever plants a seed of expectation in them. That blossoms into some kind of bush that is part jealousy (oh, I wish I had the talent/time/motivation/something to do that, too!), part envy (oh, I wish I could program/get in shape/whatever, too!), and part expectation (oh, how is coming along? Let's see you perform!). And that's the thing. I have to look at who I'm doing this thing for. Unless my goal is to do something for someone else, then the only person I have to satisfy is myself. When I start something I do it on my own terms. When I decide that I need to quit, I can do that whenever I want. When I decide that I'm going to spend an entire weekend holed up in my house while I wrap my head around TCP/IP, then I can do that, too. I've discussed this with myself and we both decided that we're okay with it. Ninth Lesson: You can't force it. I know, this is going to kind of run counter to a few of the points that I made up there, but when I'm trying to make a change, I have to work at it to make that change stick. If I'm trying to learn how to play guitar and I'm not getting it and I'm not getting it and I'm not getting any better no matter how much I practice and it's getting frustrating and it's been a month and I'm just not progressing... maybe it's not for me. No matter how much I want to play the guitar, I just can't for whatever reason (disclaimer, I've never attempted to learn playing the guitar). Or maybe I'm writing a novel and I just can't seem to write believable dialog no matter how many days and weeks I try. Or maybe I'm trying to learn how to cook and for whatever reason I just can't seem to get anything more complicated than boiling an egg done correctly, even after following the recipe two or three dozen times. Whatever the reason, if it's not working for me, then it's not working for me. It's possible that I've hit a wall and need to power through, but it's also possible that I'm trying to do something I hate and my brain is sabotaging my efforts. Or that I just don't like it and I don't want to do it any more. Tenth Lesson: Don't try to be great at everything Maybe I'm not getting any better, but I've been doing this thing for months now, and I appear to have plateaued. I've taken something is as far as I can, and, yeah, with lots more practice I could probably be good at this thing, maybe even great, but if I'm happy being on the periphery then who cares? Of course, it might turn out that I'm both really great at the thing and I want to keep doing all I can to get better at it, but I might not have never have known that if I didn't quit doing the things that I didn't like and was bad at. Everyone's different, and I can't say what worked for me will work for anyone else. I want to end this before I get too preachy, so I'll just say this: I realized a long time ago that I can either do that thing I always wanted to do, I can take it out of my brain and make it real, or I can do nothing/the same routine every day until my funeral. One of those options is a lot more fun than the other. Last updated 30 Jan 2018.